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Everything posted by MEFIowa

  1. Fell in love with the town and the nearby mountain. Which has the ONLY cable car in the Caribbean. Wife used Viator to find an excursion that showed us around the city (e.g., the umbrella street, the "pink street", the cathedral, etc.) and then drove us up the mountain. At the top is a national park with spectacular views. AND the Brazilian government gave them a half-replica of the famous Jesus statue outside of Rio and the cable car in 1974. We took the cable car down the mountain. Was spectacular watching the clouds come in as we waited and then cover us before quickly dissipating by the time we descended. And the views from the cable car going down were fantastic! Try to count all the baseball fields you'll see. This was an AM excursion. We did lunch back on Sirena and then I spent the rest of the day wandering around the city by myself till 1630. My only disappointment, the rum is only 75 proof and everyone charges the same price, even deep in the barrios where no tourists (but me) went. I did find a 350 ml bottle for $7 less 20% in one tourist shop that was actually less expensive than the $7 per same bottle in the small barrio shops.
  2. There is NOTHING inconsiderate FULLY COMPLYING with a schedule that says, "Departure at 5 pm. Be back to the ship by 4:30 pm." So, IF I'm back right at 4:30 pm, I'm following the schedule. NOT my fault if either the captain or some of the passengers want to pull out of port earlier. IF the captain really wanted to, he'd require an earlier departure time! And my desire for port time was amplified because we were forced to skip St. Kitts and drop some passenger off at Puerto Plata on the way down. The 4 hours it took us to maneuver the ship and get our tender boat into the water, there and back. As for "inconsiderate", I wonder why this passenger had to leave and whether s/he should've been travelling at all. I'll never know. And I hope they're fine. But we had to stop off at Key West in 12/21 on Riviera to pass off to the Coast Guard an elderly man, who looked like Boris Karloff in Plan 9 From Outer Space. He didn't look like he should be cruising at all. How "inconsiderate" of him? So, I'm 2 for 2 with medical emergencies forcing unscheduled stops on two small ships neither of which had more than 719 passengers each. IF O ever creates a class of ships with say 2,000 passengers would there be 2 or 3 unscheduled stops most cruises?
  3. As for YMMV, we stayed in 6012 on Sirena 11/22, far forward port. Didn't notice any anchor noise or noise from the Deck 5 main lounge/stage, but then I sleep with ear plugs and we would get up early for the port days. Also stayed in 9136 on Riviera, 12/21. Far aft, port. Not sure I noticed that much different regading motion from 6012 on Sirena.
  4. And why would I take cruises to such places? Your brief mention reminds me why cruising to such places is so ineffective & inefficient. If I go to Iceland or Norway, I'm flying and staying on land. BUT...guess I'll find out in the western Med in November 2023 and then in the Baltic in September 2024. I'll be damned before I willingly wear pants outside of a specialty restaurant on an O ship. I'm on vacation. And that means shorts in the Terrace Cafe and Waves.
  5. Having spent 20 nights on Riviera (10) and Sirena (10) wife and I have never eaten in the GDR and don't plan to for the future 30 nights we've got booked in 2023 and 2024. The Terrace Cafe so nice with a view of the stars.
  6. Though anyone who wants the "royal treatment" waits until near the last minute to return to the ship. Seems like most O cruises who go into ports return at least an hour before scheduled departure. But if you wait till near the end, they'll likely have a bus or jeep or golf cart or something where the tourist area meets the pier/terminal. I made sure to be the last person back for 4 ports in a row while on Sirena last month. At Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, for example, the terminal manager was in a large golf-cart like conveyance at the end of the pier to drive me to the ship. When he saw me he said, "They're waiting for you. Hop on."
  7. Make sure to read and study carefully your daily CURRENTS that gives you all the hours of operations, times and places for activities & events daily, the shows, HHs, and more. You'll see the hours for all the locations for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  8. I travelled B2 on Sirena (11/2022) and A4 on Riviera (12/2021). Booked on F (Riviera, 11/2023), B4 (Riviera, 11/2023) and C1 (Sirena, 9/2024). Cruise only for us. No alcohol package, either. We only did the A4 because there was a fantastic sale so that 10-day cruise was just $2099 PP. Same ship, same cruise in early 2023 at $3999 PP today. So I am expecting this for all my future cruises (B, C, & F): "This will involve a consolidation of staff roles as the stateroom steward and junior stateroom steward positions will be adjusted to a single job title in stateroom attendant." BUT if there is a great future sale for the cruise, I could see the F and C upgraded to lowest B.
  9. Though--"In short, some stateroom categories will now get once-a-day cleaning service, instead of twice-a-day cleaning, which has included night-time turndown service."--not sure how this would really hit embarkation day.
  10. All things are relative and in perspective. Maybe see "good on entitled public sector employees, monopoly power at work"? Did public sector HR work with unionized and non-union State civil servants. Funny how the government negotiators (and I was on that side of the table for 3 negotiations) had an incentive to "give" away the store, since their benefits were tied to those the union received. The RICH health insurance plans! (And don't get me started on the incentives if one particular political party with close ties to that union was in power.) The union made sure there were almost no part-time employees. OT off the charts. And they could "milk" the now rare defined benefit pension plan formula to work heavy OT in their last 3 years to max out a permanent pension increase that could be transferred to their spouse upon death. When I left HS grads at paygrade 15 could earn MORE in retirement than Master Degree paygrade 32 salaried employees. Even the newspaper had to take notice of the pension skewing abuse. And if you added up the sick days, vacation days, compensatory time off, and holidays, many employees literally only worked about 9 months. So guess what, every 10 years or so we have a fiscal crisis. as costs balloon. And the pension fund had to nearly double its contribution rate, split just 50-50 by employee and employer, over a decade and still is only around 80% funded. Of course, the union made layoffs so difficult, that in one bargaining unit management had given away the store and the layoff unit was the entire state. So a work laid off in one corner of the State might bump another worker 300 miles away and it cascaded all over the state. All intended to ensure management could hardly manage any such layoff. And they didn't materialize. Just attrition. Always behind the cost control needs, so operations suffer.
  11. Though it would NOT surprise me if they did this for cabin levels B-G. Something to make the Concierge levels and up seem a bit more special. Not unlike the limited access to the outside spa therapy pool area that seems rather unnecessary in light of the general overall equality of passengers in other public areas of the ship.
  12. I thought that too, but on Sirena last month I got to know some of the staff, including the dancers and singers. I was shocked that the new ones hadn't been told where to shop. I was telling them where the less expensive grocery stores were. And a couple of times I told them where the less expensive ones were versus more expensive ones closest to the docked ship that they'd already shopped at (e.g., the more expensive CVS at San Juan rather than the local supermarket that the CD was shopping at further away). I was writing down addresses for them & showing them where on my port map, so they'd know later. I had no sense that there was any general communication by the ship to new crew & staff about such places. Certainly NOT for the entertainers. That saddened me. And given how much normal stuff they need, all the things we take for granted on our cruise, I doubt any one crew can do too much shopping for more than 1 or 2 others, if that.
  13. It was brutal on the crew in 2021. We did our W. Caribbean on Riviera 12/13-23/21. 10-day cruise. The crew were ecstatic they were let off at Cozumel. BUT then they weren't allowed off for the rest of the cruise. We were in that weird period where COVID restrictions were briefly let up until the hard return in late Dec & early Jan. The crew took the brunt first with not being allowed off. But what a cruise on a great ship. 719 passengers and 780 crew. With all the Christmas decorations up. (I got to know and spend some time with one of the boutique employees. We'd meet "secretly" on the outside exercise area aft that the crew shares with passengers (unlike Sirena where the crew has their own area on top outside aft).)
  14. The GRATUITIES go to the crew & staff, so no begrudging them for an increase to offset inflation. Why would anyone complain? As for corporate issues, that's up to their board of directors, banks & others who do or might lend them money, bond markets, and stock markets. Not up to me to decide or know what salaries and benefits senior executives receive. But the markets will punish them if they don't have an efficient, effective operation that isn't bloated with expensive debt that has to be serviced. You do realize that ALL expenses, including corporate taxes, are paid by customers? When expenses and taxes go up, so, too, usually do the prices paid by customers. TANSTAAFL.
  15. IF the gratuity goes to the hard-working crew & staff, why would we be upset in an era of INFLATION, that hits them, too? They have to pay more to live, just like we do. And Oceania has raised cruise prices many times since 1/1/22. I found it interesting on Sirena 11/22 to find the CD Dottie in a particular San Juan (PR) supermarket, where I found the least expensive alcohol. She mentioned she'd been shopping there for many, many years. When I went back I told some of the crew about it and where it was (gave them the address). I'd learned on Dominica from some crew how important it was for them to find inexpensive shopping in ports for their room and life necessities. They could see the green cross hanging off the building with the big supermarket that they could see from the ship in port. I forget if they were let off that day. But they need to shop for their supplies.
  16. From Cruise Industry New for 12/29/22: "Optimizing operations is continuing at Norwegian Cruise Line, which is set to reduce its stateroom cleaning service in 2023 fleetwide... In short, some stateroom categories will now get once-a-day cleaning service, instead of twice-a-day cleaning, which has included night-time turndown service. This will allow the cruise line to consolidate crew roles while saving energy and water, according to the letter. Stateroom categories moving to once-daily service in 2023 include studio, inside, oceanview, balcony and club balcony rooms. This will involve a consolidation of staff roles as the stateroom steward and junior stateroom steward positions will be adjusted to a single job title in stateroom attendant." Norwegian Cruise Line Trimming Stateroom Cleaning, Cutting Crew Roles - Cruise Industry News | Cruise News
  17. Your cabin has an umbrella, hairdryer, and wine opener. Check out the therapy spa pool & area forward, you have access to it and the Concierge Lounge on Deck 9 from your A2 cabin status. (Everyone can use the steam room and sauna.) The Concierge Lounge has someone there during posted times who can assist you. And they have some things to eat and drink there. Go to the library early to see what books they have and if you see one you may want to read over the cruise, take it to your room. Baristas, the coffee bar, on Deck 14, overlooking the pool deck, has some food in the evenings; would see potato ships there, for example. If you think you may need or want to do laundry, find the laundry room nearest your cabin. If you want to try to eat more often in the specialty restaurants, ask when you board or during the cruise. You can bring up to 6 bottles of wine with you at embarkation (their official posted policy, though many say you can bring whatever you want). AND you can bring back beer, hard liquor and wine from your port excursions.
  18. You left off "for us" as in "a PH is a complete waste of money for us." Please at least get the quote right. As for PH "snobs" my primary reference there is to anyone who tries to make those in cabin levels below them feel inferior or think they're not getting the full O experience. As if having a PH (or higher) is the sine qua non (pun intended here!) for a true or real O cruise. One doesn't need a butler or a slightly bigger room to enjoy the ship or activities or excursions. That is what I LOVE about O. The equality of cabins/passengers when we leave our cabins. The only exception being the therapy pools, for As and up. But unless you tell someone what cabin type you're in, it doesn't matter. Whether a G or B or PH. So, anyone who looks down from their PH on non-PH cabins or passengers is a "snob". Same for anyone trying to make others jealous of their PH status! To each their own, but whether you're in a PH or not doesn't matter a whit. We each do what we want and pay for what we get. FOR US, a PH is a complete waste of time. I pity anyone who tries to lord it over others with the PH status, for all I see is a wasted room FOR US. A PH has no value FOR US. And I do not care when I'm on board whether you're in any particular cabin or not.
  19. Do NOT let PH "snobs" make you envious. Keep in mind that on Vista they're mostly found on Deck 11 with a few on Deck 10. So, far more B1-B5 & A1-A4 cabins on Decks 7-12 on Vista! And whether a B4 or an A4, you'll love the verandas. For how little time we spend in my cabin outside of sleeping and bathing, a PH is a complete waste of money for us. I don't cruise to sit in my cabin, even on the veranda, during the day. And that PH butler does me no good every day I'm off the ship doing excursions. I couldn't imagine spending $500-$700 per day per PH. Not when the other cabins are so nice and I'm out enjoying the ship or excursions. Wife & I loved our A4 or Riviera 12/21 but we also loved our B2 on Sirena 11/22. We saw the same shows and ate in the same specialty restaurants. I have no intention ever of paying for a PH. (Nor taking a transatlantic cruise, which might be the only one I could imagine spending significant time in the PH.)
  20. Met the parents of two new production team members while on Sirena on 11/18-28/2022. One was a dancer, the other a singer. Their parents were enjoying their time on the ship and with their adult child. And the kids seemed to appreciate showing off for their parents. Was nice to see the families enjoying their cruise. I kidded the dancer that she needs to stay working on cruise lines so she can get her parents some deep discounts in the future. She concurred. 😉
  21. I am assuming they buy any such gifts in "bulk" at wholesale. BUT those people who received them have PAID for them, for as we all know: TANSTAAFL. Now if they just would have the nice carrying bags available. I LOVE the one I got on Riviera in 12/21 and wish we could've had a his & hers from Sirena in 12/22 but weren't meant to be. That bag is incredibly useful and strong. Bringing back all the beer, hard liquor and wine in ports to save me the cash from O's expensive drink packages. 😉
  22. Were you on Riviera for the W. Caribbean cruise, 12/13-23/21? We had to stop for the Haitian boat that was empty on the way west and then dropped off the sick passenger at Key West on the way back. Watch them put up the Christmas decorations on Sirena on 11/25/22 but no gingerbread houses on her. Two sets of competing crew working on two different trees by reception. They took some nice group photos.
  23. Though given the very pricey nature of cruises over Christmas, would not surprise me that O provides some inexpensive gift(3) for those on board, even if just certain cabin levels and up. My jaw drops when I compare prices for identical or near identical cruises that are before Christmas during Christmas. Last year we were on Riviera 12/12-23/21. This year Sirena 11/18-28/22. So we got to enjoy the holiday feel and see the decorations without paying the price of an actual Christmas cruise.
  24. No advantage when O allows me to bring on board beer, hard liquor and wine. Can't imagine paying their prices for alcohol, either by O's way or SS's. What I save I can spend on...our own excursions. And what I save on excursions helped pay for air fare!
  25. Happiness = Reality - Expectations. We can control our expectations. Cruising on any line and ship is about knowing in advance what you might reasonably expect and whether that is what you want. Wife & I want a ship that isn't too crowded, intelligent adult company, no children, and few drunkards in the 20s-30s range. We want itineraries and ports and excursions. A nice place to eat and sleep and maybe see the comic but we're getting off that ship right as it docks to see and do interesting things in interesting places. I don't come back until the gangplank is being hauled back on board her. Looking forward to a magnificent meal. Wife likes a sea day or two, too. So O works for us.
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