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Everything posted by blag

  1. blag

    New website.

    April/May 2024 for me.
  2. blag

    New website.

    That doesn't seem to work for me. Tried in Firefox & Chrome in both android and Windows. Never mind... I don't have any more cruises booked in 2023.
  3. blag

    New website.

    I received it. I thought I would take a look at Shore Excursions, but (for me) the link in the letter does not go to any Shore Excursions. All I get is a list of sailings for 2023, but cannot progress beyond that. The sailing dates themselves do not seem to connect to any sailing! Am I alone in this, or are others able to see actual excursions? If not, it beggars belief. Being Machiavellian: maybe Ms Cabezas isn't popular with her staff and they are deliberately trying to sabotage things!
  4. blag

    New website.

    Tried the Forgotten Password link. The Seaware website still doesn't acknowledge any future cruises (or anything about me, for that matter), but searching by booking ref, surname, and date produces fully-populated cruise info (except OBC).
  5. blag

    New website.

    Yee-ha! That worked. Many thanks.
  6. blag

    New website.

    Thanks. That link worked, but the response I get is 'Unable to sign in'. Am I right in assuming that the username required is my Azamara account email address?
  7. blag

    New website.

    All I can see is blank (white) page.
  8. Don't book direct. Use a good TA!
  9. That's ironic, considering the post that prompted your comment! 😜
  10. blag

    New website.

    I opened the Azamara (.co.uk) web site for the first time since the 'transition' commenced all those weeks ago. I thought I had been extremely fortunate, because this is what I saw. I've obscured personal stuff etc. Everything was correct! But, hey, look at the lowest part of that page... Royal Caribbean 2023! All very bizarre, because the 'phone I am using is only a month or so old, and I regularly clear the cache (every two or three days). But, needless to say, when I try to log-in via the .com website, I cannot. I am told that I need to change my password. Ho-hum.
  11. Smoke and mirrors. I don't think Ms. Cabezas has a true grasp on reality, or is being mis-informed.
  12. blag

    New website.

    No screenshot...
  13. blag

    New website.

    The prices of what?
  14. blag

    New website.

    Here are the basics of what you’ll need to know: Look first at the “SETTORE” (sector) column for the word “TRASPORTI” (transport), which will indicate it’s impacting some form of transportation. Scan the “DATA” (date) column to see if any of them correspond to dates during your trip. Then look across at the “DOVE” (where) column to see if any of those strikes are impacting the place you’ll be on that date. Note that if you see the word “NAZIONALE” in that column, it means the whole country is affected. Finally, if you find a strike happening in the city you’ll be visiting, look at the “SCIOPERO” column to see precisely what transportation is on strike – it could be all trains, a certain station, just buses, or some combination of transportation. Click on the link in that column to get more details, including the duration of the strike (it could be anywhere from a few hours to a few days; they’re often 24 hours). Here is a more simplistic resource, in English.
  15. blag

    New website.

    Here. Not easy to navigate, and in Italian. It covers every 'sector'.
  16. Simple answer: Get the visa. Doing so avoids any possibility of problems.
  17. blag

    New website.

    We seem to be getting way off topic. What has the entertainment/entertainers and/or dining venues got to do with the 'New Website'?
  18. blag

    New website.

    Seriously? Current experience with 'bots' is invariably unsatisfactory. I don't share your optimism. I think many companies use 'bots' because they are less expensive than real people, irrespective of their effectiveness. IMHO there's a LONG' way to go.
  19. blag

    New website.

    Only if it's not a 'bot'. They are never effective for anything than the kind of issue that anyone with a positive IQ could manage with the benefit of a bit of research.
  20. blag

    New website.

    Are you suggesting that the prolonged problems with Azamara's website, and the lack of staff manning customer services are 'normal' and therefore justifiable?
  21. blag

    New website.

    But databases are designed to be interrogated. It's fundamental. Of course we don't know the underlying platform, but I don't think that it would have been difficult to generate a query to find all 'Azamara' bookings, and dump those data. This could have been done almost as soon as the purchase process commenced, and software engineers/programmers could then have processed the data, thereby avoiding the current SNAFU. It's all very well to say that these 'transitional' kind of problems are not uncommon, but, if so, awareness of this fact, surely, should warrant proper - and timely - preparation! I would speculate that Azamara prevaricated and that the suppliers of their new software were commissioned much too late. Neveryheless, what seems to be interesting is that the non-web (i.e. the native interface) seems to be more-or-less intact. That suggests to me that, in fact, the data itself is not at fault, but the process of building the 'front end' has gone extravagantly, hideously, wrong!
  22. blag

    New website.

    My bad. I didn't process the content of Riocca's post.
  23. blag

    New website.

    I can't help but wonder why would RCCL wouldn't be helpful to the purchaser if RCCL owns system it uses. If RCCL use a competitor (of Azamara's new system) maybe it's not RCCL who were not cooperative. But, nevertheless, if Azamara had undertaken the 'due diligence', this fiasco may not have been a surprise to Azamara.
  24. blag

    New website.

    I am not sure that you can deduce this from these numbers. Our cruise in March 2023 was #7187279. For an April 2024 cruise it's #4405478 Using your logic, Azamara lost over 2.5 million bookings between those cruises!
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