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Posts posted by Redsfan

  1. Really...... Im lazy because I wear thongs:confused:

    So am I suppose to wear shoes, while walking around the ship all day?

    If not Im lazy??????

    Even when I served with the Marines, when I was on Liberty, I wore thongs.

    It is about comfort and allowing the feet to breath. it has nothing to do about being lazy:rolleyes:


    you can tell the posters on here who home schooled their robotic children....was at a Katy Perry concert with my 12 year old and let me tell you she dresses like a child, acts like one, has funky hair and dresses in polk a dots...she is a pop sensation at the age of 29, and considering she tours 3/4 of the year I'd say she is far from lazy...far be it for me to tell her to dress like a 29 year old, huh?

  2. This is the most hilarious thread I've ever read on here. I can't believe some people are about to have a stroke because of other people's footwear. It's sad and hysterical at the same time. Why take a vacation at all if you hate people and want to wear business clothes all the time? Just stay at work.


    stop making too much sense please...

  3. The last I heard was Sapphire Beach in St Thomas had closed or was in bad shape.

    Anyone else know about this? This used to be my favourite beach in St Thomas.



    again, more info on the Port of call boards in regards to this as well. Last I read Sapphire has started to open up again with vendors coming back.

  4. Didn't you just preach to the choir? Exactly my point. When one books a vacation, whether a cruise, a resort, nudist or otherwise there is an expectation that the individual will abide by the norms of that venue. If someone doesn't like the customs of that vacation option they choose another, not spend a great deal of time trying to circumvent.


    what exactly are the norms of the MDR on RCI, Celebrity it sounds like, CCL, and Disney? The norm is what you are allowed to wear in the dining room. If you are not aware (you cruise more than I), no longer is it mandatory to wear certain items in the MDR on casual or formal nights on the cruise liners. What the norm is to you, is not the norm to 8 or 9 out of 10 people. How can one circumvent a policy/rule that is just a suggestion? If I was to circumvent a rule I would wear fancy shmancy ballet or tux shoes to the MDR and tuck a pair of my hidious $150 birkenstocks under my dress coat, and slip those bad boys on once seated so I don't get caught! Not sure why you don't understand that the norm has changed. Some like you prefer the good ole dinosaur days, many more like I have changed with the times. As you mentioned, if one doesn't like the customs of that vacation option they choose another...hence, if you do not like how things are trending on certain cruise lines than choose another that is more to your liking. Thus, why I do not cruise Princess, Cunard, or whatever...pretty simple analogy, no?

  5. Here is the kicker.... "inappropriate" to whom? Not to the RCI, as folks are allowed to wear sandals into the MTD. Well, of course, we're only concerned about MEN doing so -- women are free to wear their "nice" high heeled sandals all they want in your world.


    Bottomline is that YOUR opinion is completely useless and unimportant to others. If the staff allows it than it is APPROPRIATE by the authorities that matter.


    As Miss Manners would say -- those who spend all their time telling others how inappropriate or classless they are -- simply show the world that they can't see themselves in the mirror.


    I mean I get it -- I've met many people like you -- you are only happy when complaining about others and holding yourself up as a shining example of "righteousness in the world". So - this thread is making your day, have at it - you will have ZERO impact, but you'll be happy and smug.


    No need to reply to me, I'm done with you and this thread - I think I will pack sandals for my next cruise now, thanks!!




    here, here!

  6. Why should he/she book Cunard? To be around a better class of people? I am so sick of this whole "but they are a NICE pair of sandles, flipflops, crocs, jeans, shorts, tee shirts". Also, this too often repeated refrain: I'm on vacation and I'll wear whatever I damn well please. Or the other usual one: I paid a lot for this vacation and I'll wear whatever I damn well please. Let's not forget the classic: I get dressed up at work why should I have to on vacation? In either case if you don't like it tough s...


    You people can justify it all you want. As they say lipstick on a pig is still a pig. Don't want to dress like a grown man or woman in the dining room? Go to one of those nudist resorts. Sure you'll be right at home.


    so why exactly do you cruise on Royal or vacation elsewhere? And how does how one decides to dress equate to a nudist resort? Do nudists frequent Royal dining rooms? Clearly you are somebody who is old fashioned and stuck in their ways, and many of the more popular cruise lines are not catering to your customer base.


    When somebody picks a particular cruise line or resort, they read guidelines as to what is acceptable attire for events, and if it matches how they like to present themselves they book! It's a shame that you consider those of us who follow those guidelines as not being grown up, lol...There are indeed cruise lines out there that are as stuffy as you seem to like, so as the old saying goes "you are free to choose those" if you are so put back from the thrones of us unlike yourself.

  7. This week on Cruise Critic - I saw the chubby legs of an infant baby. BAD PARENTING.


    The week after - Fat women and stretchy black pants; please stop! PLEASE!


    We steamroll right in to August with - Sun hats:Appropriate in the elevators or not?


    well, first two: although it may not be visually appealing people are free to dress their babies and themselves how they see fit. I wouldn't leave a room or restaurant because of it...


    Sunhat in elevator? If crowded perhaps it is not polite, otherwise so what. Kind of like wearing hats in the MDR. I am clearly pretty open minded about many things when it comes to dining, but hats for me are a no no...yet I see it all the time, but would never let it influence my decision to eat at that restaurant or go on that cruise line because it is allowed...

  8. I have found that a great option for me on cruises (yes, I'm a guy) are top siders. They're comfortable, I can wear them anywhere from around the pool to yes - even the MDR!!


    agreed if you don't mind the look...Top siders are not my "look" birkenstocks are, so I see nothing wrong with them for casual dining. I will never understand how some get offended by the choice of shoes someone wears in a dining room, it is as if it's a distraction to them....

  9. okay I am confused. We paid our deposit on our re booked cruise using our US VISA, and have only $1,200 and change left to pay off come mid-September. As when we booked we use our U.S. Visa and will get U.S. money to pay off the remainder when our statement comes in. All good, right?


    When we set up our account on board my thought was to use our U.S. Visa again and simply be billed in U.S. dollars and pay it off the same when when our statement comes..is this how we should be doing it, or are you guys suggesting we use a Canadian CC to set up our account?

  10. Crocks, sandals in the MDR...ok for Carnival...not for RCCL. Classless regardless of how it's justified.


    classless to wear sandals? I can think of 124,345 ways to describe how one can be classless in the MDR but wearing sandals is the best you can come up with? Both cruise lines allow them, so how is RCI better than Carnival in your mind? Chewing with your mouth full, ordering double entrees, drinking too much and being too loud in the dining room is what most of us would consider lack of class. This thread is soo funny.

  11. So.....how again is a work place like a formal dining experience on a luxury cruise liner?


    I have suggested that casual dress is much more acceptable in today's workplace than it used to be...similarly it is also much more acceptable with the cruise industry which is evident with their more relaxed standards with what is acceptable. The world we live in is full of stress, and when I am on vacation at least I want to unwind and be comfortable. Nothing wrong with that if it means wearing a pair of jeans and a pair of "nice" sandals is it? Furthermore, the MDR on any ship I have been on and plan on being on in 4 months has Casual and Formal dining....to me I would never wear a pair of any sandals to dinner on a formal night so why chastise my comment?

  12. We have 3 Carnival cruises under out belt but have wanted to try RCI to see for ourselves if the differences justify the pricing...in 2013 we planned a trip on the Freedom of the Seas but postponed it to 2014 due to layoffs at my former company..:eek::eek::eek:


    We did carry over the cruise to this year, and since then I have started my Sales Agency and are going to carry through the RCI cruise, as the pricing was just too good to pass up. In the end we are paying $2,450 for a Family Promenade Stateroom for the 5 of us which is a $900 drop from last year!


    Kind of missing trying Carnival again but at least pricing is on par with what we would pay for a similar trip, so time will tell if it's worth the up front cost to cruise with Royal. Building a business is not easy but I am slowly getting there and do not want to pass up this deal, and wifey still needs the break!

  13. Depends what country you are in on what is considered appropriate. We in the UK have yet to adopt the 'casual' US business attire during a working day that may allow an 'anything goes' approach. For example during our weekly team meeting this week we were reminded of the appropriate 'smart casual' and once per month 'casual" dress code and it didn't include flip flops nor sandals for men. So when I cruise I work by those guidelines and would only wear 'formal' fully covered foot footwear in the MDR at dinner and would expect that as a minimum for my fellow male cruisers.


    Perhaps you should expect that out of your fellow male cruisers from the UK then, yes. The great thing about the world we live in is that we all have our own customs and beliefs and part of that is what we consider acceptable dress. When I cruise I am paying lots of money to be on vacation, and prefer to dress comfortably. When I am meeting a client or potential client for my business than I dress accordingly to the line of work I am in. Since I am in the Orthopaedic/Athletic field casual is very acceptable....for formal night I may bend and wear dress shoes with a pair of nice pants and a shirt, but if a tie is NOT necessary I choose to not wear one, lol

  14. Lets see. The MDR is a sit down restaurant with table service of a bartender, waiter, and assistant waiter. Food is served with a place setting that is not wrapped in a paper napkin. The waiters pull your chair out, place napkins on your lap. The tables are covered with table cloths.


    There is a difference of what is allowed, and what expectations are. You can't place every single item of clothing in a dress code. Usually, if a man is to wear a polo shirt, and long jeans, than it should be common sense to know that flip flops are not acceptable. (sandals and flip flops are for when a outfit is a t-shirt and shorts) This is a grown up dinner, and with that being said, men should dress up as grown ups, and not children. Certain things, such as flip flops, sandals, t-shirts, hats, bagging pants, pants with holes, crocks, and shorts are just not appropriate.


    Sandals, hats, shorts, t-shirts are turned around. Appropriate footwear is needed. At times, some people do slip buy. But remember, this is not school, this is an adult trip, and really, the expectation is it dress appropriately, and not have the need to be scolded!!!!


    The problem is that you are clearly not up to date with where casual trends are today. I will agree that flip flops with jeans and a polo shirt is a bit much, but there is 100% nothing wrong with a guy/man wearing a pair of jeans with a polo/button shirt along with a pair of regular sandals (aka. birks). How is this type of dress inappropriate when many companies allow this type of dress in the summer?

  15. We originally booked our 2013 cruise on Freedom but had to postpone it last year due to my company lay offs. I started up my own Sales Agency this year, and in 2014 we have so far cut down our $3300 price for 5 in a Family Promenade Stateroom to $2460 remaining, less our deposit...big reason we fully plan on taking the trip this year even though I am just starting my business. If we wait until 2015 no way to know we will get the same deal, and it's a shame to let it go..

  16. Kid's do not understand that nothing is free in the islands, the vendors expect some sort of money exchange. You have to explain to them that saying something is free is not free, and that you are expected to pay them something in return. They are for sure old enough to understand this, and unless it is something they really like and you planned on buying, just teach them to say a polite no and walk away to somewhere you are not pressured to buy.


    I for one hate with a passion being bothered like that, and as long as I say a simple no and they are polite about it I am fine.

  17. We have 3 Carnival cruises, our last one on the Breeze and very much love the ship. For the price I dare you to find an equal ship anywhere with the same activities, dining, etc you get on the Breeze. We sailed on the Breeze for $500 cheaper than a shorter RCI cruise..


    That being said we have wanted to try Royal for ourselves to see the differences, and we have a fantastic deal to try Freedom in November. Royal is priced too high for a larger family like ours, so we very much want to give it a shot this year and see if its' worth for us...


    For $1,000 more there is no way I would pay that much more for any ship, even Disney...

  18. Has anybody done this excursion through the ship? Looks like it comes with lunch and a drink as well..would they drop you off at Maho before returning to the ship after the time spent at Orient or are you out of luck if you want to see the planes as well?


    For $60PP Adult it doesn't look to be too bad of a price considering we are a family of 5 and would pay around $45 for taxi each way?

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