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Everything posted by patnlcc

  1. I’ve a bit of OBC for our upcoming cruise and I’d like to stock up on my favourite makeup. I know they sell Estée Lauder. Can anyone remind me of the other brands they stock?
  2. I’m very noise sensitive so we take a travel size white noise machine with us. It is an absolute godsend and it takes up very little space.
  3. If you’re a Seabourn first-timer and sailing before April 14th 2024, I have a referral coupon which you’re welcome to have. Please email me pat.marwick@ntlworld.com
  4. Thnx, Nancy, we’re not best pleased! We’re platinum members and we weren’t even asked if we want to move. Will be phoning them tomorrow. I’ve also heard that the dragging of pool loungers on the pool deck right above deck 8 can be very annoying first thing in the morning.
  5. We booked 545 when we made our reservation. Have just checked our final documents online and see we’ve been changed to 851. Have had a look at the deck plan and it seems to have a small balcony. We love spending time on the balcony. Any thoughts?
  6. Thanks, Ann, yes a crazy amount of time to wait for a response from Seabourn. Enjoy your cruise too. P xx
  7. I finally got a response on 28 March.
  8. Yes, two to the CCL email and one to guest services.
  9. Thought you might like to know. I’m STILL waiting for a response. First email to Seabourn was dated 9 February.
  10. Just updating you. I forwarded the two CCLshareholder…. Emails to GuestServices@seabourn.com - told them I’d emailed twice and got no response. They came back with the generic ‘busy busy’ email saying they’ll get back to me. Still waiting!
  11. Thnx, Ann and jsiegel. I’ll give it another week and try again. I’ve asked for previous cruises and they’ve responded very quickly.
  12. I’ve emailed Carnival/Seabourn twice in the last couple of weeks to request the appropriate OBC for our upcoming Seabourn cruise. I’ve heard nothing. Does anyone know if they’ve changed their email address? I’ve been using CCLshareholderSBN@seabourn.com
  13. We gave a $400 referral voucher to a couple who used it back in January 2020. We are due to sail next month so I’ve asked Seabourn for our onboard credit for this. Does anyone know if they’ll give us $400 or will it be the reduced amount of $250?
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