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Everything posted by mousehole

  1. Celebrity has one of the most complicated drinks packages and as expected this was not answered by the president. Last time we cruised Celebrity we had the Classic drink package, as we have had several times before. Celebrity had increased the amount that was included from $9 to $10, but at the same time they had also increased the prices of several of the drinks as well. Husband noticed that many of the beers that had previously been included were not any more and were priced just a $1 or $2 higher, which was very disappointing. Why have they priced several of the drinks out of the Classic package that had been included and can't they simplify what is included but just a standard dollar amount and not have all the exclusions?
  2. Why does Celebrity have one of the most complicated to understand drink packages in the cruise industry? If I get a Classic drink package it includes all drinks up to $11 in price, but there is lots of exclusions in this package that are under the $11 price that are not included. Having these exclusions makes it difficult for passengers understand what is in the package and what is not. I have seen several passengers upset when they order something, thinking it would be included as it is under the dollar amount, only to be told that there is a charge for it. This causes a lot of frustration by passengers and even staff having to deal with this. I have noticed that most other cruise lines have a drink package and you understand that drinks up to a certain value are included if you have purchased a drink package. Will Celebrity ever simplify their drinks packages?
  3. Because you are leaving from Seattle you will be travelling on the outside of the islands you will not have any cell coverage when at sea. When doing the inside passage you occasionally get some service in certain areas, but is very spotty at might only be for 15 minutes or less. I myself would not try to rely on cell on a Alaska cruise, as you can only be certain to get service when in port. I would suggest adding a ship's wifi package to meet your needs.
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