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*Miss G*

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Everything posted by *Miss G*

  1. It sounds like he is having a reaction to one of his meds. I hope they can figure it out soon. @Quartzsite Cruiser, I am so very sorry to hear of your husband’s setback. I think it was a very good thing that he was in the right spot for the clots to be detected and action taken right away. Sending you hugs and prayers. Wow, @Cruising-along, what a shocking picture of your neighbour’s house! It’s nice to hear that the insurance company is working to make things right. @rafinmd, I’m sorry to hear your embarkation has been delayed but happy you are able to stay another night in your hotel, even if they have to move you. I remember scrambling to find my parents a suitable hotel room when their cruise was delayed due to a hurricane out of NYC. It got a bit complicated because they were driving and didn’t have their cell phone turned on. (Not to mention everyone else was trying to find a last minute room as well.) Good times.
  2. I am not a fan of lamb with beans so I always request no beans but add the veg which appeals to me from another dish. It’s never a problem. They usually bring the mint jelly but you can ask for it if they do not. I agree with you on the mint jello. 🤢
  3. Definitely nothing like a Caribbean cruise. Avalon has an adventure host for biking and hiking tours, on top of the really active walking tours which are included in your cost. Also included, to go with the amazing food, is beer and wine at lunch and dinner. They also have a lot of bicycles available (included) if you want to do a bit of biking on your own. Just before dinner you’ll go to Happy Hour for the port talk, which is something you need to attend in order to know what’s happening that evening and the next morning. There is no energy left after dinner but there is another Happy Hour if you’re up to it!
  4. I just took My First River Cruise (Avalon) and LOVED it. You are up early and going physically strong for much of the day so there’s not much energy left for evening activities. They brought entertainment from the local area if we were in port in the evening and there was dancing. I also recall a movie night in the Club Lounge. Daytime activities are super busy so I was happy to fall into bed at night. I needed the rest!
  5. It was $30/day on our Med cruise a couple of weeks ago. Not sure if that price is dependent on location or not.
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