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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. Jack, I'm sorry Sam is having so much trouble with his hind legs. It's good you found a vet who makes house calls. That should be so much easier on Sam and on you. Mary Kay, I hope the dermatologist visit went okay. Enjoy the Nutcracker. Karen, I agree -- rant away. I can understand your frustration. While the people at the rehab facility who worked with DH were all great, the administration and their communications skills were lacking. They did not call me when they sent DH to the hospital when he had the embolism. Their excuse was he was keeping me updated, so they didn't feel the need to call. At least, the second time they sent him to the ER, they had learned their lesson, and the charge nurse called me. She had more medical details than DH. Also, when DH missed his follow-up visit with the surgeon due to the embolism, they only called and canceled the appointment but did not give a reason. Their excuse was the surgeon's office didn't ask why. Thank goodness, I called the surgeon to make sure they knew the appointment was canceled and why. Yesterday, the surgeon commented that he's found the different facilities are not good at communication. At least, they were great taking care of DH. Carolyn, I'm sorry your DH is having a bad reaction to yesterday's treatment. I hope he feels better tomorrow. Can they give him anti-nausea medicine when he gets the treatment or to take at the first sign of nausea? Wow, Debbie. When we move, one of the first things I do is change our address and make sure all packages are sent to the new address. Hope the cat doesn't suffer too much because of her mistake. Lenda
  2. Good morning from a cold, 34F, cloudy but trying to clear central Texas. According to the forecast, we are supposed to reach the low 50s today. Tomorrow will start in the 40s until the front starts coming through about 10 am, when the temperatures will begin to drop and the wind will get stronger. The highest wind predicted is 27mph. Thursday night the low will be 12F and Friday's highs will not get out of the mid 20sF. This morning, I had to make another quick trip to the store after seeing this week's specials. There were some things I needed, and I knew they would go quickly. An added bonus was my prescriptions that were supposed to be ready tomorrow were ready when the pharmacy opened at 8:30. Winter Solstice is a day I look forward to since the days will begin getting longer. Blue Christmas is a good idea along with Humbug Day. Graham @grapau27, thanks for the definitions of the days. I agree with the A. A. Milne quote, and during DH's hospital and rehab stay learned I could handle more than I thought. The meal and the wine sound good, but I'll pass on the Long Island Iced Tea. We have not been to today's port. @cat shepard Safe travels tomorrow, and I hope the Boston traffic and the weather cooperate. @rafinmd Roy, that must have been a shock. I hope you are feeling well and that it was a mix-up or the test picked up some stray, dead virus remains. Roy, some people get the virus and never have any symptoms. That could be your case. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry yesterday was not a good day, but just remember to take it easy and to let others pamper you for a while. @Crazy For Cats Jake, I loved the meme, but then anything dachshund gets to me. @0106 Tina, thanks for the explanation of the tests. @1ANGELCAT That is good news that the kitties don't have feline leukemia. We lived outside of Philadelphia form 1980 to 1981 and watched all the local stations. Jim Gardner had a long career there. @Mtn2Sea Robert, thank you for your pictures. @durangoscots Susan, I'm glad it is warmer there, and you will not get the brunt of the storm. @dfish Debbie, the recipes look good. I make a similar dish with chicken, mushroom soup, and milk that goes in the oven at a low temperature for about three hours. I'll have to make it after the first of the year, but today will be meatloaf. I'm glad Sue will be able to leave early tomorrow and miss the worst of the weather on her drive to Midland. @JazzyV Vanessa, thank you for your pictures. That is breaking news, and good news about the bridge being dedicated. The passing of Franco Harris is sad news indeed. Lenda
  3. Thank you, Graham. We hope to cruise again soon. There is a Princess ship out of Galveston that we could drive to, but we want to see how the covid numbers are brfore we take the plunge. Flying still sounds prolematic. Thank you Vanessa. There are a lot of people around here that are unvaccinated. We try to avoid them. On couple were teaching when the vaccines came out. They continued teaching but would not get vaccinated. Sandi, I'm glad your DD got a good report from the surgeon. Debbie, maybe our therapist could join your niece's fiance in his cave. We liked her, but we should have been informed at the start. Needless to say, we will probably test before DD and DSIL come next week. At least, we are vaccinated and fully boostered. Terry, I think all the hard work in rehab played a big part in his prgress at home. All she had him do was walk a couple of laps in the house. The PT who admitted DH to home health showed us several more exercises. The PT was the only one who visited who never wore a mask. I don't blame you for asking the aide to leave. Lenda
  4. Good afternoon from a still windy and cold central Texas, but at least it warmed to 51F. The sun came out as we were on our way home. Maybe it came out to help celebrate the good news from the visit with the surgeon. DH is officially discharge with the exception of an x-ray and visit every two months until October. These visits are to check on the amount of bone growth from the spinal fusion. The bone is growing slowly but that is to be expected. For DH, the best news was he could put the "hated" back brace in the closet! 👍 👏 Mary Kay, thank you for checking in, and I can understand why you were absent for a while. I'm glad that your step-son is healing well from the cancer surgery and may be able to have the second one scheduled after the first of the year. BUT, shame on him for not testing and exposing so many of the family to Covid. I am glad you were not one of those who got sick and hope that all are recovered now. I can understand the funk you've been in. I was that way until things turned around, and DH began improving. Enjoy planning for your Hawaii trip, and I know you will have a great time in the warm weather. Thank you, Graham. Karen, I'm sorry the snow is keeping you for seeing your DH. I hope you can finally talk to the nurse/therapy soon. Carolyn, I'm sorry your buddy reached the point it was time to say goodbye, but how nice of his owner to give you that opportunity. He was a very handsome guy. I hope your DH can tolerate the weekly treatments this time. Ann, I'm sorry the snow has played havoc with your plans. Hopefully, things will improve by the time you are ready to head to San Diego. Vanessa, thank you for your pictures of Sydney. DH wanted to climb the Harbor Bridge in 2002, but I was a big chicken. 🐓 Brenda, I hope you can get a new battery soon, and thank goodness for the kind taxi driver. Hope the MRI can be scheduled soon, and that it does not show anything serious. Nancy, I hope your DS's kitty is not too sick, and the ER vet can help her. Rich, I'm glad you made it safely to Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy your stay before boarding the Zuiderdam. Carol, that is good news you got the booster and are not having any problems from it. Debbie, I'm glad you told your niece it would be better to reschedule the visit until everyone is well. I can't believe FedEx is making you responsible for getting the packages to the correct person when that person no longer lives there. Annie, I'm glad Bubbles and Fawn have each other to help stay warm. You are so nice to provide food and shelter for them. Melisa, I'm sorry the storm has you rearranging your family visits. You are lucky that everyone was flexible and could adjust to the new timeline. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope your DD gets a good report from the surgeon today. I don't blame you for following your old dentist to the new practice. DH just got some more good news. He no longer needs PT, and will be discharged from PT and the nurses visits soon. Yesterday, we found out that the therapist has not been vaccinated against Covid, so we were uncomfortable having her come again. We originally said we only wanted fully vaccinated and boosted people coming here, and were shocked when heard she wasn't. No more adjusting our days to accommodate their schedules! Lenda
  5. We have been to Sydney twice. The first time was in 2000 on P&O's Oriana world cruise. (It was the only one that was going all the way around.) In 2002, we were on the 64-day APEC cruise on Volendam, and spent 1 1/2 days in Sydney. In 2000, when we were a lot younger, we had a busy day beginning with the sail in. We took the Ho-Ho and then walked around downtown Sydney. The sunrise as we sailed in and the pilot boat. Our first view of the skyline and the Opera House as we headed toward Circular Quay. Just one picture of the shopping district When we got back to Circular Quay, we decided to take the ferry to Manly across the bay. I couldn't resist the sunset pictures on two iconic symbols of Sydney. In 2002, Volendam sailed into the bay about noon. This was Volendam's maiden call in Sydney, and we were greeted by a fire boat who lead us to Circular Quay. When we left the ship, two wildlife experts greeted us, one with a Koala and one with a Sugar Baby, who had the softest fur. Sorry it's a little blurry. That afternoon, we took the Ho-Ho and visited a couple of museums, including an old electric power plant, but I don't have pictures. The next day, we rented a car and drove to the Blue Mountains, and on the way back, around some of the far reaches of Sydney. We saw this unusual bug that seems to have a face on his back. It looks like some type of moth. I had to really zoom in so the "face" would show up. Some pictures of the Blue Mountains I've always thought Dali's work while different was interesting. The Rocks Sailaway The sunset over Sydney as we sailed toward the Bay of Islands. Lenda
  6. Good morning from a wet (from fog), windy, and cold central Texas. The fog made going to the store to get as much for Christmas and DD and DSIL's visit next week a real pain you know where. I hope it clears up some by 11:15 when we head to Waco for DH's two month post-op doctor's appointment. I haven't gone caroling since I was in high school, and I think many neighbors over the years have appreciated my absence. I'll pass on the sangria day, but will honor Sacagawea. Today, we'll pass on the meal and the drink. The wine sounds nice, but pricey. We have been to Sydney twice, and I'll find my pictures in a few minutes. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad you made it home safely last night and could manage the stairs. As a former physical therapist, I don't need to remind you to take it easy, walk often and take your pain pills. 😉 Hope you have and quick and uneventful recovery. @1ANGELCAT The little ones are so cute and don't seem to have messed up the pretty tree either. @ger_77 Gerry, sorry your credit card was hacked. Safe travels to Calgary tomorrow. @ottahand7 Nancy, that is good news your DS's cat was found and returned to her. Safe travels tomorrow. I was glad to read your DB will be in rehab a little longer. @marshhawk Annie, I'm glad Bubbles found his box last night and was fairly warm. @aliaschief Bruce, I hope your memories of your DS will help ease the pain of today. @richwmn Rich, what you said about knowing something was missing, but didn't know what, sounds like me. Hope the rest of your flight is smooth. @grapau27 Graham, please pass our condolences to Pauline on the loss of her friend's daughter. Also, our condolences to Pauline's friend on the loss of her daughter in addition to the loss of her parents in the past 12 months. I hope the victims of the earthquake in northern California did not sustain any serious injuries and that damage to buildings and houses was not too bad. Lenda
  7. Debbie, it can't be messy painting, messy baking or heaven forbid the cardbordeaux. How about, "The Devil made me do it"? 🤣 Terry, that is great news. Modern medicine can work wonders. Get some rest and recover. Lenda
  8. Good afternoon from a still very dreary and cold (for us) central Texas. At least, the rain has stopped, and the laundry is washed, dried, folded and put away. @grapau27 Graham, the place on your face looks like it is healing well. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, and @Vict0riann Ann, thanks for your pictures of Santarem. On both our visits we saw very little of the town. @Cruising-along Carolyn, how awful for your DS's neighbor. I hope he will fully recover and be back to normal after the stint in rehab. It's good of your DS and DDIL to look after the neighbor's dogs. @marshhawk Annie, I hope Bubbles was not too badly injured in the cat fight (or was it an attack?). Now, it's time to get serious about my grocery list for Christmas and for DD and DSIL's visit next week. I know what I'm planning to make, but need to get the ingredients that I don't have. I plan to make an early grocery run tomorrow morning before we head to Waco. DH has his two month post-op doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon. We are expecting good news from the appointment. At least, tonight's dinner will be easy. I'm reheating the last of the stuffed peppers we had last week. I really like it when a recipe has enough for more than one meal. Tomorrow will also be easy after a long afternoon. I'll be making chicken fajitas with all the trimmings. Lenda
  9. Here are some pictures of Belterra. We stopped at the "city hall" to ask about the town, and we were taken to a back room to view an old map of the town and the rubber plantation. A rubber tree scored to collect the rubber. Pictures of the town. Lenda
  10. We have been to Santarem twice on the old Regal Princess in 2006, as we did a b2b roundtrip from Ft. Lauderdale. Flying into and out of Manaus, unless you are on a charter flight, is difficult. Besides, who could pass up an extra 14 days on an ship, even if it is not a BHB. The first time we stopped in Santarem, we took a tour out on the river, which was very high as it was the end of the rainy season. Houses that are on land during the dry season are more than waterfront property during the rainy season. Not sure what type of fish this is, but it looks like a member of the catfish family. On the boat, they gave us privative fishing gear baited with red meat. This is the one that DH caught, but it was a small piranha One lady caught this big guy. The crew filleted it and cooked it. We were each given a bite along with some manioc. The fish tasted like perch and the manioc was hard and nearly broke teeth. A couple of pictures of Santarem as we returned to town. The sunset that day as we headed towards Manaus. Heading back down the Amazon, we stopped at Santarem again. That day, four of us hired a taxi to take us to Belterra, one of Henry Ford's rubber plantations. I posted pictures of Belle Terra on an earlier Daily. Our first stop was to watch the locals prepare manioc. After our experience on the river cruise, we did not taste it again. Besides being hard, I don't remember it having much taste. Two boys with their green parrots When we got back to Santarem, we stopped at this museum. The museum gardens The street outside the museum. Lenda
  11. Good morning from a wet central Texas. It looks like for once the forecast and the weather agree. It will continue to rain off and on all morning. At least, our temperatures will remain in the mid 40sF until later in the week. Thursday night, the low is now predicted to be 11F and the high Friday will be 20F, then it will begin warming and be in the 70sF by next week. That's our Texas weather! DH likes hard candy, and ribbon candy this time of year. I'll salute Heroes and heroines on their day. It is not difficult for us to fine an evergreen. We have three cedar trees in the yard, and a lot more lining the back of the right-of-way between our house and the highway behind us. The A. A. Milne quote is true, and the last couple of years have prevented us from going to see people. The meal sounds good , but we'll pass on the drink and the wine. We visited Santarem twice in 2006 on the old Regal Princess on b2b's from Florida. I'll post my pictures in a few minutes. @smitty34877 Terry, I'll be thinking of you today and sending good thoughts for a successful surgery and a quick recovery. @RedneckBob Yes, I remember the song. Here's your A. @mamaofami Carol, thanks for the great picture of your family. @kochleffel Thanks for the picture of the menorah, and I'm happy the dinner was a big success. @Cat in my lap I'm glad you enjoyed the production of A Christmas Carol last night. @aliaschief Bruce, I had to laugh at your UPS meme. Once when we had been gone for a month or two one summer, the first time the UPS driver dropped off an Amazon box he welcomed us home. 😄 Lenda
  12. Today is a day when we are not doing too much. It's strange not to have a lot that needs doing after the last few months. I did get the Christmas cookies delivered to the neighbors, and a few weeds pulled. I gave up on the rest, and hope the coming freeze this week kills them. Our low Thursday night is supposed to be 17F. 😱 Sandi, the car we keep in the Quartzsite is a Prius, and we routinely get about 60 mpg. We take it to San Diego when we cruise out of there. We have gotten two good sized garment bags, two large suitcases and two rolling carry-ons in it. The secret is to let the back seat down. We put the carry-ons on the front part of the back seat with the large suitcases on their sides on either side of the back as far forward as possible. Then the garment bags go in between the suitcases. When we leave a car at a port or the airport for an extended time, we disconnect the battery, and that helps prevent a dead battery when we return. We also disconnect the batteries on the cars in Texas when we are traveling or not using them for an extended length of time. Sorry to read that you are dealing with a family end of life. I hope the person remains comfortable. Lenda
  13. I'll add my vote for the Drive Nitro. DH used his on our eight cruises on Koningsdam last year and this spring. Since it folds up, it was easy to get in and our of the cabin and to store between the night stand and the bathroom wall.
  14. HAPPY HANUKKAH! TO @kochleffel, @mamaofami AND ALL WHO CELEBRATE HANUKKAH. Good morning from a sunny, not windy, cold central Texas. There was frost on the ground when I got up. Before I go any further, this is the link to Rich's @richwmn post from October 27, 2021, when Adelaide was the port of the day. The Daily for Thursday October 21, 2021 By richwmn,October 21, 2021 in Holland America Line Today there will be no cookies baked since I finished my cookie baking last week. I'll celebrate twin day, and Happy Twin Day to @StLouisCruisers Sandi, and her twin. My mother's cousins were identical twins, and it took me many years to be able to tell them apart. When one visited, we'd have to wait until he mentioned his twin before we knew which one was visiting. Hats off to @RedneckBob our resident "Flake" who gives us laughs everyday, and I'll celebrate snowflakes from afar.. The Stephen King quote is very true. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine today. We have not been to Adelaide, but would like to visit someday. @Seasick Sailor Joy, it looks like you and Allen are having a great time on your cruise. Thanks for the pictures. @Crazy For Cats Jake, thanks for the pictures of your cats. Ours used to go "nuts" when we gave them a catnip toy. @summer slope Dixie, I'm glad you made it home safely, but sorry about the dead battery. @aliaschief Bruce, sorry about your first freeze. We had freezing temperatures in November here, and it was freezing early this morning. @smitty34877 Terry, I was surprised your surgery was later in the day. Sending positive thoughts for a successful surgery and a quick recovery. @ottahand7 Nancy, 🎂 💐 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🎈 🍷 @*Miss G* Safe travels tomorrow. Good luck at Wally World today. 😉 Lenda
  15. Good afternoon from central Texas. The yard is mowed and trimmed, and looks much better. The wind was not too bad and it wasn't too cold in the sun. In the shade it wasn't too chilly. At least, I won't have to do that any more this year. This morning, we took a large load of things to the thrift store that uses the proceeds to benefit veterans. It was all things that came home with us from all the hospital stays and rehab stays that we no longer need. The people from the home health agency suggested the thrift store since they could get some of the things to veterans who need them. After that, we drove to W-M in the next town to get the Christmas ham and a few things we can't get locally. The big news this afternoon was DH was able to drive the golf cart to get the mail and tour our community. He's made that much improvement in a week. Jacqui, 🚢 🎈 BON VOYAGE! 🥂 🍾 I know you will have a great cruise. Jack, i'm glad my pictures brought back great memories. Sharon, that is great news you were approved for the help with the medicine for the psoriatic arthritis. Sending good thoughts the medicine works and the side effects disappear. Carolyn, that is a great ornament, and it will be special for years to come. Brenda, than you for your kind words. Ray, I also wish there were more cruises like the 2018 Coral Princess one. We did a 64 day on Volendam in 2002 that was the precursor for the Grand Asia cruises. Thank you, Graham. Nancy, I hope your DB stays and gets all the therapy he needs to go home safely. It makes a big difference. 🎂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY 💐 a day early. Annie, I'm glad you have a doctor who listens and takes your symptoms seriously. Hope you have good results from your CT scan.. it should be a relief to have some answers. I guess it's time to go start supper. Lenda
  16. This is the second post with pictures from May 26, 2021. Between DH and myself, we found some more pictures of Guam that might give you a better idea of the island. In 1972, the last surviving Japanese soldier, Shoichi Yokoi, was found in a cave not far from downtown in a very heavily wooded area.. The Chamorro are the people native to Guam, and the stone pedestals with a flat stone on top (picture in previous post) are latte or latte stones used as building supports by the ancient Chamorro people. These are some pictures of the resort area along Tumon Bay, not far from the airport. There are a lot of high end stores in the area. For a long time, mainly Japanese came to Guam for their vacations. In 2018, the predominate tourists were South Koreans. A few pictures of downtown taken from a view point and gun emplacement overlooking downtown a little further south from the resort area. A few more pictures of Asan Landing Beach park. The torpedo is at the entrance to the park. For a good overview of the invasion of Guam by the U S Marines, the National Park Service Visitor Center is the place to go. This is the only picture I have of the outside of the building. In 2005, we drove up to the north end of the island and around the tip. Part of the area is a wildlife refuge and part is Anderson Air Force Base, which is closed to the public. Lenda
  17. We have been fortunate to visit Guam twice. In 2005, we did an Pacific Princess cruise to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of the War in the Pacific, and visited many of the islands in the Pacific Theater. In 2018, on our Coral Princess Circle the North Pacific cruise, Guam was our first US port on the way home. One of the big tourist spots is Two Lovers Beach near the hotel resort area. Looking from Two Lovers Beach into town There is a park just outside of town and by the Cathedral. Between our visits a statue of John Paul II was erected across the street from the cathedral. In an area in the trees behind the statues above are some ancient native statues. I'm sorry, but I can't remember what they are called. Near this area is the World War Museum, which is run (and I think owned) by the gentleman in the picture. If you like military history and equipment, this is worth a stop. The US Park Service maintains several parks commemorating the US landings in the battle to liberate Guam. This monument was erected to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Guam. Each side honors one of the branches of the military. I chose the Army Air Corps because DFIL was in that branch and stationed on Guam. He was a mechanic and worked on the B-29s. These pictures were taken at Agat Invasion Beach which was heavily fortified by the Japanese. The first pictures is a coast gun and the second picture is a Japanese anti-aircraft gun. There is also a US Veterans Cemetery on Guam The last two are from our drive around the island. And finally the sunset as we sailed from Guam. Lenda
  18. Good morning from a sunny, and now, only slightly breezy central Texas. It is 38F and is supposed reach 55F this afternoon. I know this will sound crazy to those in the way of the winter storm and those in the far north, but if the prediction is correct, I will be mowing the yard this afternoon. With all the rain we had in November and early December, plus the temperatures in the high 60s and the 70s last week, the grass started growing again. This will be the last chance for awhile to get it looking less raggedy. Besides, I need the exercise. I will definitely celebrate Canadian maple syrup day, and the Wright Brothers day. I used to have an ugly sweater, at least I thought it was ugly, but everyone else thought it was nice. I do own two sweaters which are in Quartzsite for the occasional odd day that it's chilly. When we left last spring, we had no idea we'd still be in Texas this winter. I like today's quote. We'll pass on the meal, drink, but would try the wine if it was elusive and pricey. We have been to Guam twice. We were there in 2005 on Pacific Princess Theater of the War in the Pacific cruise and in 2018 on Coral Princess Circle the North Pacific cruise. I'll repost my pictures a little later. @summer slope Dixie, have a safe trip home. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope you and Dennis have a safe trip home today. @lindaler Linda, 🎈 🛳️ BON VOYAGE! 🍾 🥂 I know you will have a wonderful time on your cruise. @aliaschief Bruce, I'm glad you are back to being your normal self. I won't say ornery though. @smitty34877 Terry, that is good news you are cleared for the surgery Monday. Sending positive thoughts for you, your surgeons and an a great outcome from the surgery. We talked to our neighbor who was home the same day as her hip replacement. She said she did a lot of walking up and down the driveway and the street, first using the walker and later a cane. Of course, this was in the summer. She is fine now, and was out doing yard work when we talked to her last week. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope your DSIL and DB don't try to bring him home before the therapists and doctors feel he is ready. @Heartgrove I hope you make it back to Guam. We have enjoyed our two visits, and I'm sure it has changed a lot since your last visit. @smitty34877 Terry, Miss Camilla is adorable and so grown up. I can't believe that is the same baby we all fell in love with almost two years ago. @Rowsby Thanks for the pictures of your Dad and you. My DFIL was stationed in Guam toward the end of WWII. He had worked for the company in San Diego that built part of the B-29s and was asked to join the Army to do maintenance them during the end of the war. His specialty was changing the spark plugs in the engines. He was stationed at what is now the Guam airport. Lenda
  19. Good morning. This is the link to Rich's @richwmn thread for May 26, 2021, when Guam was the port of the day. The Daily for Wednesday May 26, 2021 By richwmn,May 26, 2021 in Holland America Line I'll post my pictures a little later. Lenda
  20. Good afternoon from a still cool, 46F with a strong north wind, central Texas. I finally got caught up on the office type stuff, along with sending the email Christmas greetings, and now will be heading to try to declutter DH's shop. We had a weird thing happen yesterday. I used DH's keys for the car I normally drive, since mine were lost in my purse. They've since been found. That's when we discovered the remote locking/unlocking buttons did not work. DH tried replacing the battery with several different ones. It turns out it wasn't the battery, but when we replaced the car battery, the key lost it's sync with the car since I'd driven it to get the new battery. We now have it synced with the car. Terri, sorry about the internet, but glad the cruise has been great. Terry, I'm glad you are good to go with the surgery Monday, or at least, 99% good to go. Good luck with the hematologist this afternoon. Vanessa, I'm glad you liked the pictures of Funchal. Try to book a cruise that stops there as it's a very interesting island to visit. I say take the cruise. If it turns out to be a party cruise, you can stand it for five days. Our fathers both told us to travel while we were young and healthy, and that was the best advice they gave us. Tony, thanks for your pictures. It's always nice to see places we missed in the various ports. Brenda, I hope your DS is doing all right and has a mild case. I hope you both do not get it. Dixie, that is great news you are both negative and can travel. Thanks for the link to the tours. Some sound very interesting. Carolyn, I'm sorry the tree trimming has been delayed because DSIL is sick. Hope it's either allergies or a cold, not the dreaded covid or flu. I know the DGSs will want to help with the tree next week. Glad you could venture outside. All I can say about your neighbor and the insurance company is YIKES! 😱 Sometimes, I wonder if it would be better to put the premiums in a special account so we'd have the money available and not have to fight the insurance company. That link was interesting, and I recognized three of the four. Maxine, I'm glad you are back to normal and good to go. Please don't over do when getting ready for Christmas. Lenda
  21. Eva, when we leave for the winter in Arizona, we turn the water off at the meter, drain the pressure out of the lines and leave the cabinet doors under the sinks open. I looked through my pictures from our 2017 visit to Funchal on Prinsendam. With a little work, some of the ones on the other side of the island are now decent enough to share. Quite a few were taken from the car, so please forgive the pictures of the dashboard. This was taken as we headed toward the north shore of Madeira. On the way, we took the main road that traveled through several tunnels. These pictures were taken along the coast road between Sao Vincente and Seixal. The next few were taken in the area of Porto Moniz at the northwestern tip of the island. This island is just off the coast at Porto Moniz, and if you look carefully at the top, there is a navigational light powered by solar panels. These rock formations were just off shore at Riberia da Janela. The town of Seixal Going back across the island, we took the scenic road that goes over the mountains. We passed this vineyard. Views from the lookout point at the top of a pass. Looking down at the road we would be traveling back to Funchal. A few pictures of Funchal We drove up a valley on the other side to the main area of Funchal. We took a couple of pictures of this bridge, but weren't planning on crossing it. Somehow, we managed to get on the road that took the bridge across the valley. It was scarier looking up at it than driving across it. Lenda
  22. We have been to Madeira four times on different cruises. The first time was in 2002 while on the P&O World Cruise out of Southampton. Then next time was in 2004 on the Noordam. Capt. Jon Scott suggested that we try the toboggans that go down a steep street. It was an interesting ride, and the two men who guide each toboggan down the street do a good job. The scary part was the cross traffic that did not stop. The third time, we were on the Tahitian Princess, and yes she was a long way from home. The ship was headed to Singapore for a drydock and name change to Ocean Princess. Our final visit was in 2017 on the Prinsendam's TA to Ft. Lauderdale. When we have visited Madeira, we have walked around town, taken a tour, taken the Ho-Ho and the last time rented a car. Our one tour was a 4-wheel drive to the mountain top which was partially successful. It had snowed on the mountain the night before, and while we drove up there, we could not do the off-road part. Instead, we had our picnic lunch in the vehicle and then proceeded back to town to tour a winery. This is a view from our 4-wheel vehicle. The toboggans after we finished our run. A view of the main shopping street. The outside of the market that sells fish, fruits, vegetables and arts and crafts. Two blue-hulled beauties in 2004. The Prinsendam was on her World Cruise. One of our tablemates parents were on the Pdam and they got to visit the ship. The other side of the island is totally different. It is the windy side of the island and the towns are smaller. None of my pictures there were very good. Lenda
  23. Good morning from a very cloudy, windy and cold (for us) central Texas. Depending on which thermometer we read, it's either 39F or 41F, and with the north wind, it will seem colder. The outside temperature on the control for the heat pump says it's 33F so the auxiliary heat is also on. I think we need to have that thermometer checked as it's always several degrees different from the other two. There's not much on the agenda, so I may try to tackle some of the mess stored in DH's shop. A lot are boxes for the Christmas decorations that I did not want to haul back up in the attic, only to have to bring them down again after Christmas. If asked, I call that being sensible not being lazy. 😁 Rich, @richwmn you had me at chocolate covered anything, except chocolate covered raisins. I like the Day of Reconciliation, and it can be for reconciling anything. I might have what is considered a stupid toy. My father loved toys that would move and do things when turned on. He gave me a pink pig that wiggles its snout and oinks. The quote is true, and a few times this fall going insane might have helped. Fortunately, our regality has greatly improved, though there are times people might think I've gone insane for other reasons. 🤣 The meal sounds interesting, but I think I'll stick to thin crust pizza. We'll pass on the drink, and would give the wine a try if given the chance. We have been to Funchal several times beginning in 2000 on P&O world cruise on Oriana. I'll look up my pictures and post them in a few minutes. @grapau27 Thank you for your great pictures. @Seasick Sailor Joy, I hope you have a great day in Aruba. @dfish Debbie, it's the baking, not cleaning up the mess that can wear you out. 😉 @Heartgrove Jack, I enjoyed seeing your pictures. @lindaler Linda, have a safe and uneventful flight, and a great cruise starting tomorrow. @HAL Sailer Melisa, I'm glad you made it home safely and didn't run into any really bad weather. I'm sorry the trip confused your DH. Glad you will spend Christmas with DSIL, and sending positive thoughts that she is comfortable. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for your pictures and for sharing the link. Lenda
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