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Everything posted by Presto2

  1. No idea who this Jamie is. Just out of curiosity how old is he?
  2. Hope all goes well tomorrow Josy. If that's at Royal Stoke good luck with the parking etc !
  3. Thinking of you both tomorrow. Sounds good if he is eating though 🙂 Can't imagine how you are feeling to be apart, but it seems that he is having great care and getting stronger and stronger. I do think that this thread has been special since Sharon set it up in 2020 and the support you've had from everyone on here is a wonderful example of that. Thanks to CC for allowing to keep it going. 🙂 XX
  4. Gottcha both. Sorry, its all this retirement lark turning my brain to mush already .. Its not worth the hassle to us to be honest, and if we were doing that we would pay more and go with another cruise line. What sold P&O is that everything is covered as someone posted above. Just get us from Manchester to the ship without any fuss. Does seem silly money for the cruise though, or does that show how little they are paying the carriers for the flights in the first place?
  5. We will let you stay 🙂 We also love a good storm and North Wales whatever the weather. Just to be by the sea and each season has its own charm. The rougher the sea the better -- well as long as it doesn't come over floor of our caravan it'd be fine. Off to Barbados as I've always wanted to see what it is like - hubby says I will love the beaches and colour of the sea. We are doing quite a lot of excursions too. We are normally ancient history bods so this will be a different sort of cruise of us. Whatever, it'll be an adventure. Re the weather today - oh it is very dark here, but it makes the Christmas lights in the house seem brighter ! Last day for them before we dismantle for another year. Can live without the sun, but you have to admit the weather of late has been miserable almost every day. Now if only the rain was snow, that'd be amazing ! 🙂
  6. Think Noah only does cruises with flights not included to the Caribbean and I don't like sea days -- but that's a whole new thread 😁
  7. There must be a female companion for him somewhere there ------- Totally miserable day here in Stoke on Trent so we have decided to do some research for holidays for 2025. Don't think the pension will cover another one for 2024 and the cat will never speak to us again !
  8. Its our last night and others' first night we think. Evenso too late in the cruise. Never mind always another time God willing.
  9. I think I am being dense. So P&O are offering cruise only offers now then? I think I've lost the thread / plot Help
  10. Sorry am confused. Where does the £745 amount come from ?
  11. We've just checked and it is already completely booked for both weeks other than our last night so we will give it a miss! Oh well, something for another time perhaps 🙂
  12. And it's set sail already and no one has told us ...
  13. Made me chuckle, can see the advert now: Go with P&O cruises. Buy a flight and get a cruise thrown in for free.
  14. Well this clip below more or less says it all about the weather today ...
  15. Why queue early? Seats.close to the act? If so that suits us as we'd prefer to be as far away as possible ,-)
  16. We have done a number of cruises with Celebrity using their flights and also booking their own. Becareful what you wish for as it puts a considerable cost on to your cruise doing it this way. You could go for a cheaper deal with them but people have ended up with silly flights that go all around everywhere to get to their departure point. Eg Manchester to Rome via Germany. Re the Caribbean its a no brainer if you want an affordable cruise to go with PO or TUI as the flight costs are so high and you'd need to fly out a few.days or day early and book a hotel incase of delays. PO was by far the cheapest when we compared it to TUI. This is our experience .. others may have had a different one.
  17. We are on Britannia soon and there is availability for the Limelight Club. We have never tried this before but having read a few reviews some of you seem to have enjoyed it, as did a friend on her recent cruise. It is Chesney Hawkes performing .. not really heard of him .. or Ray Quinn. Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks as ever every one.
  18. Now I am retired (YEAH) I get you, but we no longer have elderly parents to worry about and their concerns and issues. It sounds like your view is like ours at the minute TBH and tend to err on the side of caution now but now that the ship will wait for us if we are with P&O. Not the same if you fly independently as most do with other cruise lines ..
  19. Jet 2 oh please. Celebrity use Jet 2. Love them
  20. Hi Jake thanks for your reply. Am no more worried re safety than I was many moons ago .... ha ha .. I will always revert to prayer at take off and landing 😀 Just wondering if you think things are worse or better in terms of planes having to be diverted as airlines are stretched.
  21. Is that the same now or it is worse in your opinion?
  22. That's sort of says what I am thinking. There is no slack, so this would help
  23. Having read all of the posts and thought about it I think this sums it up ! There are 2 large ships in the Caribbean now with, what people are saying, are fewer carriers and planes. I'm no expert but listening to those in the know from pervious employment on here it seems like dominoes. If you depend on every domino, if there is an issue with one, then the whole pack goes down. In effect, there is no slack in the system .... one goes down due to any issues and there is nothing to fill in the gaps. I feel sorry for the staff on the ground for any airline as they are the ones who pick up the flack from the Great British Public (who can be a real unforgiving pain) We are off to Barbados (am I really saying this?) on the 13th January and just praying that, above all, our Dreamliner gets us there safe and sound...
  24. We were at a New Year's Eve celebration on land last night and at certain times, despite excellent organisation from the venue, there were queues at the bar. I'm not saying that this is the reason on Ventura, but if you go to any sort of celebration you know that there are times that you need to avoid having to get a drink. (5 minutes before the bar closes and 10 minutes to midnight).
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