It sounds like he is having a reaction to one of his meds. I hope they can figure it out soon.
@Quartzsite Cruiser, I am so very sorry to hear of your husband’s setback. I think it was a very good thing that he was in the right spot for the clots to be detected and action taken right away. Sending you hugs and prayers.
Wow, @Cruising-along, what a shocking picture of your neighbour’s house! It’s nice to hear that the insurance company is working to make things right.
@rafinmd, I’m sorry to hear your embarkation has been delayed but happy you are able to stay another night in your hotel, even if they have to move you. I remember scrambling to find my parents a suitable hotel room when their cruise was delayed due to a hurricane out of NYC. It got a bit complicated because they were driving and didn’t have their cell phone turned on. (Not to mention everyone else was trying to find a last minute room as well.) Good times.