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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. Humid hear too. Current temp 87⁰ F RealFeal 109⁰ 76% humidity. So temps don't always reflects how it feels.
  2. Isn't it crazy good how colorize works. You may of noticed that the Nueral Filters has a picture restore feature to remove cracks. I didn't have as much luck with it but the cracks in the picture I tried it on were really deep separated cracks. To get rid of the background cracks I used to just cut out the subject and replace the background.
  3. It's amazing some of the editing that can be done on a phone. My Samsung editing have an erase feature that works great.
  4. Debbi, Brillo is doing fine. She works night shift. Example I texted to make sure its OK to post she is working and she responded at 3:38am. I know her humor is still fine. I sent her a 2004 picture of my daughters eating cookies and she laughed and warned of games played.
  5. Have you tried the Neural Filters yet? There are several options. I used colorized on the following black and white pic taken in the 50's of my older brother and sister. It took about 5 or ten minutes to get it to look like this! Amazing to me. I love the skin tone. Could of done better but it was a quick try.
  6. If you haven't tried a Cherokee Purple tomato you need to try one. Very meaty and tasty. The Sloppy Joe sauce that was used to make the sandwich was made from several things from the garden.
  7. In 2006 I used the clone tool. This time I mainly used the Remove tool. It is found along with the Healing tools. On one spot Content Aware Fill worked. Any artifacts were easily cleaned up with the Remove tool.
  8. I have enjoyed photography for a long time. I also have used Photoshop since the 90s to retouch. I have been going through old pics which I may overshare. In 2006 a friend wanted me to retouch some of the photos he took while visiting Cambodia. Here is one of the originals. I wanted to surprise him by removing all the people from his temple picture. Back then it was not an easy task but once started I would be determined to get it done. It took hours to get it right. Here was the finished product from 2006. I was curious how long it would take me with Photoshop now. A reminder, a lot is new to me now so if I try this a few months from now it would probably take half the time but I spent about 30 minutes on the original today and this is how it came put. So fun.
  9. Like Bonnie said. I love your reports! I am sure most here will want to see your report so please post a link. If live let me know so I can help flip pics around if needed, 😂. I understand there are plus and minuses to doing a live. Choose what ever way will help you enjoy the journey the best.
  10. I am back playing with Photoshop. It has been several years. A lot to relearn especially on a MacBook instead of Windows. I found a B&W of my grandparents. I believe the pic was taken in the 70's. I was surprised how good Photoshop is at colorizing a B&W.
  11. Thanks Kenzie is in Destin. I loved this pic of her curly hair! Caden was really missing us so he was able to FaceTime us last night,
  12. This reminds me of years ago I went into the grocery store while Sharon and the girls waited in the car. I came back out and jumped in the car. As I attempted to start the car something didn't seem right. I looked around and then looked at the car next to me where I saw Sharon and the girls laughing so hard..... I was in the wrong car! 🤭
  13. This might be hard to believe but we did our 1st Zoom meeting! Just never had a need for it beforenow. We had a great meeting with a lady from around the Boston area. She was helping us learn more about voice banking.
  14. I decided to grow it after a few talked about it here. The best advice I heard about preparing it is to think of it as a potato. I have not tried mashing it yet. I have diced it up for salad and once diced it and added it to a bowl containing a variety of vegetables. Dizzled them all with olive oil, spread them out on a cookie sheet and roasted them. Soooo good.
  15. Glad your garden is taking off. I remember you grew eggplants last year. I was thinking it was some of your first to harvest but I may be remembering wrong.
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