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*Miss G*

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Everything posted by *Miss G*

  1. If you have Nexus, you are already fast-tracked. MPC is for those who haven’t been pre-approved. Informationally and related, I was traveling with my daughter from the UK, with a layover to Canada at a US airport. She doesn’t have Nexus so she was funneled to a different area, but I was trying not to get separated so I stuck with her. (One time she’d been sent to secondary at YYZ. It was a nerve-wracking experience for me because I could not see where she was and (obviously) could not go back to that area to ask. It was 45 minutes before she was released so I didn’t want to go through that again.) In the end, we got separated anyway. Anyway, that was a long story to say that the officer I was sent to gave me a bit of grief for not going through the Global Entry/Nexus line.
  2. Yes, for sure we’ve all been caught on the wrong page one time or another. My sister is in the air now. Had a layover in Dublin so she’s been boarded twice. They won’t allow boarding if you don’t have the visa so she got lucky this time. I think it’s always a good idea to talk about things like this because it’s a good reminder to pay close attention to everything online. Sadly.
  3. My date parameter for countries visited was July 2019 thru to July 2024. So they ask for the last five years. You don’t need the actual dates. I read through their drop-down list of countries to make sure I hadn’t forgotten one, so that was helpful. You do not need to list the countries where your visit (or in-transit) was less than 24 hours.
  4. Just to correct the above, Canada accepts the Permanent Resident card as a legal WHTI document.
  5. Just had my COVID and flu shots! Not sure if I’ve done the right thing because my doctor told me to get them separately. Will know soon enough! I am now ready to head to Canada on Monday. 👍
  6. Your current card has to be expiring within a year. So, for example, my birthday is July 17th and my card was expiring on July 17th 2025. As soon as July 17, 2024 arrived, I was eligible to apply. My new card now expires on July 17, 2030.
  7. That is exactly what I was thinking! At least it wasn’t thousands of dollars like my parents fell victim to. 😢 Even though I warned them and warned them and warned them. I hate criminals.
  8. Oops, sorry! On a related note, my sister is traveling to Canada tomorrow and got scammed for $99 USD for the eTA which is only $7 CAD if you use the official site. She was in a rush and wasn’t paying attention. I hate these scammer sites that prey on the public! Probably not as much as she is right now. lol
  9. Here, also, is the Info on Cruise Critic.
  10. The fresh seafood program is fantastic! I would not wish it to go away because it’s one of the things which I find appealing about HAL.
  11. We did last two weeks of October and I agree with @Mary229. Have a great cruise!
  12. It will be Morimoto by Sea. I wonder if anyone who has been on the Nieuw Amsterdam has already tried it? Link to Nieuw Amsterdam Announcement We attended one of his Master Chef’s pop-up, and it was fabulous. Here is one of the threads where it is discussed:
  13. We were on the Rotterdam for the last two weeks of April and had an amazing pianist/singer! His name was Trenton. He packed the room every night. Ah, I thought you meant they were getting the band back together or something. Enjoy Burton, and I hope we get to hear about it!
  14. Okay, at this point, I have to give a shout out to The Guess Who.
  15. Sometimes the view from the top is distorted. The above is a really good example. I think “they” have realized that and are now in the process of fixing it. My experience, and viewpoint, thus far, is that they are heading in the right direction.
  16. @napria, the QM2 had a wonderful selection of branded merchandise. I am sure that your husband can find something he will love in the shop. Going through Sir Samuel’s is the easiest way to find it.
  17. Oh, thank goodness. A new theme song. I was afraid I was going to have to unfriend you if that Annie song got stuck in my head! Enjoying all the pictures and reading your reports. Looking forward to hearing the thoughts from your entourage!
  18. The Nieuw Amsterdam was launched in 2009. The Rotterdam VII is coming up on three years old.
  19. I was like 😲 and had to google that!! 😂 Results returned a lot of comments related to the vomit taste so that’s a thing too!! Who knew?! 🤷‍♀️ P.S. I love that Cunard threads inevitably end on chocolate. Or scones and clotted cream. It’s kind of like turndown service. Without the cruise. (And the brawls on other boards.)
  20. Hershey’s chocolate is very grainy and tastes like vomit. For real. Maybe include them in a box of Bertie Botts.
  21. Now that I think about it, it’s a great way to discreetly mention your departure. “Excuse me. I am just going to see Michael Flatley.” The possibilities are endless.
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