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Posts posted by dcarter4

  1. Hey All,


    We are traveling with about 25 guest on a destination wedding (in march). We

    will be about the Constellation...and we will all be in Aqua Class.


    I have read a lot of info on this forum about dialing OUT....but what about texting while onboard??


    We want to be able to contact the people in the wedding party...with our cellphones.


    Will a simple text work...without roaming charges or international charges?


    It's a short cruise....FL to the Bahamas to the Keys (and back).


    I have been told, that if you are not careful...and shut off certain functions on your phone...your phone will "auto-roam" and incur roaming rates?


    I'd hate to resort to walkie-talkies....







  2. Hey All,


    Bean Counting:


    Been reviewing the budget (like I do every Friday). It's gonna be close....


    If I put aside about 75% of each paycheck, from now until Jan 11....we will still be one room....short. That means...will be about $ 1,300 short. What i really need is another paycheck AFTER the deadline....


    I've contacted my Group Rep, asking if anything can be done. If so...I will need it in writing.


    Otherwise...we are still plugging away at Catbitat sales (had a few small ones)...and Tuesday is Casino night, so....


    And then...there were none:


    Well...I think we finally have a firm count. Twenty-Four (24). Twenty-Four guests in twelve (12) rooms. My first guesstimit was 25....so I was spot on!


    I'm kind of glad we have our final number. I have been very careful not to bore people to death with the "wedding conversation".


    It's like when people first have a baby...It's "my baby this..." and "my baby that"...and blah blah blah......:rolleyes:


    I try never to even bring up the conversation...unless I'm asked.


    I have been limiting my conversations and info releases.....now...I don't have to!


    NOW the people I talk to, WANT to go on the cruise. They WANT info...and i'm just the guy to do it!!:)


    My first update will be about passports. I will be urging those without passports, to get started NOW...BEFORE Christmas. The idiots in Congress will probably shut down the government (again) in January...and along with the country...will be the passport division. If they apply now...they just might get them before the shut down.


    After that, we will discuss the Beverage packages and shore excursions.


    I won't really get excited, until after we make the Celebrity deadline...but after that...it''s all down hill!!


    More later!


    D & K

  3. Well...


    Kel found a seamstress with about 30 years of experience. She came back happy....


    She has a second fitting in about 2 weeks. The seamstress said there was plenty of material inside...


    ...she thinks they just screwed up. Must be the inches to mm converter?!!


    Oh well....$ 75 to $ 100 more...and Kel should have a dress!


    I'll keep you posted!



  4. Hey All....


    Well ladies...what's your worst wedding fear?! That's right....


    THE DRESS DOESN'T FIT!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:


    It was a BAD night, people (thanks Xanax!!)


    Kels dress didn't fit....at ALL.


    Seems they do a little funny math over there....


    Tomorrow, she's going to see a seamstress, to see if there is anything

    she can do.


    My vote...since the dress only cost $ 200....order another one....two sizes larger...and have the seamstress sow her into it...but i'm leaving that up to her....


    ...this is dangerous ground for a guy.....


    She can donate the unworn dress to a needy bride.....


    I'll let you know how things go, tomorrow....




    D & K

  5. Hey All,


    Tuesday Casino day didn't go well....Kel just text me that she's comin how with nothing...oh well...can't win 'em all.


    She's always in a mood when she doesn't win. On top of that...she's unwrapping the ball...that is her wedding dress.


    It arrived like this:








    If not...guys....I could be in for a LOOOOOnnnggggg night!!


    Wish me luck!!



  6. Hey All!


    OP here...


    Yes...i understand about Blu. I'm a little bummed about not getting OBC. Is this new? We've done this for our last 2 cruises? By the time we boarded, we had

    $ 300 OBC!!


    We have 12 rooms booked...so i'm hoping they would be willing to work with us?



    So...the thought here...is to wait until after Final Payment? The price would really have to drop...before we could afford it, anyway....:(



  7. Hey Everyone!!!


    Thanks so much for your responses!!! It's good to know you guys are out there!!!


    JAC1213....sadly...Kel's a little relieved that the MIL isn't going. She really has never traveled....and would have been in "martyr mode" throughout the trip. We took her to Vegas once.....ONCE!!


    Well tomorrows casino day....Come on, Kelly!!! Daddy needs a.....a wedding paid for!!!


    Later D & K

  8. Hey All!!


    Well it's Dec 1.....make it or break it time!!!


    We have just 6 weeks to come up with about $ 5k...so it's time to kick it into high gear!!


    Deadline #1...past:


    Well, yesterday was the deadline to put $ 200 down to reserve our group rate. We only had two rooms left (one for Kels mom...who isn't going...and a spare)

    Before Thanksgiving....we were just going to let them go....


    ....but Friday I got the call!!


    My sister has decided to try and make this a family vacation....so her daughter is coming!!


    Then....my friend called and said, "Put us down for a 3 some"!! He and his wife and friend are going to share a room (that's how they are.....)!


    Aqua Class is two to a room, only....so we got them a Concierge Class room. I explained to them about Blu....but they didn't mind. His wife used to work with Kel....so one more for Kels side!!


    I was able to get two of them the free Classic Beverage package (they are BIG drinkers) and $ 100 OBC for my Niece.


    I'll take that.....


    The Dress:


    Kel's dress arrived from China yesterday...and here it is!!!





    For the price...we weren't expecting it to be wrapped in gold.....but at least a box???


    She hasn't opened it yet....THIS could get interesting.......




    D & K

  9. Hey All,


    We are doing a destination wedding in march, aboard the Connie!


    We are all, currently booked in Aqua Class...which is great...but the wife to be..has been wishing for a little more room.


    We've looked at the Suites...but they are out of our price range right now.


    My goal is to pay off everything...then look into upgrading before we sail...if they are still available.




    -When is the best time to try and upgrade? Before or after your final payment (which will be Jan 12, 2014 for us)??


    I know that if the prices go down AFTER your final payment...you get the difference in OBC....but that's the extent of my knowledge.


    I know they will offer many promotions (currently 123 Go...which just raised the prices and we don't qualify for, anyway....).


    We are working through a Group Rep (we currently have 12 rooms in AQ)...and he is helpful....when he can.


    Your thoughts and past experiences?





  10. Hey All!!!


    Thanks for all the advice!!


    As is our custom...we are flying in a day before the ship leaves.


    We are staying at the Marriott...and Kel works for Marriott....so...she going to contact them about a quick steam....then carry it on the ship the next day!


    Thanks so much for your thoughts!!


    If you are up for a laugh...ready my ongoing post on this forum (under the wedding tab). I am writing a "diary" about the planning of our destination wedding...from a guys point of view:







  11. Hmmm...


    So far...I have don't trust them....to...yes it's ok.


    What I'm looking for...is CAN we even send it out the first night, for delivery



    If we know we can...then we need to worry if we can trust them?


    Any help bribing anyone? We aren't in a suite (yet...still hoping)..if we were...we would start with the Suite Butler.


    More thoughts?!


    P.S. This is our second wedding...and my wife ordered the dress from China!

    We're note cheap...but we didn't want you to thinks this was a $ 10,000 Vera Wang dress or something!!:D


    It arrived like this.....so.....




  12. Hey All!


    I could post this on the Wedding Forum...but this question is specific to Celebrity Constellation.


    We are going on a destination wedding in March. The wedding will take place on the second cruise day (in the Bahamas).


    Question: Can my future wife have her dress sent to be steamed the day

    we leave port (so it's ready by the next morning)?


    Our wedding isn't until 2pm....but she will need it before then!??





  13. Hey All,


    I just looked at the Wine List posted by Lsimon (thanks!!)...


    I see MANY "Wine By The Glass" the WS's would enjoy...and many bottles too!


    At 30% off...I think the only wine not covered..would be the enomatic wine dispensers in Cellarmasters Wine Bar....which is fun to do...but they will be fine.


    I have to remember my audience. Some of you really ARE Wine Snobs...who wouldn't brush your teeth with a NV bottle of Champagne!!:D


    My Wine Snobs will be just fine with the Premium selection!:D


    Thanks again!!



  14. Hey All!


    Thanks for the responses, so far!!


    I originally responded...before I saw there was a page 2?!!


    OK....please let me know if i've got this straight......


    The "Bar Rags" and the "Wine Snobs" can drink a lot!


    You are saying...that the Classic Package will give the "Bar Rags" all the Jack and Coke they can drink? (Jack being Jack Daniels brand name)?


    They can get that brand in the Classic Package...no need for the Premium?


    ...and the "Wine Snobs" can drink all the Grey Goose Martinis they can take...on the Premium package...AND have a choice of some wine by the glass (no...it won't be Opus One)...AND get 30% off any bottle of wine they want....with the Premium Package?


    If this is correct....then I think we have a winner!!!


    I will await your responses...in the meantime..if you want a good read...and a few laughs...


    I am writing a "diary" on this forum...from a guys point of view...about the task of trying to pull-off a Destination Wedding to the Bahama's...in less than 6 months:




    Please enjoy...and thanks again for your help!!








  15. Thanks JAC1213!!


    I was starting to think I was "typing" to myself!!??:D


    I just booked Kel's friend's room!!!


    It's so cool to hear how excited she is about the trip!!


    FINALLY...somebody on Kelly's side is HAPPY to be going?!!


    We now have 11 rooms booked!!


    It's so odd...that I'm hoping to put a dent in the bill...in December....traditionally the WORST month for saving (only followed by January).


    Baaa Humbug!!:cool:


    Oh well.....Kel's on her way home from the Casino...wonder how she did!!???:p

  16. Hey All,


    Please take pity on me. I'm planning a destination wedding...and I just don't have the energy to look for the answer.....


    We have about 25 nubies (first time cruisers) traveling with us to our destination wedding in the Bahama's. Some are cheap...some are not.


    We are not.


    We have been told by our Group Rep. to wait until we are onboard to select which package we buy. Our guests are asking for our advise, now??!!. Our wedding party is divided between the "Wine Snobs" and the "Bar Rag". I know what each group drinks...and value your thoughts:


    "Wine Snobs": Will have a Rum punch as we leave port...but will spend most of the time at the Martini Bar (Grey Goose). They will then have a bottle of modest priced wine with dinner...then maybe hit the Winevino machine, while hitting the casino.


    "Bar Rags": They will also have a drink, as we leave port (Jack 'n Coke) and MAY have a Martini (depending on price). They will then have a few more Jack 'n Cokes before dinner....MAYBE a glass of wine with dinner....then Jack 'n Cokes (or Gin n' Tonics) for the rest of the night.


    Which package(s) do you recommend for each?


    Thank you SO MUCH for your help!!!:p:p



  17. Hey All,


    Does anyone know how many points you used to get...for a 7 night Aqua Class Room?


    Our sailing history shows us in a Club Veranda and Veranda Stateroom(s) aboard the Solstice....for 2 points.?


    Both cruises...we were in AQ?


    No big deal to you big number Elites...but we were just one cruise from "moving up"!! Our short Wedding Cruise (in March 2014) would have done it!!


    Now it looks like, even out 16 CruiseTour in Europe won't even help?!:confused:





  18. Well....Good News (Finally)!!!


    Kelly's bestie was able to rearrange her work schedule...she's coming!!!


    That means Brie (our 16yr old) now has an adult roommate!!!


    That solves two problems!!


    We still need to come up with the $$$....but at least we are set for Staterooms!


    That was just the boost we needed!!


    I will reserve the room, tomorrow!!


    More later.....


    D & K

  19. Hey All!


    A little news...




    112 days to go…and it doesn’t look good at the moment…...Let’s hope December will be little better?


    No changes to the budget, since locking in the wedding ceremony. We are holding steady at around $ 12.5k total cost (excluding the Bling…more on that, below).

    I will admit to having several cases of depression and panic attacks, lately…but (thanks to Xanax!)..I will survive.


    I am still unable to generate any real revenue outside of my job. On the bright side…I will get 5 paychecks next month (i’m paid weekly), so theoretically….I should be able to put a chunk towards the “Bill”.


    January 12, 2014 is the deadline to pay for the cruise. Once we pass that hurdle…it’s all fluff and décor.


    If we have to cut something out…it will be the wedding décor. The basic wedding on the beach package is just $ 1,595.00…but that’s totally barebones.


    On the other hand…a plastic archway (that will be used for just 30min) will add $ 700 on to that price!!

    p><p><img src=[/img]


    We are FAR from wealthy. The ring alone, took me a year so save for…..!!


    I think Ms. Kelly will have to live with ONE band for a while....


    If she’s VERY good (and after I get my new TV)…she might get the second one.(Ladies…if you think this is unfair….then you are just being (I’m sorry)..dumb….and you should prepare for yourself for the second marriage.... right now).


    Never wag your finger, “No”..in the face of the man…who just put a $ 10k ring on it….Just. Don’t. Do It.


    Trust me….it won’t end well for you.



    Other stuff:


    We are still waiting to hear from one of Kelly’s friends. If she can make it…then our issue with what to do with “The Child” will be solved…if not…


    …things will get complicated.




    D & K

  20. ..., but the Celebrity Suites have a separate living room and bedroom with a door that can be closed between them.




    Thank you (and everyone else) for responding.


    We may find ourselves in the aweful position of having our 16yr old daughter share our room (it's our wedding cruise). You mentioned a door that closes between the living room and the bedroom?


    Does the living room have a pull out sofa bed? If you have 3 guests in a suite...is this where the thiird guest normally sleeps?


    Celebrity's website does a poor job of explaining this...or even showing upgraded pictures and diagrams...


    Come on...how hard can that be? I know how much a junior-level web master costs? Are you telling me, they can't afford to have one on staff?:mad:


    Sorry to vent...but if you are in the business of selling luxury...and the website is how 80% of the people view your product...you are killing your upselling potential!


    I mean...here's what Celebrity shows for this $ 3,500 suite:




    And here's the view that took me 2 days to find:




    Which would you pay for?


    Thanks again for your help!!



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