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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Well, something knocked me for a loop today. After breakfast I went back to bed until noon,. Jim then went to the podiatrist at noon. At that point I was awake. A few minutes later I went back to bed and slept until 2 pm. Arms and legs just awfully sore. I have a headache. I have so much to do and no energy to do anything but just sit still. The only thing I can think of the the PMR and the fact that I had two sleepsless nights on Saturday and Sunday. Guess it all caught up with me. I’ll check back later. Terri
  2. Good morning, I was up at the crack of dawn today. My Doctor at the Mayo Clinic had me get blood work this morning at Quest Diagnostics to check the inflammation level. i was their first customer this morning. My doc will have the results by tomorrow. Meanwhile I am starting on 10 mg of Prednisone to alleviate the symptoms for the PMR. On the way home I stopped at the bagel shop and bought some fresh bagels for breakfast. Now I am just waiting for Jim to wake up. He has another 10 minutes before I get him out of bed. I’m hungry. Thank you @StLouisCruisers Sandi for getting us going this morning with the Daily and the Cares and Celebration lists. It looks like Roy @rafinmdis up early, but he has not given us an update on his condition. Hope we hear good news soon. Thank you for all that post here. You make my day. Lots to do before the week is over. Tomorrow we get a new HVAC system. Take care everyone., God Bless, Terri
  3. Roy, I have the same thing. It’s good that you are there more than 23 hours. That means Part A kicks in and pays the whole bill and you are no longer on observation. That happened to me when I had the pulmonary emboli. Part A did not pay because I was on observation and I ended up paying 80% of the BCBS. Also in case you have to go for rehab BCBS pays for the first 100 days. Hope this helps. Terri
  4. Good morning to all. Happy Monday. It is pouring here in Bluffton. Yesterday all my plans were shot to hell yesterday and that means that I have double work today. I’m waiting for a call from the HVAC guy to let me know the bad news. I did not have a restful night. Lots of pain in my shoulders and legs. @rafinmdRoy. i echo the sentiments of others. That nurse had no business telling you anything regarding your prognosis. @cruising sister says it perfectly. A lot depends on determination to get better and I know that you have that in you. You may need some rehab to regain strength but I do not see you going from living alone and functioning one day to no longer being able to live on your own because of pneumonia. That nurse should have deferred his/her answer to a doctor. End of rant! Now get some sleep. Prayers for all on the cares list. Unfortunately it seems to be growing. That makes me sad. Cheers to those who are celebrating and cruising. Hope everyone has a good day. Now it is time to talk to the HVAC guy. More money to spend. God Bless everyone, Terri
  5. Thanks Sandi. We are on the Oceania Sirena from Feb. 7 to 19. Sailing out of Miami. Terri
  6. Good Sunday morning to all, First of all, a big THANK YOU to @StLouisCruisers Sandi for stepping up and taking care of the Daily and the cares and celebration lists,. Appreciate your efforts. Also to @JazzyVfor her additions. Hope your eye gets better. So where to begin: @rafinmdI am so sorry to hear that your O2 levels are dropping. Have they given you Oxygen? I suspect that part of that is the fact that you are hurting and your breathing is shallow. Coupled with the pneumonia it is not surprising. @kazu, Sorry you are still hurting. This is not good. i strongly encourage you to take some action against HAL. Have you heard of Christopher Elliott. This would be right up his alley. Elliott.com @grapau27 thanks for Fr. David’s sermon. Always uplifting. Hope Sarah is doing better. i am again suffering from my Polymyalgia Rheumatica. It is keeping me up at night. Lots of pain in my shoulders and hips. i can’t start the Prednisone until I have enough for the course. Sent a message to my Doc at the Mayo Clinic for a renewal. Will probably need a blood test. We leave for our cruise on Sun. Feb. 5 so not much time. Want to feel better before then. I hope everyone has a good day. Take care and God Bless, Terri
  7. Roy, Glad there are no broken bones. Hope they can take care of you and get you on your feet quickly. Meantime, you need some rest. Prayers for your speedy recovery. God Bless, Terri
  8. Well, I came back to check in on all the health problems of the day. You have all been on my mind and in my prayers. While I did not have a fall, out HVAC is on the blink again and got the news that it has to be replaced. Just what we need, another expense! So next week, before we take off for our cruise, they will come and do the job. Not good news. Will check back later to see if Roy has any news. Hope nothing is broken. Terri
  9. Good morning all, @rafinmdRoy, I am so sorry to hear that you had a bad night. Hope that they can fix you up in the ER and you do not require a hospital stay. @Seasick Sailor take it easy. @kazu Sorry you are having so much trouble with the elbow. Any news from HAL about covering the cost for this? @StLouisCruisersSandi, thank you for stepping up to the plate and getting us going this morning. Hope everyone has a good day. Take care and God Bless. Prayers for everyone. Terri
  10. Roy, sorry you took a tumble. Hope you are not hurting too bad. You are doing an awful lot. Try to put some stuff on hold and take it easy a bit. Prayers for you., Terri
  11. Good morning to all, I resolving to try to post every day before I get busy. I got a lot of paperwork done yesterday and have more to do today. Hope to finish this morning. Then I have a few boxes to tackle. The contractor has agreed to put up all the brackets for our curtains/window treatments that were taken down during the painting. Plus mirrors and pictures. Big job for us, but not so for him and his crew. Big relief for us. I admit, I did not find the time to read all the posts of the past week or so. I will try to catch up. It will take a while. Maybe when I am on the cruise. @smitty34877just the mention of Greenwich Village put a smile on my face. Oh, how I miss New York. Having lived in the Village for part of my life, it brings back many fond memories. While living in the South has its benefits, there is no place like New York. @rafinmdthank you for the lists and I hope you are feeling better. @grapau27I did see where Sarah had her injections. Hope she is doing well. @Seasick Sailor and @ger_77how nice that you were able to meet and spend some time together on your cruise. @kazu Hope your arm is healing. Sorry you had to have a second surgery. Prayers to all who are remembering loved ones on Holocaust Remembrance Day. Prayers for all on this list, whether you need them or not. God Bless, Terri
  12. Good morning after taking a hiatus. i have been super busy trying to put our house back together again and also trying to deal with piles of mail and financial stuff that we have had to put off since the start of this nightmare called a flood. As for the status of our house, we are working diligently to get it all fixed up. The Master Bath is on hold. The Contractor, in conjunction with our consent, decided to hold off on the work until we are on our cruise in February. This is better for all concerned,. They don’t have to worry about us being underfoot and we don’t have to breathe all the dust that goes along with the whole job. We will be leaving on Feb. 5 for Miami and Board the Oceania Sirena on Feb. 7 for 12 days. At this point, we need another rest. For whatever reason both my knees are hurting terribly and it is making it very hard to do much around this house. It just gets harder and harder. The garage is still a mess. I apologize for not being around and not being up to date on what is going on with all of you. I will try to catch up when I can. For now, prayers for all and hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  13. One of the reasons I moved from HAL to Oceania was because HAL kept shortening the times in port and O had longer times in port.. Having said that. Oceania is disappointing me by doing the exact same thing. Thankfully i still feel that the other reasons for booking Oceania—food, service and smaller ships, bringing my own wine on board without paying a corkage fee up front—make me want to continue to sail with them. However, make no mistake. I do not cruise to spend all day on the ship. I cruise for the itinerary and shortened port times do not sit well with me. Terri
  14. This reminds me of HAL doing the same thing a number of years ago. Their excuse was that they were “enhancing” my cruise experience. Terri
  15. Received notice for every single cruise we are on. On one cruise notice was received the day after final payment was made. Not too concerned about Caribbean ports, but certainly am annoyed about European ports where every minute counts.
  16. Bruno, We have sailed in the Pinnacle Suite for the exact reason you want to. We used to sail with my disabled brother-in-law (now deceased) and in his later years needed a wheelchair. We found that even a Neptune Suite was not sufficient for our needs. The PS with the Murphy Bed and the extra half bath, plus the extra space worked beautifully and we were very comfortable. The added fact that we could have meals on a dining room table rather than go to the MDR was an added benefit. I think you are making the right decision if you really want to take your Dad on another cruise. It will be the most comfortable situation for both of you. Terri
  17. i have an agent that I have been with for years. She is not on the connoisseurs list but she has done will by me and would not trade her for the world. I started with her when I was sailing on HAL and stayed with her when I moved over to Oceania. She changed agencies. Her prior agency was on the C list. This one is not. I get great perks and she knows her stuff. I am happy and that is what counts. Terri
  18. Good morning everyone. It is a cold 32 degrees here in Bluffton. We are happy to be home but there is so much work to do. Yesterday we tried to se up our TVs. Unfortunately we discovered the Sony TV in the Den did not survive the ordeal and has a cracked screen. I will have to contact the insurance company and see if they will do anything for us. Can’t get any picture or sound or anything from it. The TV is not that old—only about 3 years. There are loads of boxes that have to be collapsed and taken away. My house is a mess right now. More work on the agenda for today. Cannot be a “Do nothing day” for us. @smitty34877 Keeping Tana in our prayers and hope you are able to get some rest too. Have a good day everyone and stay safe. God Bless, Terri
  19. Good morning from Bluffton, SC where it is 36 degrees. it was so nice to finally sleep in my own bed last night. Best night’s sleep I have had in a long time. Thank you to Roy @rafinmd for posting the Daily and Fleet Report as you do double duty while Rich is enjoying his world cruise. Yesterday I went to the local butcher and stocked up on our meat supply. I really had an empty refrigerator. He told me that he thought I had moved. Anyway, we now have enough meat to last a while. Today I will do a supermarket run and also go to the apartment to get the computer, printer and of course paper. The house still has boxes all over the place and we are still opening them. Can’t watch TV because I can’t find the electric cord or the cable box. I guess they will show up eventually. Prayers to all on the cares list, especially @kazu, @Scrapnana and Sarah. @grapau27, thank you for Father David’s sermon. Always appreciated. Love the photo. It looks so serene. Cheers to those who have reason to celebrate. And I hope all who are cruising have a wonderful time. @aliaschiefAzamara looks very inviting. I may think about trying it out. Although, at present Oceania fits the bill quite nicely. Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday. Stay safe and God Bless. Terri
  20. This is short and very sweet. WE ARE HOME! Still plenty of stuff at the apartment by we will bring it over in due time. Tonight I will sleep in my own bed. Terri
  21. Good morning. I am up early and for a change, not worried about trying to get to our house before the workers. No one showing up today. Our goal today is to get some of the things from the apartment back to our house. Namely from the kitchen. Next we expect to get our clothes back there. There are plenty of clothes at the house but we have stuff here as well. We plan to do this stuff piecemeal since we have the apartment until the end of the month. in the meantime, before I get busy, thank you to Roy @rafinmd for the Daily and Fleet Report, and for the List and all the other things you have offered to do. Prayers for @kazu. Hope that arm is healing and you will soon be able to twirl batons! LOL. Prayers also for @Scrapnana. Kathi, hope all is going well for her And of course, prayers for Sarah. I hope that the injections are done soon to relieve her pain. That will also give some comfort to @grapau27 Graham and Pauline. @Seasick Sailor Hope you and Allen are enjoying your cruise. How sad to see someone drop off a parent with Alzheimer’s. However, it is hard to judge until one has walked in the daughter’s shoes. i agree that it is a bit much. I wish only the best for the mother on her cruise and for the daughter who may desperately need some respite. @aliaschief Looks like Azamara is a good fit for you. Your cruise appears to be amazing. Enjoy! Hope everyone has a great Saturday. God Bless, Terri
  22. Good evening all, I am late to the game again. Spent the whole day working again. However today we had help. Two of the ladies from Service Master showed up. Boy, are they good and fast. They empty boxes so fast that I hardly have time to think where the things go. The plan is for Jim and i to move in by the weekend and then clear out the apartment by the end of next week. We are loving our new furniture and as soon as there are no boxes around and it looks nice, i will take a photo and post it. We are getting there, slowly but surely. On another note, the PMR is getting better. It is not as bad as it was a few days ago. Hope everyone is doing okay. Praying for a swift recovery for both Jacqui and Kathi,. Hope that Sarah is holding her own until she is able to get her injections. Prayers for all the cares list an Cheers to those celebrating and cruising. God Bless, Terri
  23. @StLouisCruisersand @marshhawkglad you are both safe and made it through the storm. We kept getting alerts on the TV as we pick up Georgia stations, but was unaware of the areas they where they were issuing warnings. Stay safe and hope power is restored soon, Terri
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