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Posts posted by MCDW

  1. Not sure how other cruise lines handle but we did witness how Southwest Airlines handled an Emotional Support Animal issue when we were waiting for our post-cruise flight out of Ft. Lauderdale this summer.


    A women by us in the boarding area was very distraught. She had a dog, and her hands full, and had lost her phone. We offered to help her by calling her cell number and she located the missing phone. Once she calmed down, the gate agent came over and firmly explained that she would have to pay $95 to take her dog on the plane (which had an emotional support vest, special tag, leash and carrying case.) What she didn't have was a letter from a mental health professional or medical doctor who is treating the Customer's mental health-related disability stating what was needed to be stated. She had to get out her credit card and pay to take the dog on as a pet, as anyone else with a pet would. She was upset at all the money she had spent registering her dog online and buying all the "supplies" which the gate agent told her meant nothing to airlines.


    When we got home I was curious so I investigated - and Southwest has a very clear policy on it's website about "Trained Assistance Animals" and "Emotional Support Animals." See link here: https://www.southwest.com/html/customer-service/unique-travel-needs/customers-with-disabilities-pol.html#unique_travel_needs_allergies_disabilities_pol_tab_list_tab_10


    After reading this long thread, I was curious as to what Holland America had in writing on it's website. Here's what I found:


    Service animals are permitted on board Holland America Line ships. Guests may walk their animals on a service deck where a relief area, including padding such as sod or wood chips, can be constructed with advance notification. Also by advance request, the maitre d’ will arrange a convenient table in the dining room with space for the animal on the floor. Guests must supply their own pet food and make arrangements for quarantine papers and port clearances through their travel agent. Guests should be aware that many ports do not allow animals, including service animals, to disembark the ship.


    So true.....near the end of our TA in Oct,one of the Caribbean countries wanted $100. Just to bring Misty ashore to play ball on the grass. Each Caribbean country has its own rules. At least the EU has standardized the rules for service dog entry. Service dogs are not subject to quarantine subject to ensuring the proper paperwork is submitted and the dog has had a clean titter test

  2. Hi, I was one a TA in Oct/Nov this year. There were three yorkies on the ship. My spring TA had a pom dog in a stroller.


    To bring a dog on board, the passenger signs a form that says the passenger will be responsible for the behavior of the dog. The dog performs a task/tasks for the passenger and is a service dog as defined by ADA.


    I know, because I had 15 long cruises with my retired guide dog for the deaf and have completed 3 TA's in the last 1.5 years with my current guide dog. My guide school is a member of the International Federation of Guide Schools. The school breeds the dogs for alertness and disposition, they are trained for 1.5 to 2 years of age before the dog and future handler meet. The school selects the appropriate dog for the human partner. The dog is always the property of the school up to the retirement of the dog. The human partner must live and work with the dog at the school for weeks under the direct supervision of the trainers.


    Our school uses goldens/labs and standard poodles for blind and mostly standard and miniature poodles for deaf. The poodles are used if the client

    or a family member has allergies.


    Yes, people are buying certificates and service jackets on line. I am sure it is big business. In the USA, Canine Companions for Independence(CCI) is working to bring awareness about this fraudulent behavior. Don't know what anyone can do, unless the ADA is rewritten.


  3. i

    Oh my Misty girl .... You are just adorable! I was right, my hair had curls just like yours when I got soaked the other day, but yours are so much more beautiful .... I was kind of like a drowned rat!!! Colleen - I just adore her, your sweet girl :D

    Hope Oz is still enjoying his retirement! :)


    Aunty Roz - can you imagine what it's like having 3 labs worth of tumbleweed??? Honest to goodness I could stuff a cushion every day with the amount I sweep up!


    Darling Oz is having a grand retirement....but, he is having some mental confusion re potty.......the vet has him on ****** to hopefully clear the mental confusion.

  4. LOL!!! If only we can get past the lead in the mouth as soon as it's anywhere near her collar and then this wanting to pay tug games! I've read the "troubleshooting leaflets" they give you, but when you've got a determined Madame on the end of that lead and you don't want to drag her (or hurt her) and thereby encouraging the "fun" - it's hard to just ignore it in the hope she gets fed up! She's also very good at just suddenly sitting down - "that's it mum, I am going NO further"! And I get the look!


    We've also to learn to not look at the dog when we are walking them, no eye contact with them, and that's quite difficult to learn to do - look straight ahead, no looking down, so I got some might funny looks at the airport I can tell you as I'm talking and encouraging her all the time, looking straight ahead with no eye contact! Sound familiar? Hopefully I'm a fast learner too! LOL!


    We were only talking about next years holidays and now we have the same dilemma as you - we have to take puppies into account! that's if and I say IF we have another one! ;):D


    The whole thing about walking and not looking at the dog...just walk straight ahead, talk to the dog and praise for good behaviour.....A Funny....I was without a guide dog for one month between the retirement of darling Oz and going to school for little Misty.....I Was Talking Out Loud and No Dog Was There!! Darling Oz had walked by my side for 12 years. I am sure I looked funny and caught myself many times.

  5. Algebralovr; I love all stories about Service Dogs, thanks for sharing.


    Have you guys ever heard of me having to correct Brenda for being naughty? NEVER! :mad:


    Horton is such a character, and, I don't mean that in a good way. He came in this morning from our patio with something in his mouth......I knew he had gone out to go to the bathroom, he did, but, he stopped on his way back in to grab a plant out of a container and bring it into his bed [in the living room.] He tossed it around in the air, shook it and tried to kill it!!!! I walked over to him to see what he was destroying and, when I realized what it was I immediately asked him to "sit" and "give", he did and I took it away. I thanked him for giving it to me, waited a minute, showed it to him and said a BIG "NO!" He looked at me with his "what's your problem blondie" stare. And, then walked to the bedroom to get away from his Mommy Ogre!!!!


    Seriously, how bored does he have to be to be so dang destructive. He's got a basket filled to the brim with toys. I need to tire this boy out. :p


    Have you ever met a dog who thinks he's a comedian and enjoys stirring you up and watching everyone laugh and get excited about your reaction to him? It's Horton. :eek:


    When family and friends catch him doing one of his bad deeds and they laugh, he loves it! You can see it in his reaction, in his eyes, he even smiles!!!!


    I know what you are talking about. My darling retired Oz is 14 years old and a tad slow. The youngster Misty is 23 months old and has endless energy. She loves socks and underwear. My husband was sitting on the top step putting on his socks and Misty grabbed one sock and took off. I had my socks and underwear on one side of the bed and I was sitting on the other side taking off my makeup....all of a sudden, one sock disappeared, the other sock disappeared, the underwear disappeared. She is so fast when she runs, she looks like a blur.


    Oz loved the car window. He likes me driving at 40 klms an hour, not 50...the wind is too fast on his face.....30 klms an hour is too slow. If I go 30 or 50 klms an hour, he puts his head back in with a look that says "you should know better". Misty hasn't yet shown an interest in the car window.


    Misty is a licker and Oz never was. Its funny the difference in their personalities.

  6. Colleen, I checked the forum guidelines. I think it is permissible to provide info on a place you stay to recommend (but not names or links for travel agents.)


    I'd be very interested in your Rome recommendation. Any other tips? For example, how receptive are the restaurants and taxi drivers? I love Rome after three visits and would enjoy a return visit.


    Chris, google Trip Advisor for Navona Garden Suites or Navona Galley Suites.....one in the same.....check the pictures and you will see why I stay there. There is a secure garden where my retired guide dog for the deaf and now my current guide dog for the deaf can play.


    I have had no problem eating out with my guide dog in downtown Rome. Not sure about taxi drivers........I use a car service.

  7. Did anyone else see the article yesterday about an American plane that needed to make an emergency landing because of a service dog? Apparently the plane was flying from the mid-west to the west coast.


    The dog must have eaten something really, really bad or had a case of the nerves..........he/she had runny you know what three times in the aisle. The crew ran out of paper towels.


    The plane landed somewhere other than its original destination, the hasmat team came on board etc.


    The dog looked like a labadoodle with no jacket.

  8. Hello – another lurker here. I have been reading this forum because I have been lucky enough to have been accepted onto CCI’s waiting list for a service dog. We will be on a transatlantic cruise in November and I have been thinking that would be our last one because it would be too hard to take the dog with us. After I get the dog, we had planned on cruising closer to home.


    Questions for Colleen: Did you fly back from Rome with the dog? I thought an overseas flight might be too long for the dog. Also, where does Celebrity put the relief box? Did you have any trouble finding a hotel in Rome that would take the dog?


    Thanks so much - I have already learned so much from this forum. Dianne


    Hi Dianne - Total flights to/from Europe with my retired service dog and my current cutie are 14. I didn't feed either one the morning of the flight and limited the water. Both dogs always slept on the long haul flights. I gave water about 1/2 way though the flight if the nose was dry. Never an accident. Mind you, I rushed through Customs and Immigration and went outside for a quick pee...not me haha...


    Celebrity puts the "box" in a corridor that is in a work area for staff. Hardly any staff were ever there.


    Yes indeedy, Europe can be a tad challenging finding a place that accepts service dogs.....no laws there like we have in North America. Although most of the major hotel chains do allow service dogs. But, if you want to live more like a resident in the heart of Rome, you will need to do some research. Not sure if I can post the web address where I always stay. If it is ok, I will post the web address...........Does anyone know if it is OK?

  9. MCDW, I'm so glad Misty had a good crossing! Loved your details about the crew, the blanket at night, the other passengers. What a great bonding experience for your new dog.


    We love transatlantics and hope to take my new Hearing Dog on them in the coming years. In fact, we were booked for Celebrity this October from Rome back to Ft. Lauderdale before we knew the dog was joining us so soon, but we cancelled mainly because the pre-itinerary was complex and long. Taking a 9day Caribbean sailing instead as a test run later this year.


    Question - did you take Misty ashore? Was the paperwork difficult for those ports?


    Hi Chris, I am also on the Celebrity Reflection from Rome to Fort L., in October. Yes, Misty and I went ashore. All that was needed were the usual shots, a health certificate from our vet and an International health certificate signed off my our vet and the Government vet. The only issue is....from the time of the signatures you only have 10 days to make it to your first stop in Europe. There is a 10 day deadline. Once your dog has made the first stop in the EU, he/she is considered in the EU for the entire time up to 6 months. The rule Does Not Apply to the United Kingdom....there is a little more required to bring your dog there.


    Hope that is helpful......Colleen

  10. Colleen, welcome home! I'm so glad to hear that Misty did so well! I know that's a huge relief for you.


    What ship were you on? Tell us more about your cruise.


    We were on Celebrity Silhoutte and went from Fort L to Nice, Sicily, Sardinia, Gilbraltor then Rome for a week. The weather was picture perfect except for 1/2 day of rain and big hail.


    The staff were wonderful to me and so helpful. The passengers fell in love with Misty and I had offers of dog sitting, grooming etc. Of course, I didn't take them up on there offers, but it was lovely of them to volunteer.


    Every night the room steward made up my side of the bed and on the other side put Misty's blanket all squared off with her toys on top. So cute.


    I was so proud of Misty. She did really well in such a different environment. And, you know it was really good for us as a new Team. I was the only one she knew and we really bonded more. That was needed because I still love and miss working with little Oz.

  11. Hi All,


    Misty and I are back from our TA to Rome and had an amazing time. I love going to Rome each spring.


    This was Misty's first cruise and she did herself and her trainers so proud. Her only "challenge" was that the crew had put rabbit shavings in the relief box. She looked at me, with a look that said "you have to be kidding me."


    I saw there were bags of wood chips and asked that some be added to the box and then all was well.


    The night before we left for the cruise, Misty's trainers came to our hotel and put her through her tasks and she was dead on with each of them. My chest swelled with pride!!


    We have the next cruise booked from Rome to Fort L., via the Carribbean this October.


    Little Oz is enjoying his retirement to the Max.


    There was another dog on the ship. Not sure what he/she does because no one saw it out of it's pet carriage. It was a little white one and apparently very healthy.


    I tried attaching a picture of Misty, but for so reason I can't. Will try later.

  12. I was on this cruise too! The lady on the scooter's dog always had it's vest on and was very well behaved. Never saw a service vest on the dog in the stroller. We saw them several times and even in the main dining room.


    I am the one with the scooter with the "very well behaved" guide dog for the deaf. Thank you for your kind words about my guide dog for the deaf. I had 14 cruises with my newly retired guide dog for the deaf. But, this was Misty's first cruise and she sure did her school and trainers proud.


    We are from Canada and our guide/service dogs go through almost two years of training before being matched with their human partners. Our school is a member of the International Federation of Guide Schools. The same as your CCI...Canine Companions for Independence.


    FYI - before I boarded the ship I signed a form that I would not take Misty into the pool, hot tubs or on the lawn of the lawn club. Also that she would be under my control at all times, be well behaved etc.


    I did see the dog in the stroller many times and have no idea what that was about. I can't see that it could perform any work task when it was always seat belted into the stroller. But, that is just my opinion.

  13. Anyone heard from Colleen? Just wondering how she's getting on with Misty and how Oz is enjoying his retirement.


    Hope all is well with you Colleen, if you're lurking! :)


    This is the first time I have been on the Board in a couple of months....my bad!!


    Misty is now a joy.........key word "now." We went through a really rough month with her getting me up as early as 3:50am. Thank goodness we were down South and all I needed to do was grab my coat and flashlight...I was thinking kidney/bladder infection........It was terrible and then I would get her outside and she wouldn't/couldn't go. THEN, I googled about dogs needing to go out in the middle of the night....guess what I learned? Misty had me trained. She didn't need to go at all, she just wanted to wake me up to play. So, once I learned that I was "played", I ignored her and told her to go back to sleep.....we sleep in to 7:30am now. Funny Girl.


    We leave in two weeks for our TA to Rome and then a week in Rome.


    Little Oz is enjoying his retirement and we see him a lot. He is such a darling and so loved.


    I promise not to be such a stranger.


  14. Hi, Colleen, yes I am going to be on that Reflection cruise from Rome to Miami. Really excited to hear you and your guide dog for the deaf will also be on board!! I am looking forward to meeting you both in person. We love transatlantics so will be very interested to hear about your experiences traveling with your canine partner on board.


    There were three service dogs on our Celebrity Century Hawaii cruise in April. A young man in a wheelchair explained to us about the potty arrangements for his golden. On the last day, we sat next to a woman at breakfast with a seizure dog who told us the Honolulu authorities would not allow the dogs ashore, which seemed so odd for a US port.


    I've learned some already from reading this thread about cruising with a service dog, which has been very encouraging. Thanks to all of you for sharing your experiences.


    Hi Chris, well we will probably see each other. I am hard to miss, being with the guide dog. FYI - a titer test is needed for Hawaii, as it is rabies free. The Government vet came on board when we sailed to Hawaii, checked my last service dog and the paperwork, and we were then free to go anyway in Hawaii.


    My recently retired guide dog and I have done 6 TA's and loved each one. The last one on the Reflection in the spring.

  15. Hi Roz and all!


    I am waiting to hear if we are confirmed for the wait list. We had our home visit interview about six weeks ago. Sure would be a nice Christmas present to know. Then the real waiting (a year or longer) will begin.


    Meanwhile, we decided to plan a Europe trip for next October, returning on a Celebrity transatlantic, since we will be less inclined to do another one when we have our dog.


    Thanks so much for asking.


    Happy Christmas to all,



    Hey Chris, are you returning from Rome on your TA with Celebrity? I am too and I will have my Canadian guide dog for the deaf(HED). We graduated last month and it will be her second cruise. The first is a TA to Europe in April.






  16. Hi Honies, I'm home, again!

    It's over, it's done, it's complete and........drum roll please.......Horty got a 3 year Certification! For those who don't know, that's the BEST you can get! Horton rocked it! He was amazing. And, he truly stood-out to the trainers. He was the biggest, most handsome dog there, that day! Everyone just loved his attitude and his amazing looks! Not much bragging here!


    He stayed by my side, he picked-up stuff off the floor on the first command, he sat, laid down, stayed and heeled on command. He alerted when he was asked to, he opened a door, he pushed a drawer closed, he barked on my command, he had kibble thrown at him and all he did was look at the trainer and cock his head. They NEVER asked me to drop his leash [thank God!] And, thank goodness no one took their shoes off [or he would have stolen them immediately!]


    They took him to the play yard and watched him interact with other dogs and just play in general. He's so funny to watch.....there's a mural of dogs on the wall, at CCI, and Horton barked and hackled at it for at least 3 minutes......such a brave boy!!!!!


    I told them the story of Medford, Oregon and they were shocked! They said that part of their Certification to be a dog training Org. makes them guarantee that they will NOT train their dogs to "attack", "growl" or act in any negative way towards the general public. Making sure that our dogs are leashed, at all times, is the best guarantee to their safety. They're going to discuss it further.


    We are the keepers of these wonderful beings and it's truly our job to keep them safe everywhere we go with them.


    I hope that DKD is enjoying Davis and I wish everyone a wonderful weekend.


    I'm exhausted, I'm going to go take a nap!




    Love Misty and The Adorable Oz

  17. Colleen, Misty is just gorgeous, she looks like she has really long legs, although I know that she's quite little really! And what a clever girl, sounds like you two will be quite the team, and I'm happy for you that this is working out so well as I know that you were so worried before you went for your new dog.


    So glad Oz is enjoying his retirement - have Misty and Oz met yet?


    Oh yes, they play together and it is too funny.........Misty does all the running around and Oz does all the vocals........Misty races around Oz a zillion times and Oz voices his pleasure each time they come into contact....Oz loves play fighting and his eyes twinkle.

  18. Misty is coming along beautifully. We were doing Listening skills refresher yesterday and she was dead on. Then, last night I burned some garlic bread under the broiler and the fire alarm went off.......Misty bounced off my knee and then went in three circles and dropped to the ground.......exactly what she is suppose to do. Smart Girl.


    I take her to the vet next week for her check up to go to Florida with us for the winter. The vet will also insert the EU microchip for her trip to Europe in April.


    My darling Oz is loving his retirement, kicking back and just being a love, as always.:p


    Hope all is well in your world.....Colleen

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