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Everything posted by Jamesatgsu

  1. My sons are always in different age groups, due to being 2.5 years apart, and we don't cruise in the time where there is a 2 year gap instead of 3. The first time they actually ended up being combined because the cruise combined the Sharks and Stingrays, which worked out great. Since then my oldest has been in Circle C and my younger son a shark. We board Sunday for the first time having the Circle C and O2 split as they are 12 & 15. To me it has been a non-issue as both kids make their own friends onboard and don't need to socialize with each other most of the time. And I find that they actually spend most of their time outside the clubs doing other things onboard.
  2. I think that is same as before. Hopefully get an early slot and it doesn't matter. I plan to show up at 10am regardless of my arrival time.
  3. At checkout it showed more than 10 available.
  4. Or make you check-in again if you cancelled. I will be checking in on it for my December 18th cruise. I plan to buy, but if I don't get real priority boarding, I will cancel it. We do have a tender port, but are considering an excursion that may make that not worth anything.
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