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Everything posted by erieboater

  1. NCL Pride of America (Hawaii) 2023
  2. I was concerned, as well. We have booked POA for our annual birthday week celebration. I've wanted to do it for many years. However, today I read a recent reviewer here on CC who cruised POA in November. She and her DH have cruised POA twice before. Her review helped waylay my fears. You can find her review here: Sailing on the Pride of America - November 5 - 12, 2022 - Review - Norwegian Cruise Line - Cruise Critic Community
  3. Thank you so much for a very informative review. DH and I have booked POA for our birthday cruise in February. I love gathering as much information as possible here on CC before a cruise. Yours has helped immensely! We had a land vacation that included a few days on Oahu as well as a week on Maui. Loved seeing input from you as well as folks on Maui and will take all to heart. I've downloaded all your Freestyles and will enjoy going through them later today. I'm going to have my DH read your review, as well. We're both getting very excited.
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