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Posts posted by JT747

  1. I have mostly been taking land vacations lately. I am going to Jamaica in 12 days to celebrate my 53rd birthday. I wanted to get back in to my college shape 185 lbs size 34 jeans. I don't know if I will make it.


    I did this once before on my 40th birthday. Since then I had gained it all back plus some. (total gain over the years 27 lbs) I topped out at 212 lbs in 2012. I have been trying to eat healthy, organic, and I modified my diet the last few years, but had not really set a goal. I lost 10 lbs and was pretty happy with myself.


    With this Jamaica trip coming I set a goal and have been working hard at it. I had forgotten how much I love working out and how well my body responds.

    Yes I am a man and have what I call "mantabolism" I know its not fair.


    Down to 189 lbs this morning .Only 4 lbs left to lose. But I leave for Jamaica in 12 days. I don't think I will make my goal but it is still within reach if I work hard enough.


    Getting in good shape is 80% nutrition and 20 % exercise and yes you have to do both. The 80 % nutrition its going to come down to will power. Can you walk away from the sugar, can you think of food as fuel. Your body is a machine and it needs the proper fuel to operate. It needs blood flow, oxygen, and energy to burn . To get all three you have to eat right, workout and even do the dreaded cardio so you can increase the blood and oxygen flowing to your muscles. If you are in good health you should try to get your heart rate up and hold it there for 45 minutes. 10 Minutes on the treadmill is not going to get it.


    I have chosen the elliptical as my cardio machine of choice. It has less impact on the joints. I do 45 minutes of hard cardio 6 days a week.


    Some muscles really need a break between workouts and some don't . You can pretty much do abs every day if you want. When working the bigger muscles they need a little more recovery. But while your legs are recovering you can still do cardio and ab work. Yes running is still using your legs but it is completely different from weight lifting and actually helps loosen my sore legs up


    I love lower body workout day. My favorite part is after the trainer says I am done. I am standing perfectly still but when I look at my legs they are visibly trembling. Then I go upstairs and run 5 miles anyway.



    Good luck, set a goal and work toward it. Nothing happens overnight. Try adding some weight lifting to your running goals if you want to see your body really change

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