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  1. I actually don't get the point since the vast majority of these incidents seem to involved people in their late 20s at least and even older than that. I think I saw one group of teenagers fighting but they were well below the age to drink. It doesn't mean they weren't drinking somehow but I doubt it. THe problem is Carnival needs beefed up security and a quick response to issues and they need to make it clear people are and will continue to be banned from the line for life. Maybe John Heald should start posting each week the number of banned passengers and the reasons why until people get the point that there are consequences for their actions. Not actual names of course, lol but just totals. I think people believe nothing will happen.
  2. You could look over the fine print of your booking and see what the cancellation terms are. Did you book through a travel agent? Have you asked them? When you booked the room was it actually booked as just 1 person OR 1 person and 1 TBD passenger. Even though a second passenger wasn't specified or named in the booking, if there was a slot for a passenger it still counts as two. That said if it was booked entirely as just one person in the room then you'll most likely get the $50 back.
  3. I can't say for certain about cancelling but I know from experience that they'll let you move one or the other to another night without issue. I had that happen onboard and just shifted my sTeakhouse reservation to a different night.
  4. It should be refunded to the original form of payment. It may take a little bit although honestly never more than several days in my experience. You can cancel anything online that you've booked in advance and receive a full refund EXCEPT the fare for the cruise which has various penalties as you get closer to the cruise date.
  5. I've eaten in all of them solo- there's usually quite a few solo travelers on a cruise ship so it's not unusual and I've even seen other solo diners at the same time as I was eating. I go to formal night solo too, lol.
  6. I'm very sorry this happened to you. I think it's a shame people steal as well. We should be able to pack pretty much anything in our luggage and trust it'll get to us from the terminal to the ship. It's a long shot but I hope somehow you get it back.
  7. You can call Carnival and present them with the situation of having an open second slot just in case and not needing it and what you need to do in that situation. Tell them nothings settled yet your just checking since you haven't found anyone wanting to go. I don't believe you can leave the space as TBD and actually check in. You have to have someone there or remove the second passenger option. You could just list a family member not going and then have them be a no show and you'll be refunded taxes/fees with no other issue if you don't want to call Carnival.
  8. This might be an example of the biggest "first world problem" in the world. The idea that kid's need something different to eat or will only eat certain things- you don't find that problem in places where there's a shortage of food choices. You state that room service menu had things your kids "would" eat but then later try to retcon that into "allergies". What on the room service menu suits their "allergies"? Allergies are a "could eat" situation- not having a kid's menu on the buffet is a "would eat" situation. Here's my tip, my son eats what I and the rest of his family eats at home and abroad and always has. He had to try something before telling me he didn't like it- if he ate a bite and didn't like it, fine, don't eat it but I'm not going to grill up a cheese sandwich or nuke nuggets. He had to eat something else that was there for the family on the table. I've never asked or ordered off a kids menu for him even when they brought him one as a kid. Now, as a teenager, he readily tries new things and eats what the rest of us eat because he was raised to do so. That's my tip- raise your child as an adult and you'll end up with an adult when you're done.
  9. Well, yes and no. 5.5 days is in fact 6 days, lol and that assumes flying down the day of the cruise which is ill advised at best and can't be done in half a day- I assume the ship would still leave late afternoon with the last passenger onboard by 3- so I couldn't put in half a day at work and get to the ship on time and I don't risk traveling down the day of in any event. So add another day to leave on Thursday. Which means I'd miss nearly half a week at work and then the entire next week at work and if anything went wrong with getting back to Galveston, like fog, then possibly the Monday following that. I try not to count on flying back the same day as we arrive back in port for the same reason I go a day early. As I stated originally I think Carnival should be working with port side vendors to create something new to do or maybe come up with new shipboard activities for those who'd rather remain on board then go ashore after several cruises.
  10. I don't know... these look fine but there's no way I could do any of them- lol. With weekends I only have nine days off total from work and with travel days to and from the port it wouldn't work. Plus the Miracle is a really old and much smaller ship. It's not that much larger than the Fantasy class. So, less dining and activities and a dated decor, unless they've radically remodeled it. It's "okay" but I'd rather see some 7 day options and failing new ports because I know they can only reach so much in seven days, they should be working with port side vendors for something new to do. It feels like the excursions haven't changed in decades.
  11. What will happen is you'll be able to access your room as soon as you board. I've been in a suite and know that to be the case- same for FTTF. Also as Platinum or Diamond you can access your room to drop off your carry on upon boarding although your room as a whole may not be completely ready. Again, that's from experience on NYE.
  12. I don't think there is one. I think people choose from the start the line they think they'll like most within the budget they have to spend. I can't see someone thinking, "Hmm... I've never taken a cruise so I'll start with Carnival just because they're the entry point cruise line." Then they have such a good time on Carnival they immediately decide to "move up" to a more expensive cruise. No. I have a friend and her first cruise was Disney, cause she loves Disney- later she tried Carnival. So is Disney an entry level cruise line because it was first and Carnival was the "move up" option? No. It was first because she loves Disney and Carnival was later because of timing and itinerary. Now, it is true as people age or as their taste/outlook changes they might switch lines but I don't know that's necessarily "moving up". It's just maybe following your demographic and typically if you've always sailed mass market lines then even as you age you'll continue to do so- like moving from Carnival to Princess to Holland America because the pricing difference between them isn't really that much and as you age you go from paying for a family to just paying for a couple so even if the room cost went up some you're overall costs likely stayed static.
  13. No. That port falls within the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative as I believe it's called and since I am assuming you are on a closed loop cruise to and from Seattle or San Francisco being on Carnival then you do not need a passport. You can double check Carnival's website just in case but I'm not aware of anything having changed.
  14. Umm... yes, according to maritime law Carnival and every line has too. You don't really think they'd take more passengers/crew than lifeboat capacity do you? Ships haven't done that since the Titanic-lol.
  15. Almost every room can hold three people but the ship can only carry as many passengers as they have life boat seats for. So they allocate a certain number of extra occupant rooms based on total life boat capacity and when they're gone, they're gone. In your case if they went ahead and placed a third in your room then they'd have to hope for a solo traveler taking a room for two but only using it for one and not deciding up to sailing to add that second guest OR ending up with an empty room with no traveler in it at all because no solo travelers wanted to buy the room. It's a little weird how it works but that's the gist of it.
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