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Posts posted by Member123

  1. Kasi, OMG! A cruise in 10 days! How exciting. Rome to the Canary Islands. I don't want to stray too far from our OT, but let me tell you that I just recently had the wonderful excitement of visiting the following ports: Rome, Cannes, Cadiz/Seville, Cartagena, Barcelona, Tenerife. So if any of those ports are similar and you'd like some information, just let me know. In Civitavecchia, we stayed at the Hotel Traiano. They have a free shuttle to the port. I don't know where you're thinking of parking the car, but the staff at Hotel Traiano were very helpful with any and all questions, so I'd suggest contacting them if you're researching that aspect of your trip. Please update your signature line so we know what cruise ship you'll be on!


    Denise, Welcome! When you say that you're going to add some "machine work on" are you talking about strength training? That's the other aspect of my workout week. I do Zumba 2x a week, strength training 3x a week, and yoga 1x a week. The yoga is a strength/flexibility/balance session which really feels great after working out for the 5 days and then I have a complete rest day. If you need any information on the strength training routine(s), I know quite a bit about resistance training. It's the one thing that has helped me with hypothyroidism. FYI.


    Donna, you did so good catching ANY of the songs! LOL. First of all, I don't speak Spanish, so I can't tell what any of the songs are. Except Shakira! For some reason, I can relate to her songs! She's so beautiful and like Anita has said, I love the video that she did (Loca, Loca) in Barcelona! So maybe that's it...


    Anyway, for what it's worth, I can't follow most of the hand movements that are done during the class. My heart rate is just too high and since I'm already working in the 90% of max heart rate range, adding the arms just isn't necessary, for me, to get the heart rate up. So I concentrate on the footwork and, if I can't get that, then I just concentrate on the hip wiggle so that I can work my ab muscles... work it.... work it... thanks, Kelly!.... Even with all that being said, even I burned 742 calories at my last Zumba workout! So you don't have to be a coordinated Latin movement star! Just willing to get out there and MOVE your BODY. Plus, it's the one form of cardio workout that I can do without looking at the clock every minute to see if it's time to stop. KWIM? I think that's an important point, which is why I'm so glad that Anita found Zumba and introduced it to me!


    Here's wishing a joyful day to everyone.

  2. This is my 1st time writing on this blog.



    Here's a tidbit that I just picked up, originally published in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (no, I didn't read the Journal, but I think it's important to give credibility to information that we hear or read). Anyway, this information has to do with support systems and is stated briefly: "Researchers determined that when people started a weight-loss program with three friends, 95% of them were successful with the program, and nearly 70% of participants were able to maintain their habits in the long term." The tidbit went on to say that those friends could come from an on-line community support system. So, again, welcome! Stay with us. We can motivate each other to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.


    I have also changed my eating habits as I finally realized there is no miracle 24 diet. ( I keep searching for, if you find one please let me know LOL) It has all been a lifestyle change for me, but I can say I'm feeling healthier.

    Happy Zumba & Cruising!!!


    Zumbamom, these are your POWER statements. (1). There is no miracle diet. (2). It has all been a lifestyle change for me. (3). I'm feeling healthier.


    Woot! Woot! :D


    The short-term goal that you have in mind to lose #X-lbs before #y-date is one of those goals that is worthy of the fact that it's a short term reach for an accomplishment. But, it's not as POWERFUL as the lifestyle change goal. The lifestyle change goal will give you a wonderful, healthy attitude and a long-lasting change; those short term goals are what keeps us in the yo-yo. What you do to reach them is totally unsustainable... as in... are you really a person who is going to be able to live on 500 calories a day... FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE?!?... Of course not. So what happens at the end of the goal is that (a) you haven't established new habits that can become consistent and sustainable so (b) you revert to the previous habits that you had and the weight piles back on. Because you haven't made a lifestyle change, you've simply interrupted a habit pattern. Right?


    So, keep with your POWER statements. You've embarked on a wonderful journey of lifestyle changes. My advice is to let whatever happens to your scale (weight) just happen. Let it be what it is. Because as long as you are truly committed to a lifestyle change... eating habits... exercise...it's all unicorns and rainbows. IMHO.

  3. I wish Mom would share the information she did with me about clutter and motivation...again...since it was a conversation and not a written communication...the details are fuzzy...but the jist of it is that having a clutter free environment can be very motivating for encouraging physical activity...if you are having a hard time finding the motivation to get moving...the trainer suggested clearing out some clutter...


    OK. Since you asked... here goes. The pictures that you posted previously are such an excellent visualization of this concept. For the first picture, imagine that the kitchen equals.... your body....





    The picture is a great depiction of a sluggish body... you had a little too much "celebration" the night before and you've awakened feeling a bit <ahem> dehydrated. You've eaten a lot of saturated fat; you've eaten a lot of processed food with high fructose corn syrup as the first or second listed ingredient. You decided that you would spend the day watching a marathon of re-runs on TV and snacking as you lounged through your day, amid your personal clutter. You barely manage to brush your teeth before you fall into bed and mutter that you'll make "better choices" for the next day... you get the idea. It's just more of the same, more of the same, more of the same, clutter.


    The dark window gives it away...BUT...it's finally done...





    And this picture is a depiction of an active, well-nourished, fueled body... pumped and ready! You've eaten clean, nutritious foods throughout the day, providing your body with the fuel it needs to perform at peak levels. You've MOVED today, whether Zumba or yoga or strength-training or whatever pumped you up and made you smile! It's a "normal" day for you because this is your lifestyle...


    And, the information that I read just said simply that if you couldn't imagine how your body would feel if you treated it well, nourishing it and making it MOVE, that you should de-clutter a room in your house. Really take a good look at the room before you start and see it for the mess that it is. Then, proceed to get down to business and clear out the clutter. Then, just stand in the room and breathe and see how different it feels. This would give you a clear understanding of what it means to your body to treat it with the same loving care.

  4. Donna, I'm trying to do the math... Scotland is 7-hours ahead of me here in the Mountain Time Zone of the United States. So, since you do Zumba in the evening and I do Zumba in the morning... I'm thinking that we might be doing Zumba together!... in a different time zone at a different place... but still... together!


    I checked and right now, it's 8:30am and I'm getting ready to go to a class at 9:15am, and it's 3:30pm in Scotland right now... so, we might be a few hours apart, but close... What time is your class tonight?


    I'll think of you in class today! So just imagine that I'm in the class right in front of you and I give you a high-five on my way out the door as you go in to grab some of those endorphins!

  5. Hi, Ladies. Anita's Mom chiming in....


    Linda, I don't know about Carnival at all. I was on a Celebrity cruise and what they offered was something they called MODIFIED Zumba. The layout of the ship was that it had a central atrium area and the class was offered in the atrium, not at the gym. There was absolutely no sweat involved! Let me tell you that it was like taking one of their cha-cha classes. I didn't participate in the class but I watched some of it. There was a lot of the salsa to the front, salsa to the back, salsa to the side, and stand and boom-boom the hips to the side, type of movement. It was pure fun, but I wouldn't say that it was exercise. IMO, if you really wanted to do Zumba you would have been very frustrated with the class because it was right on the edge and you would have missed your regular Zumba session tremendously. If you had never done Zumba before, you would think that either it wasn't vigorous enough for you (if you would have been interested in Zumba per se) or you would be darn surprised when you went to a regular Zumba class! LOL.


    My recommendation is that you arrive on ship with a playlist (if that's possible for you) and just head off to the gym at an appropriate time. I'm sure Carnival has the same daily planners and you could just determine a time when the gym studio area would be unoccupied. Dance your little heart away.


    BTW, if word got out on the ship that you were in there dancing, be prepared to have people show up the next time you did it, especially if it's at the same time on a different day. Zumba is pretty popular. OR, you could just go for the gold, so to speak, and post a DIY-Zumba class on the community board! Now that's an idea; get yourself a good routine that you love and lead a Zumba class onboard. Just state that you're a Zumba-lover, not an instructor, doing Zumba at a posted time, all welcome to come along and shake their booty! Problem solved! :D

  6. oh my... so frustrating!


    Well, I've been through so many types of swimsuits (after the bikini became a fond or not-so-fond memory) and I just can't seem to find that perfect suit; the one that is the RIGHT color, the RIGHT fit, the RIGHT comfort level, etc. My last attempt was a tankini top with (I think they call them) board shorts. EEEwwww. Just screamed "old lady approaching chaise lounge!" I'm not a swimmer, more of a paddler arounder and a hot tub sitter and a steam room inhaler. KWIM? So I need the suit to be serviceable and CUTE. I've spent hours on the internet. Hate to try on suits, as well.


    So I guess I'm just posting a bit of frustration here.


    We are retired, but before we got to this place we owned our own business and worked nonstop, and that's not an exaggeration. We didn't take a vacation, other than the holiday family visits, for years and years and years. So now we've decided that we will take cruises twice a year. We're making up for lost time! Also, after seeing so many cruisers who are cruising because of the virtual ease of it... always taking the elevators, worrying about the length of the walk on shore excursions, talking about their hip or knee replacements... we're determined to take as many of the more energetic cruises (i.e., Med, port-port-port-port-seaday-port-port-port) as we can, while we can!


    So, that being said... we're off again on May 1st! This time we're going from Ft Lauderdale to Barcelona. We'll arrive in Barcelona on the 14th of May. Spend the night in Barcelona. Board another ship to go from Barcelona to Venice. Spend a few days in Venice. Fly home.


    My wardrobe is looking good for going again, but this time I'll be more aware of the pictures to share! But back to my original thought... I so need a swimsuit or two... has anyone found a good suit in FIRE?


    BTW, where is Dyan? Just thoughts over coffee this morning. What is everyone else's travel plans for this year? Any specific wardrobe items or malfunctions that you need help with?


    Also, Terri, what are those earrings in your Q&A-for-Kim picture? That's another thing I need... great earrings! I so want some gold hoops, but when I went to St Thomas the jeweler told me that I could buy diamonds for less than gold right now! I had a bad, bad reaction to some Chico's earrings. I've never had earrings that literally made my ears bleed, but those did! Scared me... so I definitely won't buy any more earrings that don't say they have surgical steel posts in the ad... none of Chico's descriptions list surgical steel in their descriptions. I just didn't think of that when I was looking for the BRIGHTness of the metal.


    Hmmm, I'm chatty this morning...

  7. Kim, not because it's the best picture of YOU, but I adore the balcony shot in the bathrobe. That just sings "vacay" to me! I'm so glad that your DH loved the cruise and is willing to go back. It's always so puzzling to me to hear people on the fast few days of a cruise starting to moan and complain and wish they were home. Really? Not me! I never wish I was getting off the ship! I only wish that people I love were boarding! Kwim?!?


    Anyway, it's been FUN to see your pictures. You did such a good job taking wardrobe shots. I pinkie swear that I'll be better on our next trip and allow my DH to take more wardrobe pictures. They are such a treasure to share and thank you for doing that. I know how intimidating it can be to post pictures.


    Anita is so funny, isn't she? She's got your tops paired up with bottoms from my closet! Maybe we should see about cruising together?!? LOL.


    Did you get any formal shots?


    I love OPI colors. I saw Melon of Troy (loved the name!) but ended up really liking Conga Line Coral. That is my most recent splurge color.


    Love seeing wardrobe pictures. It helps me so much to continue to be excited about seeking out the very best colors for me, being able to see how wonderful everyone looks in their colors. Again, thanks for sharing. It's so great to put a face to a name!


    Did you feel that it was easier to pack? Once you got on board, did you feel that it was easier to come up with the outfit that you wanted to wear on any given day? Did you feel beautiful? Inquiring minds, and all that...

  8. Hi Ladies,


    we leave for our cruise in a couple of days. If it's not too vain, I thought I would keep a wardrobe photo diary of evening and day wear and post it when we get back. We can critique and hopefully learn too :)


    We'll see what were hits and/or misses :)


    Oh, FUN. That would be great to see. What is your itinerary like? Will you be going on shore excursions or is it more of a DIY-lounging type of ports? Pictures, pictures, pictures. Pictures are so much fun. I'm a bit shy; don't know if you know that or not. If Anita hadn't gotten in there, I doubt that I would have posted many pictures, but I'm glad that I did. Because it's a 2-way street! And I can't wait to see your pictures! Woot, woot! :D

  9. Joby,

    What is your lab-baby's name?


    We had a wonderful, beautiful, blond lab named Callaway who brought us such joy. We know exactly how you feel.


    I have been overwhelmed with Thanksgiving and the travel coming up on Friday. I talked to Anita and she's going to help me post pictures a few times while we're visiting. So, this is like... wait for it... wait for it... coming attractions to a message board near you! I think it'll be fun and we can have some intense virtual travel and some interesting wardrobe discussions. I can tell you that I bought the most versatile top and I loved it with my outfits; it just happens to be a denim! Whatever! It worked for me...


    You know Chico's (I guess everyone is) is having quite a sale. There is a great versatile top made from a high quality cotton that traveled really well for me. There is a color called Glowstick which is a warm, bright green that I think is going to blend in well in my wardrobe. Just an FYI for the bargain shoppers among us.


    Joby, take care.

  10. OK. I will have fun doing a virtual trip with you. Please give me some time as I have a few complications.


    One is that I only have 2 weeks to get ready for another short trip to be with some cruise friends that we met 4 years ago. We were supposed to cruise with them last year, but they had to cancel because her mother became ill just days before departure. She got in touch with us recently and invited us to visit with them. So, we're heading off to Florida...


    AND, since it's the holidays, we're going to leave Florida and just head to Texas to be with family for Christmas. That's a good thing, because Anita will be able to help me with the postings after that! That should be lots of fun...


    And, speaking of Anita, she told me that she thought it would be fun to post pictures of my wardrobe along with some of the more amazing places that we saw. We saw some fabulous, fabulous places. I'm still just in awe of the fact that we got to do this trip!


    So, I'll get started... please chat with me as I go along and remember and share this trip with you. Are you interested in the trip as well as the wardrobe?


    BTW, I love Chico's clearance sales! I always stock up on those $9.99 or sometimes $7.49 tops! They're so versatile... and usually have some really great colors.

  11. Good morning, Kim and Dyan,


    DH took almost 1800 pictures on this trip! Would you believe that I didn't even think of having him take a picture of me on formal night? We did buy the ship's photographer's picture but I don't know how to get that posted here. I'll make a point of having a picture taken with that dress soon.


    The interesting thing about the pictures is that it looks like I have on the same outfit day after day after day. I absolutely didn't! I had some beautiful outfit mix and match combinations. But the situation is that most of the pictures are taken outdoors, so I was always wearing my last layer which, of course, was one of 3 tops. So, there you have it... it looks like I'm in the same outfit.


    I did have an easy time with my wardrobe on this trip, however. This was our itinerary and I can stay OT with discussing my packing, right?


    We landed in Rome and had a brutal jet lag day. So, we left here on the 19th and arrived in Rome on the 20th at 8:30am. Then, on the 21st we took a train to Venice, coming back on the 24th.


    So, I packed 2 suitcases: 1 was a carryon and 1 checked bag. We left the checked bag in the hotel in Rome while we were in Venice. So I traveled to Venice with my carryon. When we got back to Rome, I then supplemented my wardrobe. DH was worried about the luggage arriving safely, so he packed us 50/50 in the checked bags. That complicated the packing quite a bit but helped me with the worry factor.


    So in the Venice suitcase, I had 3 first layer tops; 1 top that was very versatile as it could be used as a first layer or second layer; and an outer layer top. 1 jeggings. 1 slim leg jean. And, of course, what I wore on the plane, which added another top and bottom to the wardrobe. This suitcase was supposed to get me through 7 days: and it did!


    You always read, on here especially, about how stylish European women dress, etc. You also read how frumpy Americans dress while in Europe, by comparison. I think I looked as stylish as anyone else. In fact, several times I was mistaken for being French... which I don't think I look at all French, but that was pretty funny. I don't know if I'd chalk that up to the way that I dressed, because I didn't go for any scarves, or a lot of accessories, etc. I had to really be careful of my luggage weight. I'd post a few pictures, but I don't want to hijack Kim's thread (I think that's what you call it when you come in and change the topic, right?). The only thing that would keep my pictures OT is that the majority of my wardrobe came from Chico's! Kim, I have to admit to you that I'm not a bargain shopper. So I don't know how helpful that would be for you?


    All I can say, in summary, is that I felt fantastic in my wardrobe choices for this trip. And it was a real effort of layering (due to the weather changes), luggage weight restrictions, mix and match combinations which were beautiful choices and so easy because they were all within the color palette! I could literally pull any top and any bottom at any time.


    If you think it would be helpful to have me be very specific, I can do that. Or, we can just leave it... and say that the color palette dressing was a great tool.

  12. Another question on the green dresses--


    I want to get a LBD that's a Fire color and I don't mind being a little different either but, would I look like a big Christmas tree in any of the clover green dresses?????


    If you saw a woman on a cruise in any of those dresses, would you think WOW, she looks great in that color and dress OR would you say, what in God's name was that woman thinking about when she picked out that Little GREEN dress?

    Honesty and opinions greatly appreciated:D


    Well, I'm thinking long and hard about the LGD. I hope I don't think too long or too hard and then decide on it and it's gone.


    I already have some gold'ish satin strappy shoes :)


    It just makes me a little nervous that it's a final sale dress and I can't return it for any reason. I did talk to the alteration lady that we use sometimes and she said to order it larger and she could then take it up. Soooo....


    Don't forget girls--I'm not a young hot chick like you guys are. I'm almost 53 and not 120 lbs. like I used to be :eek:


    OK. As you know, I'm Anita's Mom. I'm rapidly approaching entering another decade with my age. As Anita has already shared that she's got a 40th birthday coming up... and since I didn't have a baby when I was 10 yrs old... well, you do the math! So, Joby, no excuses...


    On the cruise, we were in an intimate dining restaurant every night. I don't know if you are familiar with Celebrity's Solstice ships and their AquaClass Blu Restaurant? Anyway, it's a smaller restaurant on board the ship than the main dining room. About the same size as a specialty restaurant in terms of seating capacity.


    We had 3 formal nights since this was a 15-night cruise. On one of the formal nights, I was the ONLY one in the dining room that WASN'T wearing black! Did heads swivel when I walked in? Yes, they did.


    We took formal pictures the night that I wore the Apple Green cocktail dress. When I went to the photo gallery to look for the pictures the next day, it was hysterical. On the entire wall of pictures, I was the ONLY ONE that wasn't wearing black and, wow, I was easy to find! I thought the picture looked pretty good, but I didn't buy it that night... just put it back on the wall.


    So, your question was: if you saw a woman on a cruise, etc....?


    OMG. The comments started the very next day! I couldn't believe the number of people who stopped me and told me how fabulous I looked in my green dress! Some were people that I had met either at the buffet or a cocktail event, but some were just total strangers in the elevator! They were all compliments: and they didn't say, "wow, you totally stood out wearing that green dress." What they said was, "wow, you looked FABulous in that green dress." I kid you not (and you know I wouldn't lie about something as important as a green dress!). ;) Oh, and this wasn't a small ship; there were 2850 passengers!


    One of the formal nights, there were 4 ladies in a color other than black in the dining room. I was wearing brown with a gold sweater and a heavy gold necklace: raspberry and peach also were there.


    Joby, you go for it!

  13. Pam,


    I do love to talk about those things too!


    I have been looking fervently for a Fire dress (that is also cheap enough for me :) ) and having zero luck.


    Did you mention that you've found some Fire denim? What and where if you don't mind my asking? Is it the denim that is kind of yellowed? Is this going to put me in a tail spin again like looking for and understanding Fire blue????


    I loved looking at all of the clothing party pictures that were posted. It's really helpful to me.




    HI, Kim,

    Anita came for a visit and we had an absolute blast shopping. It's helpful that she's an Earth and I'm a Fire and we have the best time. Anyway, she's the one that helped me locate warm denim.


    I should make a statement here that says denim isn't the BEST fabric for a Fire palette because it just isn't bright enough to carry the color that is truly needed to look very, very best. However, it's a fabulous anchor fabric, IMHO. For example, I bought a layered denim shirt to go with me on my next vacation. I love its versatility. My plan is to layer it under a camel jacket and also to layer it over an aqua cami. The denim looks fabulous with both the camel and the aqua and it just sits there as a great layering tool.


    The key to the denim, as Anita showed me, is to look for the elements within the denim that make the warmth; i.e., just bypass the silver thread and go for the gold thread stitching. I got a great pair of jeans from Code Bleu that is a faded denim look, bronze stitching, antique gold buttons.


    I'm a big Chico's shopper. Keep an eye on their sales and website specials because they've come out with some new colors in denim: antique brown, sand wash are just fabulous with our bright color tops and jackets. Also they have an item that they call Jeggings which are Jean Leggings and they are in a great deep chocolate brown.


    The color party pictures were such a great idea and fun. I think my ICE party picture... the one where I got almost every single black and white piece that I had in my wardrobe... well, I don't think anyone saw the humor in that except for my DD. We were hysterical while we were posting those pictures! But that picture showed how far I'd strayed away from a wardrobe that would be flattering for me, personally.


    Both you and Princess are such fun to talk with! It brings back all the giddy excitement that I felt when I started purchasing clothing that WORKED for ME :D. Wow, that was a good feeling. And let me tell you that it just keeps getting easier to see colors that are good for you versus those that aren't flattering. And it sure makes vacation planning easier... way easier.


    Now, thanks to Terri, I have to go check out Coldwater Creek's outlet!....

  14. Kim,

    Nope. Talking about clothes and colors and vacations is FUN!!


    Besides, when you ask questions, it just makes me think (which is a good thing). This isn't easy. It's kind of like weight loss; everyone wants it to be easy, but it isn't easy; it's hard work.


    Shopping for your colors, sometimes, is so easy; other times, not so easy. There are some real fashion trends and seasonal changes that make shopping sort of difficult. Especially in certain areas; for instance, I just can't find a formal outfit that is a great Fire color. There are so many cocktail dresses and gowns that are ICE colors. And, what's up with all the black?!? Coco Chanel didn't us any favors in that department, did she?!? Anita knows for sure....


    Terri had a great thread a while ago (months ago actually) where she let us into her Fire closet. That went on for a while and then sort of died away; it's always spirit lifting to have someone new come into the seasonal thread and start talking. Gives us all a boost...

  15. Obsession? Completely normal.


    Just between us converted Air/Summer to Fire/Spring ladies, I think we get the most excited for a couple of reasons: (1) we go from cool to warm, big difference and (2) we go from muted to BRIGHT, bigger difference!!!! :D


    And so we get to look good and feel good and we can see the difference from our past wardrobe to our newly acquired items... and we don't want to go back to wearing those muted pastels, at all, not even a little bit. So we don't want to work into our new wardrobe, we just want a complete do-over. Then common sense has to kick in.


    The obsession lasts a little while. Then, you'll calm down and then you'll just start living life normal again.


    The next thing that happens to ramp the excitement factor is your first packing for vacation. It's simply unbelievable how easy your suitcase will go together. Any trips planned soon?


    I love how detailed you can explain things. It's the way my "science/Biology" brain works, I guess.


    Thanks so much for your patience :)


    Ok, so maybe you're being confused by your analytical brain activity.


    Here's something to think about.


    You know that purple is formed by the combination of red and blue, right?


    So, think of the following:


    1. There is a red that is a very cool red, right? You can easily see this cool red in cars, especially when it tends to make you think of wine or maroon. So, add blue to that red and you get a cool purple.


    2. Now, think of the red that is a warm red. This red is so warm that it tends to looking kind of orange, until you put it up to an orange and then you realize that it's red next to the orange. OK? So, this very warm red, now think about mixing it with the blue. Can you get the feeling of the warm purple coming through with this combination?


    Purple is a little easier than blue, probably because blue is, well, "blue." The best way of thinking of the blue that is warm is to think of it's undertone. Like Anita said, the best way that I've found to determine the undertone is to do the jewelry test: if it looks fabulous with a gold bracelet, that's your blue. If it looks fabulous with a silver bracelet, just step away from that blue; it's not for you.

  17. Hi Member123,


    Yes, I've had good luck with the green, aqua and coral and even the bright orange/red. I would like to branch out more and get some of the other colors though and am having trouble finding either summmer or winter clothing in the other colors (at least that I'm sure of).


    Is the Chico's chocolate chip color the warm brown on Curt's color cards?


    In this T-shirt (Carmela Tee Style: 570000228)--

    these colors would be considered Fire:


    Island coral



    Dresden blue (is this a warm blue?)


    I also took the hint from "Anita Latte" and went to Lowe's and matched up some of the Olympic paint color cards to Curt's color cards. I think that will be helpful as it gives me a little more range while staying in the color chip that I need to be in. Does that make sense?


    Thanks so much for the concrete examples of the colors. That's what I'm hoping to find so that I can compare and contrast :)


    I'm a HUGE barginista. I got 2 tops yesterday for under $3 and each was originally $24. That's my style if at all possible :) :) :)


    Member123 (Pam), it's a foolish story why my screen name is what it is.


    You know, the Dresden Blue "might" be warm and it might be cool. Same with the Lime; it's hard to tell on my screen whether that would have a cool or a warm undertone.


    I'm going to "out" myself and let you know that "Anita Latte" is my daughter. One of the things that she taught me to do is to compare colors on websites by doing the following: put together a collage of the color that you're considering, for example.... blue. Find a blue that you're positive is a Fire blue... like the aqua. Then add the blue that you're considering... like the Dresden Blue. You might have to do this with several windows open. Do you understand what I'm trying to describe? Then, when you have all the blues on your monitor, take a look at them and figure out which colors advance toward you. The warmer colors will advance while the cooler colors will appear to recede. Again, does this make sense to you?


    It's an interesting exercise. If you go to Chicos website and just put the word "dresden" into the search box, you'll get a screen that has two tops on it... both are called Dresden Blue. Doesn't make any sense does it? The one on the right is clearly a light, icy blue. The depth of the color for the one on the left is throwing the color into a confusion space. But you can tell that the value of the color seems to carry the same weight... again, kwim?.... and neither one seems to advance or recede from the other. Play a little bit and click on the Chocolate and click on the Island Coral. Does it seem to your eye that the Chocolate and Coral seem to advance toward you in comparison to the top on the right? I may not have explained this clearly, but after doing that little "experiment" I would hold the opinion that the Dresden Blue is Ice.


    Maybe I can get Anita to chime in with her opinion. It wouldn't surprise me if it's different; she's way, way better at this than I am.

  18. Hey, Joby,


    You know, because you're a bargain shopper, you would have had no difficulty finding coral, aqua, Granny Smith apple green in the bargain bins this year because they were absolutely everywhere in the spring. Those colors were the absolute easiest to find when I first started shopping. In fact, I could stand in the middle of most department stores, do a 360-degree spin, and locate those colors all over the store!


    I don't know if you're a Chicos shopper. That store always has a bargain bin type section on its website. They have a new-ish color in their Travelers fabric, which either appeals to you or doesn't (the fabric I mean). There are now 2 browns: one is called Chocolate and a much deeper, darker one is called Chocolate Chip. Sometimes they embellish the Chocolate Chip with bright gold accents and those tops are absolutely fabulous! I love the Chocolate Chip more as a basic neutral for all the Fire colors, but the Chocolate will work in a pinch.


    Right now, the texture and weight of fabric seems to be keeping the brightness of the color a little bit down in tone. What I've been doing is just trying to find some jackets with a little bit of gold thread interwoven through, to give it the bling that I'm looking for. But, I've had to resort to more camel and warm ivory colors for fall. I've located some warm denim so that's been my wardrobe updates for this season. I'll try to post some pictures on the original season thread (because I don't want to highjack this thread :).

  19. Thanks for the opinions. It looks like I'm making some progress.


    I'm still having trouble deciphering the Fire color cards. If it's an almost exact match--no problems but, it's when I have to go between 2 colors that I go astray :)


    Which brings me to another question--if I need/want to "cheat" in something that's not exactly a fire, do I cheat in yellow undertoned Earth colors OR bright Winter colors that are blue undertoned?


    My initial thought would be to stay in the yellow undertones even if they aren't bright. Would that be a wrong assumption???


    Thanks for your thoughts.


    It's been a while since I've been on any of the threads about the seasonal colors. But I can definitely answer this for you. You will look better in WARMer colors, even if they aren't quite the clear, bright colors of Fire/Spring. You will look like death warmed over in cool colors, any cool colors. Just stay away, far, far away. I guess I'm stating this pretty emphatically, but I really feel strongly about my opinion! :D


    When I can get my thoughts together and also my computer savvy, I'll post some pictures of my new wardrobe. I've having the most fun with it, but it's been quite a while (I want to say almost a year) since CJW informed me that I'm a FIRE. It was a struggle at first, but it's gotten much, much easier with practice. It's made a huge difference in my ability to pack as well. Mix and match is so much easier! Rather than having that "capsule wardrobe" idea where you are supposed to gather a wardrobe around some key pieces of clothing in key colors (and they always, always say black for travel), I've found that my entire wardrobe becomes available to me in a mixty/matchy fashion. Lots of fun.


    The most important thing to do is to have fun with the shopping, again, my opinion. :D

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