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Everything posted by KATHYMAC68

  1. Yes. I booked directly online on their website.
  2. Sounds easy enough! Lol Thank you
  3. I booked an all inclusive day pass at Breezes. $80 food and drinks included. I trying to get info on the taxis and pricing to get there. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. How easy is it to get a taxi right off the ship in Nassau? Are they safe? We have a day pass at Breezes. Any idea on price also? TY
  5. We were on Adventure for a B2B this past October. Does anyone know who the comedian was on that ship? Or how I can find out? TIA
  6. We are at our last port today. St John. We’re doing the trolley tour. I actually didn’t care for those donuts at Holy Donut. A little dry to me.
  7. We just went to the Side St Cafe. Blueberry Pie was delicious! Didnt care for the lobster though.
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