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Everything posted by Middleager

  1. Your own words: "my expectation of a customer-focused company to offer at least a gesture of concern and acknowledgement. That could have been done without any further liability and would have gone a long way to soothing our feelings. Like I said, I do this sort of thing for a living - smooth ruffled feathers" You kept on talking about how NCL should've done these things, as if NCL did something wrong and owe you. Liability?!? You also said "We reboarded at 8:30 the next morning with just enough time to brush our teeth and catch our Halifax tour" So on the one hand you rushed to get back on board, brushed your teeth, and catch the next tour. You can rush, but you also expected NCL to soothing our feelings, and smooth ruffled feathers. Did you think about apologizing to NCL for missing the ship and causing extra work, rather than NCL needing to do something about your ruffled feathers? You also want coverage and compensation, for the extra expenses, for your own fault. You can say you're not playing the victim card, but people all can read between the lines.
  2. There have been lots of threads about this. But you can buy CF for $150 and get $300, or at times $250 to get $500. It's an easy $150-250 discount to your next cruise. There used to be a 4 year expiration but seems like they no longer expire. There had been times when NCL allowed double up, to use two CFs, or a CF and a CN (Cruise Next), when NCL was re-starting after Covid. I haven't seen such double up offers lately, so maybe they no longer offering that. At times NCL does offer double up of using two CNs.
  3. Does the Star have Starlink, and how's the internet speed? We're be on the Star in Dec. In the past, people could also send gmail emails, and the heading flashes in notifications. My wife have read gmail emails that way, just not open gmail text and definitely not any pics or attachments. That was another loophole without having to sign on and use your internet minutes. But also heard it was fixed (and maybe unfixed)..
  4. So sail away time was 4pm, meaning you were supposed to be back onboard by 3:30pm. Of course the ship needed to raise the gangway and get ready to sail away at 4pm. I never said you orchestrated being confused and missing the ship. I'm saying if you are covered and compensated for being at fault and missing the ship, then many people can also be covered for being at fault (confused with time or anything, being drunk, overslept, etc.) for missing the ship and incurred expenses. If the next port is many sea days and long distance away, that can mean a longer vacation at the last port or next port in Hawaii, Azores, Canary Islands, etc., instead of sea days, and get covered for the expenses for getting from last port to the next port.
  5. It's help to have Nexus. There are several credit cards that'll reimburse for your Nexus application fee, so one can take advantage of that.
  6. Car and home insurance are indeed covering your possible mistakes for burning down your home, or at fault accidents, but to a limit. If someone keep having house fires or keep getting into at fault accidents, we all know insurance companies have stopped taking on those clients. Trip/travel insurances can cover flight cancellations or delays, beyond your control, not your fault. We've had a transatlantic cruise that had 7 sea days, which became became 9 sea days due to a cancelled port. If someone missing the ship at the last port because they were at fault (confused with time, got drunk, overslept, and whatever reason they can find, not the ship's fault), and gets covered for the expenses of 9 days of hotel/meals, flights, that'd be really special. Please let us know if you get compensated, because you can teach all of us how to have long extra vacations (in Azores, Canary Islands, Hawaii), because we missed the ship's last port. And share that insurance company with us, so we can all get coverage for accidentally missing the boat.
  7. This is what you wrote. It can be read as you think NCL may be liable for more. But now you explain you are not saying NCL can be liable for more, good. But still doesn't mean some trip/travel insurance should cover your travel to get to the next port for your own fault in not knowing the correct time. This time is one rental car, next time could be expensive flights and other expenses for many people. Imagine if it's a transatlantic cruise where the next port is many thousand kilometers and several sea days away, and there're expenses for flights and hotels and meals, etc.
  8. Earlier on you talked about possible liability (of NCL) and now you talk about trip interruption coverage and hope to get the car rental bill paid. So you still think some other parties can be at fault and cover/compensate you financially. If the big car rental bill can be covered for someone's own fault for not getting on the ship on time, then the car/trip insurance rates will surely go way up for the public. NCL is not at fault for leaving on time. Yes they could've shown more sympathy, and at some time tried to contact you or your ememgency contacts, but NCL does not owe you anything financially, and not liable to you financially. The car rental company charged you just like any customer. Why would you think you can get financial coverage? You say you're a customer service professional. Ok.
  9. Air Canada prices are higher. An itinerary booked this year was $400 more than the same itinerary booked a year ago.
  10. As others had said, I would always set my watch or something to the ship's time. It's my own responsibility to know what the correct time is, and not pointing to some other incorrect time (car or wherever) that may confused me. We've sailed many times. On every cruise, there would be some ports where we'd hear the ship calling for a bunch of names, for them to contact the ship, near the all onboard time. This almost always continues past the time the ship leaves the port. That'd be some people missing the ship, or the ship think people are missing. More often it's people missing the ship. People miss the ship, all the time. That's a burden to the ship. If it was me missing the ship, and did whatever we had to to do reboard at the next port, I'd be apologetic. I wouldn't be expecting the ship to try to "sooth our feelings", "smooth ruffled feathers", or even think there'd be any further liability by the ship. Saying the ship may have further liability sounds like you do expect some compensation -- what exactly would you think that is. You say you're a customer service professional. Ok.
  11. We only became Sapphire and went to such a dinner once, late last year. There were actually 3 sets of tables, each one with 2 officers. It was in the smaller of the dining room (not MDR). We had 2 junior officers who didn't talk much. We probed a little and they did respond, but it didn't seem like they were that interested. We did still enjoy the dinner, as it was our first time, and learned how it was done. It was fun talking to other guests, but the place was noisy. There wasn't free photos.
  12. That's not good news. We sail from Lisbon on Dec. 5. Hope it's not affected. Two years ago we had a cruise ending in Lisbon. Due to port pilot strike, and maybe also a possible TAP airline strike, the cruise cut a port (or was it 2) stop, and got to Lisbon one day early. NCL rescheduled a lot of people to fly out one day early. I ended having to cancel a shore excursion for the cancelled port, and search to book for excursion for the one day we got to Lisbon early. With awful ship wifi, it was difficult and slow, and the ship didn't give us any extra wifi minutes. If those pilots strike often, Portugal will lose tourism business. I'll have to think again, before having more cruises involving Portugal ports.
  13. Do you have links for these tours? We'll be stopping in Tenerife, and looking for tours.
  14. Ah, just learned something today. Do book entertainment 21 days out. Would've be better if as Plat and up, to be able to book 26 days out. But at least now I know and just booked my calendar for 21 days before cruise.
  15. people don't need to get off the ship to go into HK though. Now cruisers are forced to disembark in HK.
  16. This is BAD. I would've be very upset. I wouldn't want to go to Hong Kong or any part of China. China kidnapped two Canadians, the two Michaels. So many people from Canada (and other parts of the world) are weary of going to China. This is not politics, just facts. NCL needs to let people cancel with full refund, and give people still going a big OBC. Hotel bookings, if not non-refundable, can be cancelled. But many people would've purchased flights out of Manila, and there can be a big cost to change, if changeable at all. We were on a South Africa cruise last year. Only after we got on the ship, we were notified the cruise would no longer be going to Durban. There were discussions and some people indicated they heard from local excursion operators knowing the ship wasn't going there many weeks before, but NCL did not let people know ahead of time.
  17. We just came back from Austria/Slovenia/Croatia. For the first week, it was 33c heat wave in Vienna. Then temps plunged. As we went to Slovenia and Croatia, it got cold, and rainy. A few days ago, it snowed around Salzburg. The guide said they never have temps like that in Sept., and never seen snow in Sept. there. Well, it did snow and the mountain peaks were covered in snow for several days. There were accidents on the highway, as most vehicles did not have winter tires, and we were stuck on the highway for hours. On Sun., 9/15, as we were going back to Vienna, there were sever flooding all over Vienna, and some highways into Vienna were closed. It took us many hours more to eventually get into Vienna late that night. On Mon. 9/16, there were severe wind and our flight was delayed out of Vienna. People in Vienna and Salzburg wouldn't have told us to pack winter clothing for early to mid-Sept. They never had snow, or rain like that. But it happened. At least people hear are letting you know it can be cold, or warm, for Oct. in Quebec.
  18. I used this CAA at Don Mills just a few weeks ago. No problem. Got my new passport. Costco used to be good, and the cheapest. Sadly they haven't been doing photos for many years.
  19. You started this thread about AC sale. But wanted to share experience of checking airfare booking through cruiseline (Princess, not AC) which uses Westjet (not AC). Ok.
  20. Those AC advertised sales have never provided any savings to us. Similarly for many people on flyertalk. One time I was following flights to west coast. Then came a AC advertised sale. None of the prices went down during the sale, and some even went up., Yes AC can say the prices are dynamic and can change any time. But those AC sales, were never any good to me.
  21. That's the first time hearing of this. What kind of cabin was this for?
  22. We've cruised 13 days and got 2 bags each. After using the coupon, just write Platinum on the bag. Or don't need to use the coupon at all, just write Platinum.
  23. So there is a MPC line different than regular line. What about the Nexus line?
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