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*Miss G*

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  1. But why would you come on the Holland America board to promote another line?
  2. Bur you’re talking about an exclusive experience on another line vs what we are purchasing on the Holland America line. That’s a big difference. We are purchasing the Holland America experience.
  3. I have to agree that the same wait staff is important to my dining experience. They get to know your likes and dislikes and they work hard to ensure that any sensitivities and allergens are addressed. This is why I prefer to have fixed dining.
  4. I am dying to sail the Queen Anne to find out for myself. She’ll be so different from the Vistas and the QM2 so I am intrigued. One caveat, though. I will be on a cruise, so my review will lean toward the positive! And I refuse to use the launderettes!
  5. Huh. And here I just assumed you had to have a passport — and keep it updated — in order to have NEXUS. I think that’s helpful (and nice) for permanent residents who aren’t able to get/renew their passports due to war or civil unrest in their home countries.
  6. Ah. Well, with the exception of the last one, I just took those posts to mean that they, personally, wouldn’t be able to eat them.
  7. I don’t recall seeing those posts, and even did a quick scan up! I’m in the skip-the-bread-and-the-whole-baked-potato crowd. I won’t be able to eat the main! Does that count as telling them they’re greedy? 😅
  8. I must have been on the same sailing as @ORTravelGal We were on the Rotterdam and the time changes were the same.
  9. *Miss G*


    Wow, @napria! Can you believe the time has finally come?! I am so excited for you!! Have a wonderful time and I hope everyone stays healthy. Good idea to stay away from the spa. Bon Voyage!
  10. You can get water from any of the servers, no matter where you are.
  11. All eastbound time changes have happened at 12:00pm in my experience.
  12. No. There may be weather issues but I have never come across a sailing that the Captain hasn’t gone around a weather system in order to ensure the safety of the ship and passengers.
  13. Gosh, it’s hard to post on CC, these days, with the constant “the server not responding”!!! So, I mistakenly assumed that, since it’s an overseas territory, the BVI’s would come under the new UK ETA requirements. However, I am now wondering if HAL is assuming that too, given no one knows! 😂 I’m beginning to think it’s kind of false-positive notification as when I input the parameters in your link, the DR returns a hit saying a visa is required, but when you scroll down the page it says visa exempt. Who knows. 🤷‍♀️ Here is the link I had originally been referencing, which you had requested: UK ETA I see a date of January 8, 2025:
  14. As an addendum to @SilvertoGold’s post, t’s not the most user-friendly site (<— huge understatement) so if you have have questions or need advice, feel free to ask.
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