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Posts posted by AKR2011

  1. Thanks for another great review! Bummer about the internet. I have a couple thoughts on the theater. One is that they assume anyone using a phone is taking photos or recording. The other is that it could be seen as distracting to others if people have the bright lights of their phones on. It's super subjective, byt definitely possible. I did notice on The Pearl last summer that the staff were very vigilant about telling people to turn their phones off during shows. I didn't notice any rude staff per se, but I could see staff getting tired of telling people to turn off their phones and then reaching their breaking point. It's not an excuse, though, especially since it sounds like that tainted your entire experience. 


    Wishing you safe travels and hoping your next cruise is a little better. You posted the most amazing photos that made me really want to get to Alaska someday! Thank you again ❤️

  2. The captain moves fast out of NYC in cold weather. You shouid be off the coast of NC by your second day. Possibly chilly, but definitely beautiful and much warmer. I find it worse coming back north. That last sea day tends to be really cold, and we always seem to have rain as well.

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  3. What a great review! Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. I'm looking forward to The Breakaway next year. Reviews as of late have not been very favorable, so you give me hope. Bummer about Howl at the Moon, though. That was my favorite on The Escape years ago. Thank you again for your helpful review ❤️

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  4. Welcome back, Megan! It sounds like you are definitely in need of this vacation. Having a late 80s childhood myself, your summer sounds exhausting. My mom just let my brothers and me take off on our bikes all day or would bring us to the pool to hang out for hours. Then of course, there were hours playing Nintendo and watching talk shows and soap operas. Kids these days do so much during their summer breaks. Anyway, wishing you a wonderful vacation. I can't wait to follow you along on your adventure ❤️

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    • Thanks 1
  5. Not to hijack this thread too much, but I had super swollen ankles on my last cruise, and I drank lots of tap water. Someone mentioned to me that the filtration system that NCL uses caused the swollen ankles. Does anyone know if there's any truth to this? I don't have a TA that upgrades my drink package, but I am thinking about upgrading or getting a water package if needed.

  6. The Escape was a favorite of mine as well, but my second place actually goes to The Sun. She may be small, but the crew was my favorite. Brian Walters has been running that ship for many years, and I remember everyone being so friendly. There are so many positive reviews on here about The Sun too.

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