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Everything posted by Nana_w

  1. We’ve flown out of Ft. Lauderdale many times after a cruise and our flights have always been between 9:15AM -10:30AM. We both have Clear TSA Precheck and never had a problem. However, we are also aware that there’s always a possibility of not making the flight. It doesn’t concern us because we are flying to Atlanta and there are many flights every day. We usually only have carry-on luggage but we have also done this with checked baggage.
  2. We booked an Aqua guarantee for our July cruise and it was assigned today.
  3. In June I booked a NRD cruise and then about a week later found that a much better deal was available via a TA group rate. Transferring the booking to the TA was possible, but at the booked price (not the lower group rate). To get the group rate, I transferred the booking, the TA cancelled it, requested an FCC for the $900 NDR, and then rebooked with the group rate. When the FCC was issued (minus $200 for a cancellation fee) the TA applied it to the booking. The savings was significant and included additional perks so the loss of $200 was well worth it. This was my experience but it was a few months ago so I'm not sure if it would work now.
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