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Everything posted by Pinboy

  1. Why ? Just ignore such a dumb, oops, delete " dumb " question. ( Too many factors to consider and everybody's " speed limit " is different )
  2. Agree with all of the above-- If I may go off topic about " Kids on the ship ". When the kids are well behaved it's kind of nice seeing them having a good time enjoying the cruise, as we all do. On all of our Celebrity cruises I can't remember a time when kids were bothersome , at the pool , in the dining room and especially in a Specialty restaurant. I do remember many times when adults were. About cuts and prices--- I don't compare what they "used " to include . I look at what's " now " included-- If the price is " reasonable ", the date , the accommodation is what we want, I book it. LOL--- I leave " Who's the Captain on board " to other folks.
  3. LOL---Maybe a $25 fee for not returning your 4 towels to the laundry bin 17 ft from where you were sitting?
  4. UUMM, how about : 1---What's My Line ? The crowd has a chance to ask a passenger 20 questions. If he/she stumps 'em they win either a Free Cruise or an X key chain--- as selected by the CD--- The X t shirts are saved for the golf putting contest. 2-- Hamburger eating contest--- A $ 2.00 entry fee -- eat as many as you can in 5 minutes--- the winner gets 2 free visits to the medical clinic and a 12 pack of Imodium. 3--Guess the Distance ---- A $5.00 entry fee---- Whoever guesses the correct distance travelled from port to " wherever " overnight, as per the Captain's10am announcement wins whatever is in the pot, minus Celebrity's $ 200 " handling fee ". 4-- Silent Disco at the pool in bare feet--- Anyone that enters receives $100 OBC if they last 2 minutes without breaking their neck. Grabbing on to , lets say --- better forget who ---disqualifies you. And finally--- CC Posts while on the cruise---- Whoever posts the most posts regarding a post they read ( " Who's the XYZ on board " ) wins 1000 Free minutes on wifi.
  5. " immediately " or during the cruise. Who do you think is in line at GR removing Gratuities on Day 1 ( " I'll tip those who I feel deserve to be tipped " )? That's a " good one "!! Who do you think is in line at GR on the last night removing Gratuities because of some BS complaint(s) ? Always about food !! LOL--We were on a cruise years ago when the Cruise Director "bounced out" to introduce the show but first announced: " A wallet was just found with $600 in it--- Would the owner of the wallet please form a line right over here " ?
  6. Seems like you never met my car Salesman. My salesman, what a great guy !! Within 3 minutes he asked what my name is and mentioned it every few minutes. ( He even liked the same NHL team, the same NFL team, the same golf Pros, and, and, he seemed to like everything I did ). To the point--- the car I wanted was not available for 9 months so he spoke to the Manager ( " He usually can't adjust the sales price, but, leave it to me ". (wink ) He told him I was " willing " to wait IF they would discount the price--- 25 minutes later--Bang, off came $1100 plus, without even asking, they threw in winter floor mats and only charged me an extra $639 for "Undercoating and Permanent Polish ". What a great deal-- what a nice guy--- he even got the Manager to stop eating his Big Mac and come out of his office to meet me. I think he was upset at my Salesman because the last thing I heard was " Boy, that guy was some winner " !!!
  7. LOL---If you posted this earlier, I could have save 23 minutes typing post # 7. "last meal at lunch on embarkation day "---- Didn't you forget to add " and every day during the cruise " ?
  8. It tends to be a " zoo " throughout the cruise. I call the OVC the " Slugfest on 14 " --- Unbelievable, the behavior of some folks !! We used to go to the Spa Cafe in the Solarium, but, I think someone posted that it is not open now on embarkation day. Perhaps you can ask-- a nice relaxing spot.
  9. LOL---Who me ??? No problem-- We're still friends---LOL Oh wait-- Are you the one that sent me to the woodshed about 73 times because I don't care who the Captain is --- even if he/she has a pet cat ??? IMO---What they serve on the Celebrity ships are probably, most likely, I'm guessing, are mini Lenders (?) bagels that they bring on board frozen.
  10. Off topic: Ya gotta go to Montreal and find out what a Bagel is--- And while you are there don't miss Schwartz Deli ( steamed smoke meat/ fries/ 2dill pickles/ 2 diet cokes ) and enjoy the company of the other folks seated with you at the table. Whatever you do----- Don't ask for a menu !! The Waiter will ask you " Did you come here to eat or read " ???? ( I think Celine Dion is the owner ) ???
  11. No worries if /when they are in the hot tub or pool--- Ever notice how long "old farts " stay in the hot tub /pool without etc etc ???
  12. 1--Agree 100 %--- Not necessary to share everything. 2--Please don't---Your contribution is as welcome as anyone's-- Unless you don't give a #$@% " Who the Captain is on our cruise in 2026 " and post it.
  13. “ inspirational phases “— I always bring some — They have numbers on them .. The higher the number, the wider the smile on the Staff member”s face. They prefer US better than Canadian ( $$$ ) .
  14. LOL--- You surely don't mean the Dress Code or the behavior in the " Slugfest on 14 " ( OVC ) ???
  15. Agree--20% automatically added is very fair for the Server, especially when the Specialty restaurant charge used to be the tip, with an option on the bottom of the bill to "add an additional gratuity". Question: Why does Celebrity now add a 20% gratuity ??? Answer: Too many people didn't leave a tip---Yea, I know, the tip is already paid in the daily Gratuities, so why should I pay any more ? So, why tip a Bar Tender ?
  16. Absolutely perfect. She sounds great. Would be nice to meet her some day. After being in the Customer Service Industry for many years, I can say that most people don’t know how to complain , complain to the wrong person, or complain about total nonsense —as seen on CC many times. ( please no “ Who are you to decide what’s etc, etc “).
  17. " numerous issues and concerns " "details of our experience and issues we experienced" ( I see you didn't post what they were---- no problem ). My guess---- Because there were " numerous issues " for them to look into , it might take a little more time to contact the various departments for explanations. Can I assume you took them up with the Hotel Manager ? Otherwise, bringing a complaint to the Guest Relations Manager or the Front Desk staff is a total waste of time--- They take notes and tell you they will pass it on to HO.
  18. They are still looking for a Captain---must have an animal pet!!
  19. I been insulted in my day, but, this one " takes the cake " --or, maybe it doesn't !! OH, wait a second---- you said " most ", ok, that's better. As per the suggestion ( joke) in post #11: " Bring the Staff some souvenirs from home, like a key chain or a stuffed teddy bear, or even a fruit cake ". I gotta be honest----- Those suggestions were not mine--- I got them from "Gratuities" threads where folks posted them as serious ideas. My favorite is the fruit cake. A key chain with the Montreal Canadiens logo---- now, that's a " good " one-- along with a $100.
  20. Kindly re-read post 6 -- ( No disrespect intended ). Never said anything about " offering "----as in, ahead of time. Did mention " Thank You $$ " when someone ( Maitre'd ) who relies on tips , helps get a reservation. Whatever, that's how it works where I come from. Off Topic: Tipping, in general , is way over the top-- Go to a restaurant, get served (??), ooops, a 23 yr old takes your order , carries a plate to you , then when you are ready to pay, stands there with a machine set up to add a tip ( 18,20,25 % ). Totally nuts !!
  21. Threads re Specialty restaurant reservations come up all the time on CC, with varying opinions, suggestions, and accusations of bribery. Our best advice came from a few ( 2 ) Maitre'ds several years ago: Here's how it was explained -----It's a " System ". ( Keep in mind they work for tips ). Go to the restaurant as soon as you board--- Ask the Maitre'd about changing your time. Know that they hold back some prime times for suite passengers. If the Maitre'd tells you there is no space at the time you want, then asks for your cabin number " in case a slot comes open "--- there's your clue. Tell him " Excellent ,hope you can help us out "-- Before you know it, ring, ring -- " Good news -- we had a cancellation and can accommodate you etc, etc". Show up, say " Thank You $$ " and enjoy your meal. If you want to go back again you won't have a problem getting a good time. To me, that's not a bribe and well worth a few extra $$ on the cost of the cruise. ( Better than spending $20 on some crap t shirts, spices, knock-off perfume, or " another " I LOVE ARUBA beach towel ).
  22. Hard to believe that they had a " Special " every night and the Waiter didn't tell you. What then would be the purpose of having a " Special " ? If I might add: We were asked on several cruises (by the Maitre'd ) if there was something not on the menu that we would like and took advantage of the offer from time to time. He had it for us the next night. We have always found the service very good , except, ( LOL ) the time our Waiter forgot to bring my 3 shrimp cocktails at the same time.
  23. No offence meant ( gotta cover my butt and be nice, oops, " politically correct " and not offend anyone )-- Anyone ( that wants to) WILL find a reason to remove all the Gratuities !! Adjust them " to suit their situation " ?? Here's a suggestion---- Remove the gratuities---Bring the Staff some souvenirs from home, like a key chain or a stuffed teddy bear, or even a fruit cake--- that'll do it.
  24. 1-- No reservation required 2-- No--- However, they do sell a Pass that can be used any day, any time , as much as you like for the entire cruise. 3--Tiled loungers-- people are requested to only use them for 20 minutes--- It doesn't happen-- Some folks read books, do crossword puzzles, listen to music, sleep/snore etc. 4-- Did you mean " we could use some (?) sex in the steam room ? WHAT ?? No sex permitted in the steam room !!
  25. " locking in promos " ? Not so sure about that. From what I understand you only get what is offered at the time you book.
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