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Everything posted by Izena

  1. I hope everyone who is cruising is having a great time. Walk the decks snack from Lido deck. Walk again and repeat. I’m back to the middle of my range. Certainly appreciate everyone on the board. I struggle every day to stay on diet without any sweets and limited carbs. I try very hard not to even bring it into the house once I get a taste I will eat it until it’s all gone. To the casual readers. Most of the contributors on this site are frequent cruisers several will do B2B2B’s . I prefer week cruises so I can see my dog.
  2. Jan I’m so sorry about Molly yes she no longer uncomfortable and will enjoy her friends across the rainbow bridge. Jan I agree maintaining weight is hard. I drive myself crazy. I’m thinking about doing curbside groceries - I can’t always resist the candy, cookies sweets , also can’t ration I will eat it all in a day. I need this site at least I weigh every week and the gains don’t get out of hand. Have a great cruise.
  3. Very quiet here. Lots of peeping toms but no one brave enough to commit to a healthy life style. Folks obesity affects the rest of your life . Your choice. it took me 20 years and a health scare but I finally did it. I’m the healthiest of my adult life - able to enjoy myself. Don’t have to worry about stairs. Length of walks., no need for prescriptions meds. Glad I lost the weight but it will be a life long journey to maintain it.
  4. Do you get 1099 on all large wins even in international waters? Just curious. Jan sorry your dog is I’ll. My dog will be 15 in Feb. in great shape still walking 3-5 miles a day with me. I always cringe when I leave him - dog sitters have instructions for all possible events. jan where is your cruise - someplace warm I hope.
  5. Just returned . I joined family 12 of us. I booked late and prefer balcony cabins. Ended up on deck 7 the last side aft cabin. I thought it would be awful if had rough seas. I was pleasantly surprised. We had rough stormy seas for first 2 days - couldn’t walk down Hal’s without bouncing from side to side. My room was awesome didn’t move noticeably more than mid ship. Also it’s quieter very few people walk past my cabin. room stewards were great. Dining experience in Reflections was a disappointment . Obviously very understaffed. Had 2 waiters no busboys. Service was VERY slow. Food was mediocre chicken was either dry over cooked or raw. Caesar salad had no taste. Serving sizes small ( we could order more). Getting dependable or anyone to work nowadays is very difficult. We had early dining and we’re unable to get to child appropriate shows . yes the cruise was completely booked. Lots of kids. I’m retired and prefer quiet - there were plenty of areas for me enjoy the cruise the ship has something for everyone. Of course I will cruise with carnival again.
  6. Belle thanks for starting us off this week. I am happy to say I’ve maintained my weight in range. I definitely need this site to stay on the straight band narrow. Will be on this site as long as I live. I wish the people who just view would be brave enough to join. The is NO judging, or criticism, Just encouragement. Belle wow a royal flush. And $2000. I only gambled the first night too crowded and machines weren’t paying. Lost my weeks limit.
  7. Got home yesterday. Afraid but weighed this am and I stayed the same. I ate what I want including sweets. I did walk my deck every morning and took the stairs . I was on 7 lido was 10 everyone else was on 11 averaged 20 - 30 flights a day and got in 4-7 miles a day. First 2 at see days were rough rough water big swells. I didn’t walk much those days everyone looked like drunken sailors. I always take Dramamine , also brought 4 sets of wrist. Bands that I shared with the group. there were staffing issues in main dining room — food quality and taste was mediocre- must have been a new chef and budget cuts. glad everyone is doingwell Belle you sure have alot of remodeling planned. Nice your son can supervise while your gone. I will be happy to start the weekly thread. My next cruise isn’t t until Feb. Jo your wt is stable . Jan down 2lbs is great. Where are you cruising? im thankful that I live in a port city. Only a hour drive. Only issue is mostly same ports in the Caribbean. But nice just to get out of town. Next year I have two leaving out of Seattle haven’t check flights yet. susan and Ombud must be sailing.
  8. Katie thanks for starting thread. Great loss for you. 12 weeks to lose 10 lbs I hint you can do it or get close. If nothing else you are focused and motivated. Which should get you through the holiday without a gain. I didn’t weigh been bad week. I’ve been stressing about the thanksgiving cruise my 35 year ex, is paying for our 2 sons and their families and his wife’s 2 daughters families- they were very gracious for inviting me to join them ( my expense) got together with the group - minus the DIL- in the spring. The DIL is the problem. I will only need to see her at meals. Only seen my ex 2 x since divorce but the visits go well (I love his wife she and I get along wonderfully.) biggest stress this week has been the stray dog. Have been using nextdoor site to put out his picture and coordinate carrying for him. He looks like an Argentina dogs. Stayed in same area for over a week. He owner sent me a msg - I was skeptical and cautious wanting to protect this dog. It WAS his owner they located him and took him home - he never got closer than 10 feet to the rest of us - I got pictures of him after got home he looked so happy. cruise on Saturday out of Galveston which is only an hour away. Starting to pack.
  9. Tempting foods have all been eaten and no more being brought into the house. I plan on doing a lot of walking on the cruise my cabin is last balcony aft and my Tx son is several decks higher fwd. will try to walk promenade if that doesn’t work will start with my deck and work my way up to the lido deck. still feeding the stray I think he is a bull mastiff. Very sad thing is there is a female who looks identical who was dumped about a mile away from where he is. It’s cold today with heavy storms predicted. He should be Kay he’s hiding place is in dense underbrush.
  10. I’m munching more. I think stressing about the thanksgiving cruise, usually travel with Houston son and granddaughter which we travel well together. This cruise also includes son and family from TN. Also my x his wife and her two daighters families. Total 14. Don’t get along with TN DIL. Just need to stop snacking. Have a distraction this week trying to get a dog that was dumped in the woods to trust us and then have a rescue group to capture him and find him a good home. He looks like a pit bull boxer mix - very traumatized in 3 days he’s gotten to trust me enough I can get within feet of him - no attempts to touch him. He’ll have to make that move on his own. Have met some lovely people who are also looking after him.
  11. Good morning everyone. Foggy this morning 67. Expecting a cold front tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well. Glad elections are over - was hoping for new faces but got the same trouble makers. Glad I’m over 65 and my home value is frozen at 2014 value. Just wish retirees did have to pay school taxes. Time to think about Holidays. I don’t do any decorating or baking which helps. ( stopped decorating in late 80s I’d get all excited and at the last minute the boys would go to their dads and I’d be left alone) I hope everyone has their eating in control and figured out strategies to get through the temptations. im in the middle of my range. Which I’m not happy about. For longest is was at the bottom (123) which was weight when had both tummy tuck surgeries. I fanatasized about getting to 120 never lost an ounce . Oh well fit into all my clothes. I’m really having issues with sweets and salty foods and Jazzper has been slowing down not walking as far - I’ll have to start solo neighborhood walks.
  12. Hello everyone. YAY ASTROS World Series win. For everyone who is just reading posts. If you are serious about your weight this is the site - it works best if you participate. It’s the friendship and accountability. Yes when I joined I had started losing due to a health scare. It was the support that kept me going. This is a lifelong journey. It took me about 18 months of walking and counting calories. I’ve been maintaining for 15 months. I used a 5 lb range for maintainence. My sugar addiction is back. I’m now at the top of my range because I thought I could control the sugar consumption. Well I can’t. I’m not discouraged but realistic- this will be a lifelong struggle. Because of this group of wonderful people, I feel I can get back on track. everyone has different issues, temptations and goals. With support and the accountability I can keep this as a 5 lb gain to work off. I don’t have local support many of my friends are 50 + lbs overweight and negative nellies concerning wt loss.
  13. Need to drive suv more have had it 17 months and have 2000 miles. Went to drive it yesterday and battery was dead LOL used the roadside service I got — just to test it out in a none emergency - worked great. Just need to drive it weekly. Congrads JAN 🔔 Jo sorry about your knee. I buy insurance for trips when out of country - never know when this old body is going to Fall apart. I keep traditional Medicare which covers in all of US so don’t have to worry about being out of network. Great such a small gain for limited mobility. Belle nice to hear from you. Ombud. Weather has been great for walking and yard work. HOUSTON is full of activity. ASTRO,S are in the World Series score 3-2 our favor if they win tonight they win the series.
  14. Good morning everyone. Hope youve had a good week. I’ve been struggling with sugar cravings bought 6 six bags of Halloween candy and ate 3 in a week. Obviously an addiction because I’m hiding the wrappers.. I’m exhausted with all the spam calls, emails, and text messages - selling Medicare , buying my house, vote, school loans(would be pretty sad if I still had loans haven’t been in school since 1983) politics etc i m in the middle of my range which really surprised me this morning. Still walking and working on the yard - clearing and leveling a flower bed for grass in the spring too sunny for flowers. Would like to see some of the people who just read our posts join in. This is a great site for getting ready for cruises,
  15. Jan yay on last week of radiation. If you can, go braless - or get a jockey front closure bra a size or two larger for comfort. Great your same as September. Ombud scales the same. 1/2 inch is nominal- just bloating. I thank this group for keeping me on track and maintenance. I could easily slip back into old ways. everyone have a great safe weekend
  16. Last weigh in for October. Be strong don’t be tempted by the candy sales. I was buying groceries and found my self massaging bags of candy thinking which ones would be great to take on my thanksgiving cruise — I was strong and didn’t buy any. Its 47 degrees this morning, have my fleece sweatpants on ready to go for a walk. I’m in the middle of my range. I actually never lost an ounce from my tummy tuck surgeries - I am pleased with the results. ( I had thought I would drop my range from 123-128 to 120-125) when I joined this forum I started on small goals first one to get to onederland ie gets out of the 200’S. Susan good to hear from you. Ombud glad it’s only minor smoke damage . it’s nice that everyone is cruising . I have a thanksgiving cruise - will be with both sons, grandchildren, my x and his wife’s daughters and granddaughter. Goal of 14.
  17. I’m feeling VERY BLESSED to have my son here with me. Saw 2 women I had not seen in months one for 2 years at dog park. Both had sons die this year, one an unintentional overdose and one died suddenly in the shower. Every day we are alive, independent, have friends and family, we are very very fortunate. weather is starting to cool a bit. Nice walking weather.
  18. Welcome Katie. Belle happy birthday. So frustrating when internet down. I really don’t think anyone noticed I was late. I like that everyone is relaxed. Ombud by the third day I was done with the ups and downs. Did find some trails but area is very rocky which makes me nervous. Southern Texas is very flat enough so the JOHN Denver mentioned it at his Corpus Christi concert ( which I think was his last ) . Jazzper is glad to be home and flat trails. Jan I think your doing great. You sound like me weight is variable that’s why I’m content with my 5 lb range . I hope your treatments are running smoothly.
  19. Just got back from Eureka Springs, Ark. Had a great time. Lots of walking steep inclines/declines many between 30-45 degrees. Jazzper needed to be carried the last night he just said no more. Didn’t eat horribly but not good either. Will check wt next week. I hope all are doing great.
  20. Weighed this am delighted I’m same since last weigh in which is in middle of my range. I think my continued walks keep me in check. Had funny dream last night - involved JAZZPER in the dream I noticed he had fleas then he wandered up a hill next thing I know he’s humping a small reindeer LOL Ombud great loss.
  21. Good morning Belle and Jan. Belle nice surprise to see you today. Just got back from Walmart. Cruised the candy isle - didn’t buy any. Did buy a pack of 6 miniature donuts. leave Sunday on a road trip to ozarks with my son. I’m truly enjoying his company. Taking advantage of him willing to travel with me. Haven’t weighed still focusing on recovery. Still walking lots. A neighborhood dog has joined us twice (I’ve named him Butch he is calm doesn’t seem to want to be touched , I think he just likes the company )
  22. Jan yay almost half way through radiation. When I had mine 30+ years ago it wasn’t bad because I did it right after work and wasn’t too far away so no real interruption in my daily schedule. I think I would get tired of going if I had to break up my day ( not that I’m doing anything.LOL) 0.6 not too bad of again basically staying the same. saw plastic surgeon yesterday. ( had sent a text msg and photo to nurse - stating I felt ignored and needed issues addressed ) drain removed been in 4 weeks still draining, sutures removed from 3 small areas, blood clot evacuated. Puckered incision the edges are super sensitive , he said will go away in time my reply was I doubted that. Nurse reminded me that I was still on light activity ( I wasn’t going to mention I’m taking 3 mile walks every morning. - walking with Jazzper IS light activity , he has to sniff everywhere.) Weather has been awesome.
  23. I thank everyone for their comments. Advice has been iawesome. I’ve been thinking about a SS Galapagos cruise in 2025. Found the door to door enticing since I’m a Nervous Nelly when it come to airports etc. I have a CC who provided some info. I know now I need to be specific on air travel, ie a nonstop flight which shouldn’t be a problem since I’m in Houston.
  24. Ombud looks like you are shooting for under 10000 calories. Does that work for you.? Drink lots of water, limit salt intake, watch out for white carbs ( rice, potatoes, bread). I use an MYNETDIARY app to keep track of calories. Good luck. Jazzper and I walked abt 3.5 miles this am. Had to carry him about 1/3 mile - he kept stopping or wanting to go a different direction luckily he only weighs 15 lbs. weather has been awesome.
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