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Everything posted by avalong

  1. I wonder what in the world they were thinking.
  2. Yes, but I was talking about for us common folk. 🙂
  3. Great idea! I took tests, but not paxlovid.
  4. One of the couples we shared a table with at La Reserve were, I think, pescaterians (?). They ate only fish and veggies. They were served some wonderful alternatives to the courses the rest of us had. Just let La Reserve know in advance and I'm sure you'll be fine.
  5. My advice would be to mask in the elevators and on the excursion buses. That's not too onerous, and it is probably where you're most susceptible. Then you can just roll the dice the rest of the time.
  6. As a side note, we were on the Regatta for one week in May and came away completely unscathed (we didn't mask at all). Guess we got cocky.
  7. Very very few passengers were wearing masks, including us, until my husband became symptomatic. Then we masked up and laid low, room service, etc. I could count on 2 hands the number of passengers we saw wearing masks.
  8. My husband and I left the ship on the 11th. My husband tested positive on the 11th and I tested positive today. Mild symptoms, but be aware that it's still out there folks! Many of our excursion buses sounded like kennels with all the coughing.
  9. LOL.Yes, we had a bit of that in the Med too on deck 1 of the Wind Surf. Didn't last too long.
  10. Unless you've actually been in most of the cabins how would you know? That's why we compiled this list from many people with personal experience of the individual cabins. There's no question that the aft cabins on deck 1 have some engine noise and vibration.
  11. I seem to recall it had to do with the gangway operation and people lining up in the hallway to leave the ship.
  12. It should be noted that the largest of the 3 sailing ships, the Windsurf, does have an elevator. She carries 310 passengers, same as the stretched yachts.
  13. Thanks so much for the beautiful pics of Hamburg. They are a real eye-opener. Apparently I've seen too many Beatles documentaries emphasizing the seedier side of Hamburg. Who knew it was charming?
  14. Are you sure? I could swear my Sapphire martini cost more than a well martini.
  15. Try Land O' Lakes butter. I think it's the best of American mainstream brands.
  16. Does Viking still require ALL the money upfront?
  17. Medical evacuation is a tricky term. Usually it means evacuating you to a nearby-ish hospital. Medjet will bring you from that hospital to one near your home. What does American Express mean by "medical evacuation," I wonder.
  18. To be clear, Medjet will only transport you when you have already been hospitalized. Then they will move you from the hospital where you are to a hospital of your choice near your home. Read Medjet's policy carefully.
  19. The best time is our summer, their winter (July through September). It's less humid and rainy then. There are many threads on this topic over on the Paul Gauguin board.
  20. Great! Thanks so much for the info.
  21. Did you have to make any arrangements with Verizon ahead of time?
  22. Valletta is totally walkable (to an elevator which takes you up to the city center, as I recall). At Porto Empedocle you'll want to take the excursion to the ruins -- that's what that stop is all about. Not sure about the others.
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