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Host Walt

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  • Member Title
    Cruise Critic Host & Blue Ribbon Cruiser
  • Location
    Tarzana (San Fernando Valley), CA
  • Interests
    Classical Music, World Travel, Photography, Pro Tennis fan
  • Favorite Cruise Line(s)
    Windstar, HAL, Princess and Celebrity
  • Favorite Cruise Destination Or Port of Call
    Barcelona, Spain

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  1. Every cruise line has its own standards, styles, techniques, idiosyncrasies, traditions and other characteristics that are unique. It has been suggested that we set up a sticky thread for folks who are new to Holland America but not necessarily new cruisers. Contributions by folks who have sailed on other lines as well as on HAL would be appreciated. This thread is not intended to replace individual threads discussing specific issues. Rather it is intended to point out things that might be helpful to those who are cruising on Holland America for the first time. My favorite user manuals for computers and associated software are the "Dummies" series, so that's the title I chose for this thread. By the way, thus is not intended to replace the HAL Facts thread which has a different purpose. Here's a thread on the First Time Cruisers board that may give you some ideas...but make sure your posts are specific to HAL. "I wish I knew before..."
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