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Everything posted by drakes2

  1. I was on this years TA April and May. Great smooth crossing nice and sunny sea days used the pool every day water temperature was cool but your body soon adjusts. Arriving in Europe first week of May ports were Portugal and Spain weather in low to mid 80's. Doing another crossing next April but will be a week later returning from Italy May 16th.
  2. I see lots of Invicta watches at TJ Maxx known as Winners in Canada. I own 3 Gucci watches from there 100% authentic comes with warranty original box everything. Yes bought at fraction of what they sell for at high end jewelry stores.
  3. Live in Canada so they said to send to Vancouver however when I called number they were closed finally got back to me it was quite a process to send them they said maybe couple months depending how busy they were. It was just easier to get sized locally
  4. Air Canada. Most credit card chargebacks were fairly straightforward but one was a toughie as they issued me a credit. That was in 2020 they said only option but I later found out that our Canadian government would only help them out if they refunded flights due to covid. Took awhile but finally got refund.
  5. One can do a CC chargeback but you could be banned from sailing with them. I've done several chargebacks with airlines they don't seem to care though as they still let me fly. 😆
  6. I bought a beautiful tanzanite ring on my last cruise from Effy. Pretty sure I tried every ring they had before settling. Negotiated pretty hard but price was accepted. Wasn't cheap and I have not found anything like it in any shop locally. It needed sizing and was told onboard I would have to send FedEx to Vancouver, Canada. No way was I going to risk it so went to my reputable jeweller and had it sized. I'm surprised Effy makes you send out to their own store. Far too risky.
  7. I booked a Deluxe inside for my 15 night transatlantic next April and an SV on deck 9 for the 11 night Mediterranean cruise following the TA on Ascent. The TA was extremely cheap even though I'm sailing solo so could afford the additional splurge.
  8. I stay in deluxe insides for transatlantic cruises as most times you can't open the windows of the IV cabins also I sleep better as the cabin is completely dark at night.
  9. Never stayed in one but I've viewed them and wasn't impressed. I'd only take it if free upgrade from an inside.
  10. And its noisy to open Too much work for me I'm on vacation. 😆
  11. Don't kid yourself some of these waiters wouldn't know the difference
  12. I find it hard to believe they can't source enough Decoy. Perhaps they can get the Silver Ghost at a better price. I live in Ontario Canada and just looked it up. Currently there are 9400 units of Decoy available for purchase.
  13. I didn't mind their Prosecco either. Always got a bottle sometimes 2 when I was in a concierge cabin. Used it to make mimosas.
  14. Just make sure the server doesn't have his hand wrapped around the label when pouring. Seen it happen.
  15. One of the reasons why I don't purchase the drink package is I hate when they run out and try and offer you wine from basic. I'm fortunate my CVP gifts me 2 bottles and I'm allowed to bring one in my carry on as I cruise solo most of the time. That along with the drink benefits from my Elite plus status is enough for me. Their Elegance Pinot noir is excellent prefer it to the cabernet.
  16. They used that stupid excuse for years. I never believed it.
  17. In Canada Austin Hope sells for $75 full cab profile but probably not 100% cab not sure of percentages. Notes are blackberry mocha chocolate cloves and vanilla mostly. I don't buy it a lot due to price point. Never tried Apollo.
  18. Try his new one then Austin Paso Robles I have both at home big difference in price point and quite enjoyable.
  19. Or complained to GR for bad service. You can bet thats about all that bartender did; open the bottle pour the wine and add $42 to their sea pass card. Poor unsuspecting guests.
  20. Most will save it but there was only a glass left in the bottle. They were both orthopedic surgeons I spoke to them a good part of the evening probably don't care about wasting a glass of wine.
  21. People also waste a lot of wine. I sat next to a couple last year who ordered a bottle of wine the man had two glasses she didn't finish her second glass and left the MDR with the wine on the table. I doubt they would cork the leftover.
  22. $42 to open wine at the buffet with Pizza? That's just absurd. I hope the server put on a show for you. 😆
  23. I've decided to take a wifi package for my 15 night TA cruise next year as my 240 Elite plus minutes won't be enough. I'm meeting a relative during one of my stops in Cartegena and need to stay in touch onboard. Price was actually pretty good I think 30% but if I can get 35% even better.
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