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  1. Fred has the right answer here, Annie. I think some posts have been referring to HAL gift cards, which unless they're offering a special bonus card, I don't see any reason to buy them. When they were offering the bonus cards, we did buy some. But AARP has 10% discounted gift cards all the time. So DH and I have each been buying 5/month (the maximum you can buy) and using them to pay for the Grand Australia next year.
  2. We're paying for most of our Grand Australia with the gift cards. DH also made the payments online. Remember that if you're a couple, each of you can buy $2500 per month, making it $5000 per couple. My DH also taught me. My dear Dad tried to teach me when I was 16 and we lived in California -- I think by mutual agreement we gave up on that! (and he was the most patient man I've ever known). 😅 When DH taught me, we lived in Montana --- lots and lots of wide open spaces, nothing for me to hit! No wonder you're so great at keeping up with everyone! I just have hand-written pages with CC names and first names.
  3. Good morning all! It's 38 degrees here now, heading for a whopping 45 today. Yesterday was crazy -- As Tony @HAL4NOW was getting all that snow, we got the "frozen mix" for awhile in the afternoon which this time was hail -- but at one point as a plane was flying overhead, there was a BOOM of one LOUD clap of thunder. DH thought the plane had exploded! I nearly jumped out of my chair. It was so loud! I don't care much for pecans, but do like waffles. Some of my in-laws in GA get quite testy about the pronunciation of pecan....needless to say I don't say it like they do. 😂 Oh my goodness the meal today looks so good! I printed off the 2nd recipe with the balsamic glaze. I wish I'd had this recipe when we had salmon a few days ago. I thought I'd like the wine, but then saw the words "bone dry". I like my Riesling in the middle range between sweet and dry. Will pass on the drink, it sounds way too sweet. Today DH is working with the Mariners, and I'm going to drive south to DD's house to play with the kittens. They're away this weekend on another ski trip and asked if I'd do that -- no problem! We'll also be doing that tomorrow when we drive that way to Total Wine to stock up. 😉 Lorraine @cruising sisterif you want to take advantage of the 3% savings by paying off the cruise by June 1 and use gift cards, you have March, April and May to buy a total of 15 gift cards. As I said on the roll call, we're limited to 5 per person per month. The highest gift card is for $500 (you pay $450) so you can buy 5 of those each time. Ann @cat shepardHappy Birthday to your dear sister! Terry @smitty34877Adorable photo of your DGS and puppy. I love how their hair matches. Karen @luvteachingPrayers for you and your DH. I hope things improve for him. Susan @durangoscotsI'm sure you have the same thing I had in December. It does take a long time to get over -- try not to overdo and take those naps if you want to. It will end, even though it seems like it will go on forever!
  4. Another of the many reasons I won't drive in Seattle. Lots of parallel parking there. Thank goodness DH is quite expert at it. I'll look for other parking no matter how long it takes. 😉 Debbie I sent this to Barbara and she wants you to know how much she appreciates this. It really helps her to know how well you did and how easy it was. I'm glad she knows this before talking to the surgeon next month.
  5. I've also had to do a lot of driving between work and visiting family and friends north and south of us. I still can't believe I passed the parallel parking part of the test. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to now!
  6. Thanks Debbie, I'm going to copy and paste your post and send it to her. I don't think she has ever had any surgery of any kind, and the thought scares her. She has an appointment to talk to the surgeon, but I'm sure your comments here will be the biggest help. Again, so glad you're doing well!
  7. Good morning all! Winter just doesn't want to let go here. "Frozen mix" forecast in the next several days, even though our daytime temperatures won't be very low (up to high 50's but down in the 30's at night). Come on spring! I've never had Cheesesteak, but it does look tasty in a comfort food kind of way. I wouldn't turn down chocolate covered raisins, but would choose chocolate covered peanuts over raisins if given the choice. There are some cocktails I like, but I'm more of a wine gal. Will pass on the wine and drink, and "maybe" on the meal. Enchiladas aren't my favorite Mexican food. Have not been to the port. Jumping in on the driving discussion from yesterday -- I have no problem at all driving or putting gas in the car, but I will not parallel park and am terrible at backing up! I can't back up straight to save my life. I think my depth perception isn't good, so if DH's car is already in the garage I won't drive into or out of the garage (no problem if his car isn't there). It's a tight squeeze with both cars in there. I don't know how he does it. He backs his car in and my car goes in frontwards. The family got me a backup camera for my car, they all know how bad I am at it. 😉 Also I agree with others who hate all the little warning sounds if another car gets within a few feet from you. Thank goodness my car is older and doesn't have that -- but DH's car does and I hate it. Very annoying and Big Brother. 😂 Debbie @dfishI'm SO glad your surgery was successful and your levels are normal now. I'm sorry about the acid reflux but glad you had antacids on hand. Hopefully it lasted only one night. My BFF has been advised to have the same surgery and she's balking at it -- I'll tell her how well you're doing. Have fun today! Carol @mamaofamiI'm sorry about the LONG delay for your cataract surgery yesterday. I probably would have told them to reschedule it -- I'm not patient about those things. I'm puzzled -- when DH had his, he didn't have to fast and wasn't told not to bend over longer. Interesting how things are done differently by different doctors. Linda @lindalerThat's terrible about your luggage! We've used luggage direct (forwarding) before and had no problem. I wonder if they have different people handling it now. Welcome @cruzngal! Brenda @bennybearThank you for the awesome aurora photos!
  8. Good morning all! After a beautiful day yesterday, the rain will return this afternoon and cooler again. I've never had Melba Toast, love chips and dip but love it too much so it's rarely in the house. I'm a cat person, but do love my grand puppies Rogue and Pepper. Pepper is technically still a puppy, she's under 6 months old and will be a big girl! Funny quote! Punta Arenas is on our South America/Antarctica cruise in 2 years. I'm enjoying the photos, thanks to all who are posting! The meal looks yummy, will pass on the drink and wine. Last night we had some delicious fresh halibut -- yum! I think tonight may just be BLTs and potato salad. Sandi @StLouisCruisersA big congratulations to your DGS in Michigan! Being 2nd in his graduating class and a NM finalist are both things to be very proud of. Adorable puppies. 🙂 Happy Birthday @seagarsmoker! Great way to celebrate a birthday. Carol @mamaofamiI hope your cataract surgery goes well today and will be a "piece of cake". Debbie @dfishSo glad you're doing well after your surgery. Hoping your blood test today shows your levels are in the normal range now. Moose Tracks ice cream ..... one of my favorites!! Good choice. @TiogaCruiserGorgeous table decorations! Jacqui @kazuGreat news that you're free to drive now! Vanessa @JazzyVI'm glad your knees are better but sorry your hand joints are worse. My 2 grand pups Rogue and Pepper. Both have been to puppy school and are very well trained. DS and DDIL would have it no other way and these pups are their world. 🙂
  9. Good morning all! CC was down here on the west coast starting last night. Sounds like it must have been down for a long time! Some days I feel younger than other days. Since retiring unless I have a doctor's appointment I pretty much goof off every day, and I only sing out when I'm alone. 😅 The quote is a good one, will pass on the drink and red wine. I think I'd rather have gyros than the meal today. We've been to Spain but not this port. Thanks for all the great photos! Today is a rare day of sunshine, so I'll be taking advantage of that and getting out to the garden. Yesterday was my 5-year bone density scan -- and I can't believe it, but it shows that I went from Osteopenia 5 years ago to "normal" now (!) I thought I must be reading it wrong, but then my doctor sent her report to me, and it's true. Has anyone heard of Osteopenia reversing itself? I have to say, it was nice to get good medical news finally. I'm done with the string of medical and dental appointments for now, no more until the next kidney function test in April. I'm very sorry to hear about all the health problems among our Daily family. Annie @marshhawkand Ann @Vict0riann sending you hugs as you wait out medical reports and having to make decisions about your cruises. I think all of us can understand how hard that would be. Thinking about Debbie @dfishtoday as she has her surgery. Carol @mamaofamithinking of you as you prepare for your cataract surgery tomorrow. Jacqui @kazu I hope your visit today with the surgeon is a good one. Sending hugs to you. Lorraine @cruising sister Thinking of you today on your DS' heavenly 45th birthday.
  10. Thank you Tina, great article! That would be fun to have both in front of you to taste and compare. I bet I would like both also. I wish now that I'd tried some on one of the many East Coast cruises I've taken instead of lobster rolls! Debbie @dfish I thought I'd mentioned you in my earlier post but see I did not. So I'll say it here, you're on my mind and I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Best wishes for a successful surgery and speedy recovery! 💐
  11. Definitely don't underestimate it. Because of it I'm now struggling to get my kidney function up to par. The dehydration when I had the flu caused my already not great kidney function to plummet. I'll never forget that flu.
  12. Good morning all! Another cool, drizzly day here in the PNW. The forecast shows sunshine tomorrow, so that's a nice surprise. We pay off our credit cards every month. We do use them for every purchase to add up those points. No fragrances for me, not anymore. There are too many folks who are sensitive to scents and also this gardener is allergic to all bee stings so I really don't want to attract the critters to me. Just stay on the flowers. 😉 I'm terrible at poetry. I like the quote, have had this (local) wine before and liked it, and know I would love the meal. I prefer crab over lobster. And sorry Tina @0106but this NW gal loves our Dungeness crab. 😂 I do need to try some Baltimore crab. I'll pass on the drink, and Cairns is on our Grand Australia itinerary. Thank you Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, Sandi @StLouisCruisersand Tony @sailingdutchyfor the great photos. Also Lenda please thank your DH for the always amazing photos!! Susan @durangoscotsI really wonder if you have the same thing I had in December. It took me a month to feel "normal" and was very, very sick for 2 weeks. Lost 10+ pounds and it was the worst flu I've had since the 70's. Hope you're 100% soon! This morning I have my bone density test, nothing else on the agenda today.
  13. Thank you, very helpful! IF it isn't a hot day we may hoof it up the hill. But most likely it will be hot, so good to know about the shuttle. 🙂
  14. Good morning and Happy First Day of Spring! Today (and the next week) will be much cooler than the past few days and much wetter -- so happy spring to us! 😉 Ten degrees cooler than our "heat wave" of the last few days. Interesting collection of days. I'll pass on the meal and red wine, the drink might be good. We'll be in Geraldton on the Grand Australia -- thank you Charlene @cunnorlfor the photos! Good to know it's a walkable town. Last night was "one of those nights". I slept from 10-11:30 and then was awake for 3 hours. 😕 So I'm dragging a bit today. @TAW1963Thank you for the photos from your cruise. We love an aft-facing cabin! I'm glad you decided to keep HAL in your line-up of future cruises. Terry @smitty34877I'm very sorry you had a rough night. Tina @0106Thank you for stepping up and posting the recipes as Debbie @dfishhas her surgery. Paul @kochleffelI'm so very sorry that your Junior Cat Sasha has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. She was a lucky kitty to have you.
  15. Good morning all! Today will be our last "warm" day, up to 63! Then cooler again and rain. So I'll be getting outside to enjoy this while it lasts, maybe go to a nursery to buy some plants. 🙂 DH and I laugh every day, and cheers for certified nurses and poultry. I'd try the drink, pass on the red wine, and the meal sounds yummy. We had spaghetti and meatballs last night, so too much like this meal. No idea yet what will be our dinner tonight. DH has a meeting today with the Mariners, and will begin working the season. I plan to have fun in the garden. @seagarsmokerEnjoy the NS and your cruise! Nancy @ottahand7and Linda @lindalerWelcome home!
  16. Hello again. The boys did well at the derby car race. Foster got 4 firsts, Shep got 1 first and 3 seconds. They both did best in their dens. We went past the HAL event in Seattle but didn’t stop in because the parking was full. We went last year so no big loss. The gorgeous sunshine must have brought everyone out today. Lots of folks out in Seattle!
  17. Good morning all! Today we'll be watching the grandsons do their derby car race with the Scouts. Afterwards we may go into Seattle to HAL's Alaska Cruise & Travel Show. We went last year and it was entertaining, so we'll see if we decide to go again. We may just pop in and enter the "win a cruise" and head back home... Yesterday's neighbor-lady firepit gathering went very well, we chatted for almost 4 hours. It was warm enough (low 60's) that we almost didn't need the fire, but agreed it added some ambiance lol. As always, people walking by stop and chat too, so a good way to meet new people in the neighborhood. Lenda @Quartzsite CruiserI wonder if we were on the same cruise in 2015? We were on a 2-week South America cruise out of Lima on the Statendam. I believe it left Lima on March 30. We didn't stay Corinto, we took a tour to a rum factory that day. We enjoyed that 18-year-old rum for many years. 😉 Corinto and local volcano The one we bought is on the far right here.
  18. Good morning and Happy St. Patrick's Day! I don't care for corned beef or cabbage, so will pass on that. Cured meats are off limits for me now anyway even if I did like it. The closest I've been to a submarine is DH was the Supply Officer on a Sub-Tender in the Navy. Some of our very good Navy friends were on subs. I never was in Girl Scouts, but my DM worked in the Girl Scout office for awhile when I was small. I love halibut and all the recipes but would leave out the olives. Will pass on the drink and red wine, have never been to Japan. Today will be the warmest yet of the year, up to a whopping 61! So I've invited the neighbor ladies to come sit by our firepit to catch up on everyone's lives. I've never gotten such quick responses! I think we're all ready for winter to be over. Something funny happened early this morning. I was woken up by a loud bumping noise coming from downstairs. Of course DH slept soundly all through it -- and all I could think was thank goodness for the home security alarm, because it couldn't be anyone in the house or the alarm would have gone off. I ventured downstairs, the sound got louder, and then I saw it. The Eufy robovac was bumping into the treadmill and everything else in the family room, directly under our bedroom. I don't know how long it had been doing this. Apparently when I used it briefly yesterday I pushed the "scheduled cleaning" button by accident. 😂 Jacqui @kazuYay about booking the cruise! Debbie @dfishWow about the big, black hairy thing! Was it upright like Sasquatch or on all fours like a bear? Lorraine @cruising sisterAdorable grands! Terri @Cruzin TerriI'm glad your DH is ok after his fall. That had to be so scary. We know very well about Savannah and St. Patrick's Day, Savannah is DH's hometown. Katherine @Lady Hudson I'm glad that your DH is ok after his fall!
  19. Debbie @dfish I'm so glad your day turned out better than expected! It's good that you questioned the taxes and the insurance-- it pays to speak up! We've had a good day too, back from the dentist and neither of us needs any work done. Yippee!
  20. Good morning all! Woke up to a frosty morning and hope this was the last of it. I'm looking forward to tomorrow when it's supposed to get up to the low 60's! All 3 days are good today. I don't like the quote either, the meal sounds great (I too would leave off the brown sugar in the first recipe), pass on the drink but Nobilo is my wine of choice many nights on a BHB. I have some here in the house -- along with many other Marlborough SB's. Sandi @StLouisCruisersI wouldn't like having sticker bushes over my flowers...why have the flowers if you can't see them? I'd rather find some other way to keep munchers away. Today both DH and I have appointments for dental check ups and cleaning. Not much else on the agenda other than the usual cruise planning. @seagarsmokerSafe travels to Florida and Bon Voyage! Enjoy the NS -- my favorite ship. Laura @kpladySafe travels to Australia! Debbie @dfishI'm sorry you've had the hassles with both the county assessor and with Aetna. Yikes that they would take back their approval!!
  21. Thanks Sharon. So you just kept trying over and over until it went to the right segment? It's crazy how it tries to go to something already paid off. In our case, on the third try it came up with the error message. 😞
  22. As long as you don't book something leaving before that cruise you'll be ok! (just kidding!) I do wonder what would have happened if we had no other bookings though. It insisted on making a payment to an earlier cruise (that is already paid off). I don't think it had anything to do with gift cards though because DH didn't even get past "make a payment" when it happened.
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