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Posts posted by coolptnr

  1. 19 minutes ago, awestover89 said:


    I've been searching for a while and I can't find anything remotely resembling that being said. The only thing I can find about Cuomo saying regarding testing kits is that he's tired of waiting for the federal government to send the kits they needed so he was paying 20 local labs to develop kits so they could ramp up testing. That was from a conference yesterday afternoon. 


    You can't find it because I don't think he ever said it...I suspect Firefly 333 can't find it either.

  2. 11 minutes ago, A&L_Ont said:

    I am pointing out what America could have done smarter. If they wanted to make their own test, that’s great.  However they should have accepted what has been proven to start with, while they designed their own. Hind sight is 2020, but when you could see what was happening in China why would they decline what was proven at least in the beginning. 

    In the meantime the US government is wanting to have medical supplies to be US made.  Sure, why not.  Keep it in your economy. Just don’t make today that day, because you need them now and not 6 weeks from now.



    Completely agree with you on this. Valid data...that's the idea. The WORLD is in crisis right now...not just the US.

    • Like 3
  3. 2 minutes ago, flvol77 said:

    Yep - (Virgin also) but the three largest, Carnival Corp (overall) Royal and NCL are still sailing. 

    Doesn’t shock me, kind of figured the cruise industry overall would be the last to react. 


    I suspect they are doing everything they can to preserve cash. If people cancel and take future cruise credits (whether they can honor them or not, who knows...FCC are worthless if they go belly up), they can keep the cash. Serves them quite well...whether or not it serves you the riding public is another story.

  4. You do realize they will soon have plenty of kits?With money to be made producing these kits I am confident it won’t be too long before you can go to any CVS and pick one up.


    You do realize that the self described "stable genius"  said the same thing just last week. And clearly he was wrong. The US does not have nearly enough kits to remotely get to a "test on demand" status at your local CVS or other pharmacy. And if you have data to back up what you mean by "before too long", I'd love to see it.


    Heck, even his top health expert says the US is "failing" on testing. You don't fail if you have enough test kits...

    • Like 5
  5. So on another thread, a cruise scheduled for 3/17 was just cancelled by Celebrity...with "encouragement" from the Govt of India. Here is Celebrity's communication to its customers on the cruise. Its abbreviated...you can go to the original thread (its in the Celebrity Cruises board-readily available) if you want the full text, but the essence of it is captured here....



    We have just been advised that the Government of India will no longer allow entry to cruise ships. We have therefore made the difficult decision to cancel the Constellation voyage of 3/17/20. Up until today we did not intend to cancel this voyage, however, in an abundance of caution we feel this is the best decision for the health and safety of all. This decision was not made lightly as we value your vacation time and want to ensure you have the best experience possible on a Celebrity Cruise.


    In order to compensate you for this cancellation, all booked guests will receive a full refund to their original method of payment and a 25% Future Cruise Credit (FCC).



    I post this because there may be more than a few who would rather get their money returned to them, as opposed to relying on future cruise credit. It'll probably be more than a year before the corona virus challenge is under control. So that puts us at April 2021 at best.


    If you look at the availability of cruises post April 2021,  consider that you'll need to choose one that meets your preferences. Keep in mind you'll need to choose before December 31st 2021. So you really have about 8 months of cruises to choose from. That's not a lot...especially when you factor in your criteria: some family members can go, some can't. Some jobs will give you the time off, some won't. Some will have other limitations that will prohibit cruising during that period. There will be a lot of pressure to book these cruises before end of year 2021. Guaranteed some will get shut out...what if that's you? Are you happy? Wouldn't you rather have your money and be free to make your own choice, not faced with a deadline that could prove impossible to meet? I know I would...


    And consider this: Even if they do come up with a vaccine in the next 9-12-15 months, do you feel confident that it has been fully vetted?


    I'll get a flu shot in a minute(I've gotten one this year)...it has been tested and generally proven safe. But a brand new corona virus vaccine? Folks, we are the guinea pigs. We will determine whether it is safe or not. We are on the front lines...


    Something to consider...

  6. 1 minute ago, Teacher42 said:

    Dear cool,  I am not on trial here. The burden of proof lies elsewhere.

    YOU should understand that you should not make blanket statements about the hygiene habits of 500 people. You weren't there...you have no idea whether the 500 were practicing good hygiene or not. 

    • Like 1
  7. just tried to book this on line for Anthem and for some reason the system is not letting me complete the booking...not sure if its sold out or what the problem is...(yet when I tried the 4 night, the system would let me proceed with no problem--but I don't want a 4 nighter)


    Will they be offering the 3 night dining package on board? Would it be worthwhile to wait until then for an equivalent or better deal?


    Thanks in advance for the advice...



  8. We're considering the "we Will Rock you" show on Anthem OTS and we just discovered that the one we're looking to attend conflicts with the wine tasting event. They only listed 2 WWRY shows when we made the reservation, but I suspect there are others that are not showing up on the pick list. Assuming that we find another show that meets our schedule, do you really need to reserve, or can you just show up?





  9. You can try El Pais for another viewpoint...largely anti independence. They have an English version...


    Between El Pais, the Guardian, and El Nacionale.cat, you'll gain sufficient perspective on what's going on with respect to the independence movement...all in English.



  10. Is there a taxi or bus that one can take to Cala Comte? Cost? (from cruise terminal...or must one go into town first?)


    Also, is it worthwhile going to during the beginning of Oct with respect to climate, crowds etc.





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