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Everything posted by cruisingguy007

  1. Can't go anywhere: https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/news/2022/10/04/state-department-travel-advisory-violence/8179510001/
  2. Don't forget to add mass corruption since people like to point that one out for Mexico but conveniently forget we have plenty right here in the good ol USA. I was literally just reading a story about a LAPD officer who was taken out by his own in an "accident" in fact. We tend to see ourselves through rose colored glasses because we're comfortable/familiar with our own problems. Tourists areas in Mexico are probably safer than many big metro areas here in the USA. If it were so bad, so many folks wouldn't be moving to Mexico from the USA. It's gotten so bad that some will soon be demanding to build a wall to keep the gringos out. 😁
  3. Nope, not even in my top five, I'm much more worried about catching a cold, flu, covid, legionnaires or noro than I am violence is Mexico. Once you understand it, you'll realize that it doesn't concern you, you aren't the target, and that they don't want the backlash of harming tourists, especially cruise tourists, who will cause an international incident and bring a ton of scrutiny/bad coverage. They don't want that black eye and forcing the governments hand to respond because of pressure/embarrassment. Dead tourists isn't a good look. Stick to cruise line excursions if it makes you feel better but press on, plenty of dangerous places right here in America.
  4. Interesting. It's very strange, it's not even listed on this particular cruise and when I search for it, it pops up, but when I try to add it to the cart it says "invalid product" in red. Can't tell if it's sold out or if they are just not doing it. I guess I'll just keep checking back.
  5. It's very nice being disconnected, it makes you focus on the cruise instead of constantly checking useless websites/videos/social media. Going without it will make you realize just how much most rely on their phones as a fidget device lol. I've never bought it once and won't, it's such a time suck. Congrats on breaking free lol.
  6. Thanks for the observations, Serenity was a madhouse on our recent Miracle trip as well. I also seen some behavior of some groups trying to use their own speakers and being told they couldn't but ignoring staff, also some vaping & pot use back there and folks drinking and carrying on. I actually like a party atmosphere so it was fine by me and solidifies that Carnival is my kind of cruise lol but I can see how others may like a more subdued option. I suspect I may too when I get a little longer in the tooth but I'm trying to squeeze out every last drop of fun out until then 🙂. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Is the Chefs table back on Carnival or still shutdown? If so, when does the option open up? I don't see it as an option and I'm not sure if it's just not available or is sold out, cruise is over 100 days away still.
  8. It was reported in the earnings call that the European cruise market is still soft, while the North America market is booming. Not sure there would be a need for it, expanding the North American market seems to be where the money is.
  9. I think that would actually qualify as a "unique thank-you ritual". 😁
  10. Been on two since the restart and have two more scheduled, honestly, it feels like cruises haven't changed much, well besides all the staff masked up. I did avoid comedy shows, theater shows and other crowded indoor spaces, never wore a mask and made it home covid free each time. It felt like normal cruising and one can be as free or make it as close to normal as one wants or is willing to risk. I'll be sticking to warm locations and spending most of my time outside, I think that's the big key to avoiding catching the covid. Some cutbacks/staffing issues have been noticeable but overall it's still a very fun vacation and I'm looking forward to my next cruise with much anticipation. IMO, cruising is fully back.
  11. Also a good case to simply say you lost your current ID when you go in for a Real ID or replacement (for whatever reason), that way at least you have something. They used to punch a hole in it but now they ask you to hand it over "oh, I misplaced it" and keep it moving. 😁
  12. I'd bet a major announcement or change is coming (maybe dropping all the testing like NCL), usually when the site is down they are doing a big maintenance change for some reason.
  13. Never close, just get new ones and stop using the old ones. Amex still has some of those benefits and is worth looking into.
  14. I suspect Carnival will soon as well. The testing doesn't make sense anymore and no one cares that others aren't vaccinated, well at least I don't, I just got my bivalent booster and flu shot and I'm good with cruising with any/all with no restrictions, just as it is in everyday life. I think most people are ready to move on from the restrictions phase of covid and back into normalcy. That said, December will be interesting to see if we get a winter surge again, either way, I doubt anything will move backwards. Hopefully, the crew will be able to have the option to demask as well, as I understand it now, some technically do but there is pressure put on them to continue masking. Hopefully, that pressure ends as well.
  15. I did see that posted after catching up, interesting angle, credit cards are sold on the built in protections, removing these protections could backfire or lead folks away from certain banks that remove them. I'd certainly chose the cards with the most protection(s).
  16. Meh, this just means RCL & NCLH are completely overvalued IMO. Hopium is powerful drug.
  17. All the folks who have a bunch of discounted gift cards should be in this group as well. There are some here with many thousands and those go poof if worst comes to worst. It must be on passengers minds since it was mentioned in the earnings call that there were a lot more folks booking close in vs years out as it had been pre-covid. Unless it's a super great promotion and you are OK risking the deposit (paying by credit card of course), why risk it? I'm sure that pattern will continue for a few years as no one wants to get "Crystaled".
  18. I'll let you know! I have my next two booked there and am actually excited because it seems to be a love-it or hate-it situation. I suspect I'll love it but I love the ocean, the smell, the salt and the act of sailing so I'm not hard to please. The only thing comparative is the sand and surf but that's for port days.
  19. Well said my friend! Being thankful and appreciatory is next to godliness!
  20. Goods and services contract. Blerk is right on this one, most would eat the loss, you'd be surprised how much the credit card companies (really the banks) eat, not really, more like write down/off (tax liability reduction), but the number is huge in terms or dollars but makes up a very small portion of transactions in the 3%-10% ratio (it varies). It's made up for by trigger loses and those who actually pay finance charges (the other 90%+ of customers). Most of us are considered "cheap skates", much the same way Blerk calls the gamblers, they pay to service our contracts and every dollar yields a reward of some kind. Though the cruise gamblers actually lose money vs the credit hustlers who play the game to perfection and never lose. 😁
  21. That's how it's supposed to work but too many are in bed together and there is so much money to be made that the pressure to "get out of the way" from the top on down is too great. After Arthur Anderson (who subsequently had their conviction overturned) and Lehman Brothers, and the development of the "too big to fail" ideology, there is even less incentive to worry. Simpy pay a fine, no one goes to jail, that's only for small time crooks, well except Bernie Madoff but that was only because of who he took from and their ability to enact revenge, yet most folks don't know who David G. Friehling is or that Ernst & Young was eventually found liable and fined 20.3 million. No one goes to jail (except Bernie). Crime certainly pays in the white collar world, meanwhile, some other schmuck is doing 20 years for drugs that the government brought in to fund the CIA, what a world! 😁 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accounting_scandals
  22. More likely is that folks are simply tax harvesting to offset other capital gains liabilities. There are a lot of people with large amounts of shares plus other equities/investments. The small fish who buy a few shares in hopes that they can hang on to them for a big return one day are a blip on the radar. Institutional investors and shakers and movers don't really play the game the same and loses can be booked for advantage and to open up other positions.
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