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Everything posted by HMB1990

  1. They have given us G401. Which I think is above the glass house smoking area. It's an obstructed view cabin. But non of that is important to us. We just wanted comfortable sleeping arrangements. The advisor said that there should be no noise from below as apparently the glass house is quiet and the smoking shouldn't really affect us as the wind will simply blow it away. Thank you for your help.
  2. UPDATE - I have received a call from none other than Chris Lee's himself (CEO of Carnival Group UK Limited) He has acknowledged that the bed 'preference' should not come up and allow you to choose, if in fact you cannot have it because you must have twins due to number of people in the cabin. Infants should not be calculated as people. The drinks package should not be charged automatically for infants, regardless of what the adult purchases. It is not fare to expect people to have to spend time at customer services on their holiday, to get a refund for something they should not have been charged for in the first place. How many unsuspecting people have paid for this and not noticed ? They acknowledged that their own t&c's and booking process should include information & warnings about not travelling when pregnant after 24 weeks, they tell you about not being allowed if you need oxygen etc etc never any mention of pregnancies. They have acknowledged staff should know p&o's own policy (I had 2 members of staff who didn't know the policy on pregnancy) They acknowledged staff should not resort to 'sort it when on board' this just pushes the issue else where and to someone else. They have acknowledged 2 x errors on their deck plans i.e. 3 rooms I identified as not fixed twins, they are saying are in fact fixed. They have acknowledged that staff should have noticed the issue with my room configuration and not automatically swapped it when they reached out. They have acknowledged the website should include a picture of a twin room, when it says your room may differ, but doesn't show you the different types/options. They have acknowledged that they shouldn't overturn their own safety rules on how beds should be configured (saying they will put our room as a queen, which it says it cant be, for safety reasons) Whats the outcome. They've upgraded us to an obstructed view cabin above the smoking area. Obviously these cabins must not be that easy to sell, but hey ho, we got the queen bed. They didn't however make us pay an extra £500. When you consider what this cabin is selling for now, minus on board spending, these cabins cost only £200 more than what we have now paid. So not really a huge loss to p&o and seems not worth arguing over really. Should have been a no brainer for a customer service agent to have accepted our offer to pay to upgrade, rather than dragging this along. Anyways lesson learnt, I will be more careful next time. Even though I thought I was careful this time. It however has put me off cruising with p&o again. I have the other cruise booked on Iona of course. Looks like life as a new mum and holidays is causing such big headaches, I might still to land based all inclusive package holidays for a while. I want to say tank you for everyone's help and input, I did utilise some of it.
  3. But it did allow me to choose my bed configuration. There are queen beds on this ship with roof pullmans. Which would be acceptable. There are also twin bed rooms that convert to queen with roof pullmans. Either of these types of rooms would work. There are also rooms on this ship with just 1 pullman. I would have purchased select plus if I couldn't get what I wanted, but I could. It is not may fault their system isn't working properly. Now I cant have the select plus as no rooms left to choose from.
  4. The room I have been allocated is C539. It states no converting fixed twins. But they are saying they have spoken with the ship & have an image to confirm, this room can be made as a queen. The rooms I asked to be swapped to and am willing to pay extra if I have to were C316, C317 C323. Which do not state are fixed twins but they are telling me, they actually are. Iona they are saying are newer bigger rooms so they'll make it work ! Here's a link to a very helpful video from cruise mummy of what my room will look like. As you can see, this room is not suitable to be made into a queen bed as the wall hanging pullmans will then obstruct you getting out the sides of the bed. All i'm asking is for a queen bed, which is what I purchased. Pullmans will be fine if they go into the roof, apparently some rooms do this. Im now getting some line quoted ' maritime law requires the cruise line to allocated a full bed to infants regardless of whether they use it ' Im struggling to find out if this is true, Can anyone confirm ? I cant fathom why I cant just be in a normal 2 person room with a queen bed and put the cot at the bottom like in this video or in the indented wardrobe area. I know what their system has don't, but surely they can just override it to resolve the issue.
  5. UPDATE - P&O have called to now offer me £50pp on board spending for compensation. They are telling me that the room can in fact be made into a queen bed and that their own website & deck plan is incorrect. How funny is it that I found 3 rooms on their website & deck plan that are not advertised as fixed, but they say they are in fact fixed & now they are saying a room that is advertised as fixed, is in fact,,,,,,, not fixed? Anyways they say they have photo proof from the ship. But they will not send me pictures of this. How convenient. They are also saying they will not put this in writing to me either. On the call she did say, she has to warn me that if they put this bed as a queen, we will struggle to get in and out because on the walls are the 2 fixed bunks. So this to me isn't a solution and the room obviously is not fit for purpose. I have told them I am not happy with this so called resolution and they told me they consider this issue closed. All I want is a normal queen room with a cot, which I can put safely in the wardrobe open area, which then doesn't restrict access (I had gotten this advice from cruise mummy blog prior to booking). This is what I booked and have a receipt showing. Why is this so hard for them to comprehend.
  6. HI Pete, I feel you may be a little confused. We booked for 2 adults & 1 baby from the start. There system allowed us to pick our bed type configuration, to which we picked queen bed. We booked online. The holiday I booked on the phone was a prior one. I was just adding it to give an overall view if the shitty service I have so far received from p&o. The fact is, their system allowed me to 'book something it shouldn't have' and instead of explaining this to me when I first rang up and when they first emailed me offering a cot (they offered it to me, I didn't ask for it) They should have explained about the room issue. Instead they just went ahead and changed to room configuration. Wouldn't have been so bad if it was twins that could be moved. But they are fixed & to top it off they have wall mounted pullmans. This means we have restricted headroom above and a cot between us, the only way to get out of bed is to crawl down the bed and get out of the bottom. Surely whoever did the risk assessment on this should have thought,,,,,, mmmmm thats a risk, they may hit their heads and its restricting safe passage in case of emergency. P&O offered £10 on board spending as an inconvenience and kept telling me to sort this once on board. What part of non converting fixed twins are their staff not understanding ? This is obviously a line they are trained to say to get people off the phone.
  7. Just an update. - Room numbers C316, C317 & C323 which do not show as FIXED TWINS on the deck plan have been confirmed to be FIXED TWINS and I have been told this is an error on the deck plan. WELL I NEVER ! Looks like some other poor soles might end up surprised aswell. I am now out of options as they refuse to put me in one of the MANY rooms available that are in fact queen beds as they are sticking to their guns that I MUST be in a room to sleeps 4, due to baby who does not require a bed. They will not override their system which is obviously inadequate. They refuse to swap someone else out who may be in a non fixed twin and actually wants twins & wouldn't be bothered rather they are fixed or not. I have given up hope of anything being resolved with call centre staff and I am pushing the COO, President & Chief Person officer on linked in. Hopefully the heat on them will prompt someone to actually look into their system. They admitted they are aware of the drinks package problem and in their own words 'its always been like that' surely they should have worked a way around this, but obviously its a money maker for unsuspecting people, who dont realise they have been charged hundreds for a baby to have a drinks package that they cant use. Otherwise surely they would have fixed this. As a breastfeeding mom please note I want the non - alcoholic packages as I cannot drink and unfortunately the husband will have to have the same. Otherwise we pay even more to buy alcoholic packages (which still works out more even tho the babies package would come off) and I wouldn't even have any alcohol. Then for my next cruise on IONA. Guess what.... Yes you're right, my confirmed room apparently does not accommodate a cot. Yes I upgraded to select price and specifically purchased a room. Their system again 'should not have let me pick this room type and bed configuration given I have a baby on the reservation, as this is a 2 person room only' They are looking to see what they can do to accommodate this. Now iv really kicked up a fuss. 3 cruises with P&O - First they forgot to inform me I couldn't travel on it when I booked as I was pregnant and would be beyond 24 weeks (booked on the phone !) - Second I purchased queen bed and have been given fixed twins - Third iv purchased a specific room with a queen bed and i'm being told i'll have to change cabins
  8. Im looking at these 3 rooms - C316, 317, 323 Where does it show these are fixed twins ? They don't have the black diamond on them. It has a white diamond, which states - cabin has 2 additional beds in the form of pullman beds. Which to me means it might be twins but they are not fixed so we could move them. I can then also select queen bed configuration. Which if it was fixed twins, it shouldn't let me do this. Their system is to blame if it's allowing me to book something that isn't available or misinforming me. On the Iona for April 25 iv purchased room 14241, this says queen with sofa bed. Am I going to have the same issue here ? Baby is on the booking and will need a cot, does this mean they are either going to say I cant have a cot in that room so iv got to move or will they just point blank refuse to give me a cot ? I am yet to have this out with them. Thanks for the help BTW, as you can tell i'm starting to get rather upset with the matter.
  9. Can I ask please where during the booking process do you see that the only rooms left for inside cabins when a baby is on? Iv just done another booking followed it through I can see deck 12 rooms c316 c317 & c323 are all available and fit 4 people with pullmans but the twin beds are not fixed so they can be put as a queen. This is how I know I am being lied to and fobbed off.
  10. Thank you for the info. Yes thats the cruise. To put into stated facts: - booked 2 adults 1 baby, queen bed on saver fare, online august 23, Booking confirmation states queen bed. - Jan 24 rang to ask for bassinet on flight and was told they didn't have them - 9th Jan 24, agent emailed me asking if I wanted to add cot, high chair etc, I said yes please - 10th Jan 24, new booking confirmation comes through stating twin beds - I start my calls to ask why this has changed, I am told to just ask them to swap configuration once on board. - Monday 26th feb. I ring because I want to buy 2 x non alcoholic drinks packages and it keeps adding child drinks package as it's not free as we are not buying the expensive packages. Baby will not be using the drinks package and I don't want to pay for it. Im am told to just buy it and sort out once on board for refund. I then queried the bed again as iv now looked at the map and it states fixed twins. Agent tells me to send email, so I do so. - Email reply states they wont deal with me until 6 months before departure, obviously I know this cruise is busy so I panic thinking, by that time there will be no rooms left to swap to, so I ring again. - I am told sort this on site. I inform them it cant be sorted as it's a non-converting and I need to sort now because limited rooms left. I am told no rooms left at all. I check site, yes I can book rooms so there is room left, your lying. They hang up on me, stating I have to wait for email to come back to me. - I ring again ask to upgrade to balcony, we paid 3.5k the balconies are 3.8k, im told no you have to pay 5.4k as that was price of balcony when we booked. Im sorry but I feel they should be meeting me in the middle here, I wouldn't need to even spending a penny more if they gave me the bed configuration that I booked. I don't care what the room number is, or where on the ship we are. The select saver price deal was rubbish when we booked, only gave £200 onboard spending. But wanted about £600 extra if I remember rightly. - Just to add insult. In 2022 I booked norweign fjords on the phone with an agent for April 23. I said several times on the phone I was pregnant. Coming up to cruise date my MIL said people who are pregnant cant travel. I checked all my documents sent to me, read all fine print, all emails, nothing anywhere said absolutely anything about pregnancies. I had a doctors note, I wasn't high risk and id checked government guidelines. 1 week before departure and I saw a post on a forum, so I rang p&o.... I turned 24 weeks pregnant 2 days before the cruise and they wouldn't let me go ! We lost our money for Southampton hotel either side of holiday and car parking and our dog kennel costs. p&o would not let us move the holiday or have cruise credit or admit that their agent should have queried me when on the phone. I sucked that up as lesson learnt. This time I booked myself, made sure I read everything along the way & got exactly what we wanted. Now this has happened. - Iv since emailed the president and COO of Carnival group UK on LinkedIn. Lo and behold, someone rang me this morning saying they are looking into this matter as a priority. - In the past week the rooms I was willing to upgrade to have gone from 3.8k to 4.6k. - I have rebooked the norweign fjords cruise for march 25. I bought the upgrade and picked my cabin. Guess what ...... I am being told I cant have this cabin now as it cant have a cot !!!!! Like ***** ! you shouldn't have let me book it then as the baby was always on the booking ! This was booked same day as the Caribbean cruise. - P&O wont give me full refund to allow me to rebook either, I feel this is the least they can do since it is their system that in their words 'allowed me to book something that it shouldn't have done' & 'our system is not advanced enough to differentiate between a baby & a person'. Not my problem ! You dont give me what I booked & paid for, you have broken the contract, I am entitled to a full refund or an upgrade into whatever is available to fix the issue. Sorry to rant.
  11. Yes im not bothered about room number or where we are on the ship. We were able to booked room bed configuration queen. That is what I am bothered about. They should have allocated us a queen bed room as that is what we picked and paid for and have on our receipt. They have given us fixed twins with pullmans. Up to the point of the agent adding the cot our booking confirmation said queen bed. Now the cot is added they swapped it to non converting twins. They never explained this would happen. I would have upgraded if I knew, but now they saying I cannot upgrade as no rooms left. Which is a lie.
  12. The cruise number is B428 our room that has been given is C539 which is fixed twin beds with pullmans. Before they added the cot we were In a queen bed configuration. The room sizes are the same and the cot easily fits in the open wardrobe area so the bed configuration does not matter. The issue is they are fixed so I cant get them pulled together once on board.
  13. I have asked that and they said no because there are no cabins left on any grade with a queen bed except balconies and suits. I know this is a lie because I can book them online. I don't understand why they are trying to block me at every resolution.
  14. We booked saver, queen bed. The booking confirmation said queen bed, it asked us during the booking process, what bed configuration we wanted, it shouldn't have done that or allowed us to choose queen bed, knowing we had a baby on the booking. An agent then added a cot and the new booking confirmation said twin beds. Since iv been complaining room numbers have been assigned and the twins are 'fixed' so cannot be changed once on site. I could get over the pullmans and the twin situation, if we could move the beds, but we cant. Im even willing to pay to upgrade but they are not obliging unless I pay £2000 more for a balcony than what they are for sale at.
  15. When we booked we didn't pick a specific room number but we booked a queen bed and our booking confirmation says queen bed. When the agent added the cot the booking confirmation changed to twin beds. I then started my contacting p&o and was told 'ask for the twins to be made to a queen once on board' but then a few days later cabin numbers were assigned and the room was 'fixed twins' so now the option to have the beds rearranged once on board is not possible. They wont accept responsibility for our room being changed from a queen to twins. Even though I have a booking confirmation stating queen bed. I asked to change rooms to twins that can be moved and they wont accommodate my request saying all rooms are now booked & allocated. Which is not true because I can still book the same grade rooms online today. I even offered to pay to upgrade the grade of the room. They said I cant as they are all allocated & sold. Which again is not true as they are still on sale. I then asked to upgrade to a balcony as they are showing available aswell. When went through the process and right at the end when she asked me to pay, she asked for £5462. I was like what ! I can book the same room right now on their website for £3800. They are standing by the policy of, I have to pay the price it was when I booked back in August 23. Even though this is all their mess up! If their website had not let me book a queen bed at the time, I would have done the £200 upgrade and guaranteed my room. They are saying their website should never have let me book the room that I did. Thats not my problem. Their own staff dont even know what they are saying, they cannot understand when I am telling them it is fixed twins and non convertible, they still keep telling me they can change the beds once on board.
  16. Do you have an email address to do this ?
  17. Sorry I am not in cabin B428, thats the cruise number. They have put us in cabin C539 and it states non converting twin beds with pullmans.
  18. HI, I have and it is pullmans attached to the wall, not from the roof. The cabin states it is non converting twins. So this means they cannot be made into a queen bed. I wasn't aware a baby would be classed as a person. They're website let me book 2 adults, 1 infant and I got to choose queen bed. This was booked early August 2023. Now in Jan I rang to confirm a cot in the room and even though I had already had a booking confirmation with room and bed configuration, when they added the cot they changed our room. I noticed it and started the calls complaining. If I had known it wasn't possible to get a queen (if their own website wouldn't have let me pick a queen) I would have paid for an upgrade. Now they wont let me.
  19. I am here in 2024 to say I am now having this same issue direct with p&o. Booked the B428 14 night Caribbean on the Britannia. Booked and confirmed a queen bed inside cabin, myself, husband and baby. Rang and added a cot last month. New confirmation came through a couple of weeks ago stating bed configuration non converting twins with pullmans. 4 agents, 3 emails later and all I am getting is ' try and sort it onboard ' Sorry but I booked and paid for a queen bed. Baby has always been on the booking and is in a cot. I could get over the pullmans not being used but the twin converting beds are a deal breaker sorry. I paid 3.5k for this holiday. A balcony is now 3.8k I said id upgrade but they are quoting me 5.4k for the same balcony because that was price when I booked ! Am I being unreasonable in the fact I expect to get what I booked and paid for - queen bed. and its not my fault there system apparently let me book something that is shouldn't have done. It's not like iv rung up and added my baby after booking. They are telling me there are no inside queen beds available on any grade, but I know its not true as I can book them online today. So they are certainly fobbing me off. I told them to refund me and I'll rebook a balcony. They say i'll loose my deposit. How is that fair ? They are not providing what I booked, therefore surely they have broken the contract. Someone please help. I am not happy to pay this much money and spend 2 weeks on what should be a luxury holiday in twin beds with restricted head room due to wall mounted bunks, with a cot between us. It looks like a hostel for goodness sake and we will have to crawl down our beds to the foot to get in and out. Customer service is diabolical.
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