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  1. I booked with Ken…. Although, I will probably skip the second cruise to Mauritius and Reunion, although I would like to go there, since I read all of the Patrick O’Brien books (aka Master and Commander), and I have met lots of nice Maurituans in restaurants and the FlowRider on RCI ships over the past decade. We will probably hang in Cape Town and fly home from there after visiting Victoria Falls and a few other spots. It is a bit disappointing that they don’t stop at some obvious good spots on the west coast of Africa, it clearly is just a decision to move the ship ASAP to Singapore. The prices on the Australian leg was impressive (ouch!) to say the least. JC
  2. Agree with this as well 1000%. The key is only worthwhile if it is very close to the price of internet, or if you are obsessed with the FlowRider and will show up at the not good times that are the Key times. Other than that, can’t really recommend it. Don’t get me wrong it is nice to have, but not worth a lot of money. jc
  3. Totally agree with Sea Dog here. If you have the key, they will send you to the line nobody checking at that point knows when your appointment is, and the ones after them do not care. Sailed from Galveston in May. JC
  4. Another_Critic posted it, and I can attest it works and is easy to do. Probably the most functional thing the RCI IT team ever did! 🤣
  5. Do you sell insurance for a living or are you a member of parliament? Because, you sound like one or the other!😂
  6. Good lord, an 11 month resurrection! Why!!!!!?????? Seriously… why?????
  7. I am thinking Andrew is not going to be that desperate. I am still waiting for word on the FlowRider installation. I am thinking we are going to head his way next year about now. 2 weeks in Ontario sounds delightful!
  8. Options are super powerful, that is how you go broke investing a small amount of money. Or win the lottery. I am way too cautious to play. 😉
  9. I know, how crazy to think I would come here to cruise critic to find out the latest information about what to do if you test positive for covid. Especially, since, the depth of medical information here is off the charts. I mean literally off the charts. 😉 😂 jc
  10. Definitely call. I love MTD and I book it every time, but it does cause problems with the shows since they are scheduled around the regular main times. JC
  11. Laughing with tears is even less what I want to hear from you. I really want to visit Ontario, and K has never been to Montreal, and I keep promising to take her. You are really making my life harder than it needs to be. You know you want the FlowRider, and I know I want you to have a FlowRider. Win Win!!!! My Airstream will look great parked by your pool next summer. Rodrhi is in intense dog training, and he might even be a respectful citizen by then. JC
  12. Laughter is not what I am looking for, Andrew!😉
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