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Everything posted by Lionesss

  1. OMG That could be Lizzy's sibbling!!!!! Thank you And also thank you to all sharing well wishes for my 66th. birthday. Baby update. Christina was checked on Tuesday. Baby fine Mild contractions dilated 3 cm. 50% effaced. So today....................................at work. Due date this Saturday. For my birthday I want a safe labor and delivery for the granddaughter to be. Well, that Tiffany bangle with diamonds is cute. Take care.
  2. As Christina’s pregnancy is soon coming to an end, I thought todays update says it all. And Brandon being the soon to be “Dad” said goodbye as the football team headed to the Bahamas for their bowl game the only way he could.
  3. @grapau27 I am sure you are relieved your biopsy is done with. Hope you are able to rest and relax. Best wishes.
  4. TY for sharing your travels. Enjoyed following. Take care
  5. Do you know what is in this bottle to counteract the sting from jelly fish................. I have read of "Man made" produced liquids.......🙄
  6. Having stayed in a CL suite on Oasis, Allure and Symphony, we found the doors to be open by CK when CK was serving meals. They used the service elevator in the back of the ship. All other times it was open. Just an FYI
  7. @LucasLikesToCruise I too will add my condolences for the loss of your mom. May she rest in peace, and prayers for your mom, you as well as all who knew her. Take care
  8. In the past I shared with you when my DHs uncle died we inherited a hoarded house. My DHs mom who past a way a few years earlier was the same. We were not permitted to go through and de clutter her house per uncle Jacks wishes. ( they lived in attached side by side duplex. 4,000 square feet of memories). They never spent change. Our best friend owns a vending company and with it a large coin counter machine. Like the banks. After all was said and done we had him count all the half dollars, quarters, nickels and pennies. Let’s just say it was significant. I do not know why but I saved 5 one gallon milk jugs of dimes. Used them as games at showers. ( guess how many) in a specific one. I kept the dimes and gave out other prizes. So having left over dimes. I decided to start a piggy bank for grand daughter to be. Now. I decided to use something besides a pig. YUP. Took many a dime to fill. Oh. The “Z” is her first initial of her name to be. Dimes came in handy. 😃
  9. Rare Story time So I am sure most of us can recall our kids bouncing off the walls waiting for Santa to come. Well, our daughter Christina, must have had quite a sugar high one day as I was baking for the holidays and she was tasting way to many as they came out warm from the oven. Yup, nothing could settle down her energy. As I was coming to my whits ends, because the dinner for Christmas was at our house and I still had to clean and wrap all the gifts, one in "Santa" paper and one from parental units, in addition to working full time. So as I sat down to my 9th cup of coffee, I looked up and said "Please Someone up there help me" Just then the smoke detector blinked its little red light. So out of no where I go..................... "Christina, come here" stomp, stomp,stomp, "What" "Hey I want you to look up, see that blinking light?" "Uh ha..............so" "Well, those are Santa's cameras, and every time the light blinks a picture is taken, and all the elves look at all the pictures and tells Santa if you are good or bad...................." She looks at me, looks at the red light, and has a look of amazement on her face. Then I go "And right now I think that Santa has enough pictures to know your going to be on the naughty list" So, she now has the look of fear on her face, and just stares, and I go. "I guess you should try to be good before its too late, go clean your room". She actually cleaned and did not hide stuff where it was not supposed to be. So now Rick comes home from work. And Christina comes bouncing down the stairs and goes "My room is clean" Rick looks at me, and then Christina gives dad a kiss and hug, and walks out of the room, but she is looking over her shoulder up at the red blinking light. Rick said.... "She.....cleaned her room????????" He just sees her looking up and asks if she sees a spider. She goes "No, I want the elves to know I am good" Rick looks at me, and I go, "I'll explain later, but gotta love this as long as it lasts" We were able to use it for only 2 years, and then she grew up to be the soon to be mom. Paranoid, no I am sure we all had those mom moments, and this got me through it. Take care And, Rick always read the Night before Christmas to her on Christmas eve.
  10. @HBE4 I was crying as soon as I started reading your update. First of all my condolences to you and your daughter. As an outsider I can now see how it was a very long road for you, as your wife did not recover. Take care and thanks for sharing with CC. 💔
  11. And if it happens in 8 days it wound the greatest birthday gift for me. But when ever she decides to make her appearance. I will be ecstatic!!!
  12. Good morning. This morning is the first day since Sunday I can honestly say I feel good. The heel is feeling better. The rest helped it heal. Then just when you think all is good you get the “ land version” of Noro virus. Yup. Was battling lower GI events for 48 hours. ( need I say more). Best way to lose weight 8 pounds to be exact. I know I need to rehydrate. And have been drinking water and ginger ale. Between visits to the “John” we decorated a little over the past few days. We will be traveling to spend Christmas with the kids so we only put up one tree In family room and a few decorations in foyer. We were gifted a porcelain tree almost 30 years ago and the cat nativity we found on line. Today. Walking. Window shopping. Hope all are well. Be safe.
  13. @firefly333 Thanks for sharing your experiences right now. Wishing you the best of times and have a safe journey. I hope only fun, uneventful days ahead. Take care
  14. Grandma in waiting. Christina is now in her 38th. Week. Her doctor asked her if she would like to be induced. She goes. “Do I need to be induced?” He goes. “ No just giving you the option”. She goes. “No let her grow, safest place for her”. Due date December 17.
  15. @BonTexasNY Happy Anniversary @grapau27 Yummy!!!!!!Thanks for sharing @Jimbo Love the new look so far. I am sure you will be ready to be done with the remodeling. So I exceeded my expectations to the American Heart Association goal of walking my commitment. I was able to walk 4-5 miles 5x per week for the past 6 1/2 weeks. Guess I over did it. Then, Achilles tendinitis of left foot/heel. So no walking, only on indoor bike right now. Doing my passive exercises to that foot and have a fitted shoe lift in place.......................always something. So trying to increase my endurance and resistance on the bike. Be safe
  16. First and foremost congratulations on Owen's accomplishments. He is truly a complete package, academics, sports and I am sure a great role model. Also, your above IMG was the first I was able to download......wish it was of a sunny cruise, but at least I know how to do it. Take care
  17. Your comment is taken with utmost respect. And really does show your professionalism. If we would ever meet I will not discuss work stories , but more importantly the joy of cruising. Be safe.
  18. @Ocean Boy Years ago I read an article in one of my psychology books, that in essence stated that all of us have a gift to share with others. And it usually takes others to let you realize what your gift is. From all of your post about your profession as well as how you meet the team players needs it is very obvious to me that one of your many talents is your gift of sharing and meeting the needs of those who place their confidence in you: Your gift of a great role model and being there to physically and mentally provide safe discreet care to your youth that trust in you is something you should be very proud of. Trust is one of the best values a person can be recognized for.....and it is evident you have earned the trust of many people. And being on the outside looking in...................THANK YOU for all you do to guide the future leaders by your actions but more importantly through your example. One day I hope that we can meet in person. As my daughter would say, " I know when health care people get together all they talk about is medical issues," since my husband and I have been known to ramble on about what we have encountered, and I am sure the conversation would never get boring. Be safe.
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