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Everything posted by Presto2

  1. Said with feeling Pete14 ..... and we totally agree. The safety briefing tells you to keep your belt on anyway and other than when moving around that's what we do. If the plane felt like we were on the Big Dipper I think that it'd be common sense. Sadly that is out of fashion in the blame culture of the C21st.
  2. And me as the top one has that nice onion stuff they do on it.
  3. Totally agree. Not the same thing but we shopped in Asda on Friday. It was completely manic and the queues for check out unreal. BUT I'd say 99% of folk were great and kept cheerful. Just 2 who opening ignored the system.. to be honest one seemed genuinely oblivious and pushed in. One young person .. words fail. She knew exactly what she was doing .. once she'd got her face out of her phone. You know that saying something just causes a fuss so everyone just tutted and rolled their eyes. It wasn't work the confrontation .. It made me cross though and I was really cross when we left. Looking back it was one person out of the hundreds of lovely people we met and shared a joke with who clouded my judgement of the visit.. OK it's not a cruise ship but hope you know what I mean!!
  4. Best wishes to all of you for a lovely Christmas and happy, healthy and peaceful New Year 2024. Us Presto2s
  5. We are off on our first Caribbean cruise so feel like newbies! On our last day has anyone.done one of the excursions that take you either in a tour or to a beach bar before the airport? How do they work and are they worth it?
  6. The DIY steak is hubby's favourite... Have been looking at the Beach House menus and I'm concerned that all of the food seems to be really spicy. I hate spicy food ... hubby says I can't cope with mild spice ... so am hoping they will grant requests and leave some.of it off.
  7. Thank you from.Mr Presto2 and myself for your many good wishes. Its really kind of you all. It hasn't sunk in at all .. probably will when we get on that ship.....mid term!
  8. Our news is that today we both retired .... It's been an emotional time but now chilling amidst the many Champagne bottles we've been given. Cheaper holidays here we come ....
  9. I work with about 100 adults of all ages. Believe me they are all different and sorry disagree with your observations. To me it'd about personality not age.
  10. To the original question my thought is that it isn't the age of the passengers that is important but the nature of the passengers. There is bad and good in all age groups ---
  11. That was a lovely card. Very stressful for us cat owners 😉. Really sweet.
  12. Love this post. Our generation grew up in the 60s, 70s etc. Alice Cooper, Status Quo, heavy rock, Punk Rock etc etc. We may have grey hair but we've had the best music and still do !!!
  13. Mmm what about our lovely David Tennant of Dr Who fame? If we are lucky he can launch a.ship that, for once, is actually smaller and cosier on the inside than it looks on the outside. PO Tardisia
  14. At least I knew who Nigel was -- most of the others I had nooooo idea who they were. Probably says more about my age I suppose. To be honest I didn't watch it this time. Have only watched it when it was in beautiful Wales. (I'd say the name of the castle, but I can't spell it!) I am in shock though re your post ------ there is actually a reputable radio news channel !!!!!
  15. As someone else has said - can't imagine how you are feeling and I'm not really sure what to say. Hoping it all works out well for you and gets sorted asap.
  16. I've been waiting for a parcel since Tuesday and was wondering where it was. With the RM we have always had a card popped through the post box to say where it had been left or if it had been taken back to the depot. Found it today by chance in our green bin (used for newsletters and envelopes etc). Had no idea it had been delivered ....
  17. Just been reading this with interest. Not wanting to get in to a massive debate, but just to share that we were only discussing this issue last weekend regarding the Northern Light cruises as we thought that an over night meant that you had 2 days in a port (as it has done on any Med. cruise we have been on with P&O). It was Mr and Mrs Pete14 who explained that this isn't necessarily the case but that the ships leave early the next morning. Perhaps P&O can make it clearer on the itineraries for Northern Light newbie cruisers who, like us, automatically apply what they have experienced in the past to the definition for these cruises. (I think I am rambling, so hope that this makes sense).
  18. We've never been to the Caribbean before so to us it is all new .... an excuse to go 😉
  19. We priced up Marella. Silly money compared to PO so will just enjoy watching it in the TV
  20. Shame as we wouldn't be doing those. Never mind
  21. I love DIP but cant find a cruise that gives you the chance to visit here. Which cruises were you on to be able to visit ?
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