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Everything posted by sparks1093

  1. All of the maitre'ds have an Email address and it might be easier to just cut out the middleman. Unfortunately I don't have the format for the email but a search should find it.
  2. And yet Carnival may still allow it.
  3. We had customized shirts made for our cruise in April. DW runs a daycare and a couple of the families came along. We wore the shirts for our boarding picture. We have a friend that did the design and put it onbthe shirts we bought. Toughest part was getting shirts the same color. Had to settle for each age group having the same shade of turquoise.
  4. I'm sure people do but do remember that the staff's income comes primarily from the tips, they make very little from the cruise line. This goes for some behind the scenes staff as well (such as those responsible for cleaning the common areas). Since I have no idea who gets a share of the tips that I leave and I don't want to stiff anyone I leave them in place.
  5. I will limit my remarks to your last paragraph since getting back from a closed loop cruise is different than other forms of travel because the regulations that give us the closed loop exception also give the authorities the ability to waive the passport requirement for emergencies and humanitarian reasons. The prime example of this occurring was when the Carnival ship had to disembark everyone at a port because of a mechanical issue. Those without passports were issued a letter from CBP allowing them to board a direct flight back to the US. The same thing would happen for an individual traveler as well (what they do for many they can do for one because the same regulations apply). There would be a delay while the cruise line port agent worked things out with CBP and the traveler would need to chill their heels while this was taking place.
  6. You are still vetted. It happens behind the scenes.
  7. No, they don't. This is because every passenger is vetted by CBP while the cruise is taking place. We've traveled with BC/DL, EDL and passport and the time we spent in front of the CBP officer was relatively the same in each case.
  8. We're talking one particular sort of food in this thread, but Carnival's food overall has always passed muster for us. There are some dishes along the way that we may not have liked as others but for what we paid to be on the cruise the food has always been good. (Besides, Hardee's doesn't visit a different port each day.)
  9. To you, sure, but as I said, I've had both and Guy's are better (and it may be the seasoning and oil, but I have neither of those in my kitchen. It could also be that I don't have to cook them, so that makes them taste better.) I've also had generic frozen fries and Ore Ida and there is a difference between them, as well, so the supplier does make a difference.
  10. Nope, I've eaten those and the ones they had at Guy's were miles above them.
  11. Unfortunately I think you are right. It doesn't seem to matter what information is shared where, people are still going to confuse the two types of license.
  12. I do have to applaud the palates of those who can not only remember exactly how something tasted from the cruise last year but can tell the difference in the way the food tastes this year. Heck, even if they are cruising every month I still applaud them for being able to make that distinction. All I know is that I enjoyed the food on the previous cruise.
  13. I would guess "fresh cut", much less labor involved. And it's probably impossible for anyone to tell the difference between a true "hand cut" fry and a "fresh cut" fry done by the machine that you describe.
  14. We cruised with someone who couldn't drink because of a medical condition and she didn't have much money. They had no problem serving her a glass of water with lemon in it.
  15. You said that someone quoted from the cruise contract, so if it isn't there then yes, that is problematic. But in reality how many people actually read all of the FAQs before booking.
  16. Since the contract is what is controlling that is where it is and it's up to the passenger to read it, since they agree to abide by it.
  17. The fact that is in the cruise contract means that it is on the website. If someone chooses not to read that important document that is on them.
  18. Basic human nature at work. People need to have a positive view of themselves and are not likely to view themselves in an unflattering light. They see the faults in their neighbor without seeing their own faults. "I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I don't have any faults."
  19. This and with the reduced guest load because most guests are ashore those that don't have time off are assigned other tasks that need to be done.
  20. Carnival ships with glass elevators have a bank in the Atrium that are only called by the buttons next to them. The newer ships may not have glass elevators (I don't specifically recall seeing them on Mardi Gras) but I did see them on Legend, Pride and Glory.
  21. I'm sure those who attended games in the 40's would be critical of the gentlemen in the 60's who weren't wearing ties.
  22. This might be a remnant of having the website change to reflect taxes and fees because we used to be able to do this from the invoice page. Our next cruise isn't until February 2025 and it won't let us add them, so it's not that the OP is too close to the cruise. Hopefully this option will return with the next iteration of the website.
  23. I understand why people wear hats in all sorts of situations, especially outdoors, but would you wear one in the dining room of a Seabourn cruise? Since you already said you wouldn't in a non-casual sit down restaurant I'm guessing the answer is no. I will say that if I am wearing a hat it comes off whenever I am indoors, another remnant of my Navy years (try wearing a hat into a Navy bar and see what happens 😉).
  24. The safari suit sounds like Bermuda shorts. It likely doesn't apply to everyone, but many use it to cover baldness. For others, likely just a force of habit. We wore ballcaps in the Navy with our working uniform so I rarely wear them anymore (or any type of hat, for that matter).
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