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Everything posted by LobsterStalker

  1. For anyone that falls into your category , clearly you will do ok with it .... That is assuming you continue to be fortunate enough to get those times. At the very least they need to change the name to something believable... My time dining is a fairy tale and does not exist . Maybe change to TTD? Their Time Dining ... just a thought. If RCI could pull it off as I experienced NCL's Freestyle ... I would choose it in a heartbeat . As it truly was as advertised . Picked a time each day when we felt like eating ( and it could be different time each night ) , requested same waiter , and never waited more than 5 minutes or so ! The flexibility and freedom was Awesome ! >>> Start listening RCI !! Cheers
  2. Not quite understanding why that question was directed to me or how your cruising history relates to anything you are quoting me on , unless I am misreading something we are in agreement.. RCI's current dining structure is an Embarrassment ! Cheers
  3. We were on Wonder last month It was an evening show Cheers
  4. You definitely missed the mark on the not sounding like you are bragging thing ! Cheers
  5. Also forgot to add my follow up question... What makes you think that is safe to say ? At this point nothing would surprise me . I could certainly even see them consider changing to a Freestyle concept on certain ships that cater more to the family demographic , and reverting the rest back to Traditional. Nothing is out of the question Cheers
  6. Firstly , Norwegian , in my estimation at least , would be RCI's most direct competition . There are a LOT of cruisers who prefer their Freestyle alternative rather than traditional, especially among the younger family demographic. It seems to me that RCI in an attempt to capture more of that demographic wants to have a non traditional option available . And to my original point , without going all in on it , it seemed to me that implementing it without going all in (trying to run too many systems at once ) is proving to not work as well. That being said , I am learning on here that it has worked much better in the past , so my theory may be off somewhat . I would be very interested to hear insights from those who have seen it work well , as to what they changed and how they have managed to screw this up as ROYALly as they have , Because it is in a pathetic state at present ! Cheers
  7. I don't think your situation addresses the biggest issue many have . If you are ok with that time then it works for you. My situation as follows has turned out horribly last 3 cruises.. Prefer to eat at 6 PM at latest They confirm Early for us on all 3 cruises We arrive and are told we have no table at all We are then left with dining times of 7:30 or later to choose from . ...And hoards of passengers waiting in line on boarding day to 'Beg and Plead' , (even saw 1 woman cry) , to get a table Whole system presently in shambles ,..it's inexcusable !
  8. And scratch my above response ... Lol Then again same follow up question , just different reason... Why would they not change back to a proven system , when new system is clearly a $hitshow ?
  9. If this is the case , and MTD has been proven to work effectively in the past , can anyone hazard a guess to why Royal would not revert back to that working model ?
  10. And it is my belief that there is a long term strategy to have more people steered toward specialty dining options , and therefore the entire main dining experience would continue to go downhill
  11. Disappointed , as we are just turning D I hoped stsus might matter
  12. 100 ml or 1 ml ...It brought up a lot of nasty images that I previously had not considered before. I'm not sure how to move forward
  13. Agreed Which leads to a comment I made earlier that if they so choose , they (could) gradually start changing the way they implement the policy to suit their needs . And despite what someone replied to the contrary , that 'would' be a lot easier for them to get away with than an all out policy change to an issue as big as this . Cheers
  14. I can jump to the "other side " for a moment to tell you what this means . It means exactly as you think it means .( Cruise Points clearly will remain the same) But you are not acknowledging that 'cruise points' and 'tier status' could be 2 different things. This whole debate is not about Cruise Points It is about Tier Status
  15. Not at all saying you are wrong , but is it you that is clarifying this or Royal or someone else ? And if it was Clear , then why would it need to be Clarified ?
  16. Picture vindictive X wife video taping herself burning tickets 1 by 1 with an evil laugh !
  17. I am disappointed at that last statement . I have felt this was a rare healthy debate on here , and noone has turned it into rudeness . There is always a point to debate . I have actually learned a lot over the course of this thread , and have quite enjoyed the banter . Cheers
  18. I believe This is the first time I have seen you reference that maybe the policy could be interpreted differently . Most on here who are in disagreement with you , myself included , are not disagreeing about how it has been implemented in the past , I think that is clear . Instead , speaking for myself , and I believe for others,I am saying maybe the policy itself has always been different from the implementation . Leaving things vague , can often be done intentionally leaving room to change the way you actually enforce a rule ...without actually changing the 'policy'
  19. Lol.. You can have the house and the dog , But I'm keeping the D+ status !
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