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Everything posted by ano

  1. I have no idea on this offer, but you might want to be cautious of NewEgg. It used to be a good company but was sold to a different company and it went downhill fast. https://www.consumeraffairs.com/computers/newegg.html Buy at your own risk.
  2. Carnival stock is the same price per share as it was in 1996. Too bad cruise costs aren't.
  3. If dividends were less than $10 a year total, the IRS does not require that you report it.
  4. Carnival stock is currently the same price as it was in March of 1997. Just saying.
  5. Yeah they have these great midnight buffet's they spend hours making with ice sculptures and sometimes they let you see it an hour before and people wait in line just to see it and... oh wait, I think I'm having a flashback. Nevermind.
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