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Everything posted by clo

  1. Maybe here's a place for some sushi eating etiquette. https://www.foodrepublic.com/1459258/sushi-chopstick-etiquette-nigiri-sashimi/
  2. I feel like I've tried and mostly liked most cuisines but I know really nothing about Indian food. There are a fair number of places here that have it so I should check it out. I just have a vision of really heavy food.
  3. I just read that. Quite a big deal. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Yep. I don't remember the fan we have. With links like that I click on brands I'm familiar with and then look for reviews.
  5. We have a place where we get CFS when we go there and always ask for "gravy on the side" and another place that has (truly) award winning fried chicken. We ask for the very spicy sauce on the side. No problemo.
  6. I wonder what would happen if "Chilean sea bass" were properly called "Patagonian tooth fish"???
  7. LOL. People ask how we eat them and I say "squish and nibble."
  8. clo


    The one time we had a bag of laundry done I was disappointed. The clothes looked rather gray, not bright. I'd stick with the self-serve myself.
  9. clo


    That sounds incredible. We went to MP about 30 years ago and will never forget it. AND we had a Silversea Galapagos trip booked and we had to cancel a few years ago. It was so unlike the non-expedition trips. Have a FANTASTIC time.
  10. Wouldn't you have to go there and see what's what?
  11. Mine with USB is fine for me...and I'm always too warm. It was great on an airplane.
  12. I believe I've read that that originated in Texas. In the South it's country fried steak which is pan-fried, not battered, and a pan sauce not gravy.
  13. That's a 4oz burger, onion, avocado, tomato and I think mushrooms. Pretty healthy actually.
  14. After going there I was interested in the Alaska State Ferry. Do you ever do that? I understand that you can choose to camp on the deck.
  15. I had to chuckle. Here on the West Coast I like Dungeness crabs 2#+.
  16. It was so not enjoyable that we have talked about it for a long, long time. We did a shore excursion that took us to Denali. Now THAT was wonderful.
  17. Michelin not necessary for us. Rather I research where we're going to be and find good local fare. I don't really want to be with lots of tourists.
  18. https://www.newsbreak.com/news/3494868651768-alaska-city-puts-limit-on-how-many-cruise-passengers-can-visit-after-being-overwhelmed-by-tourists-last-year?noAds=1&_f=app_share&s=a3&share_destination_id=MTA3NTY1MzM2LTE3MTg3NDAzODI1MTQ%3D
  19. Agreed. Home ground pork and all manner of accoutrements 🙂
  20. And, for me, 63 to 70 hours asleep. 🙂
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