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Everything posted by Josy1953

  1. You can imagine how busy Friday lunchtime is at that restaurant. We often go there and the food is always good regardless of what we choose to have, my personal favourite is their vegetarian lasagne. The Fish Friday deal is brilliant, given that it is 2 large fish, chips and mushy peas and 2 glasses of wine.
  2. I usually ask them to leave the peas off but I was talking to someone I knew on the next table so DH ordered for me because we had already agreed to have the "Fish Friday" deal which is 2 "fish, chips and peas" and a glass of wine each for £25.
  3. "Fish Friday" for us today, delicious but not so good for the diet. I will have to go out to buy new clothes for our upcoming cruise if I keep eating this sort of food.🫣
  4. We are also watching the Florida hurricane because DH's brother lives in Fayetteville which is about 80 miles south of Nashville, His youngest daughter teaches in Nashville. His other daughters are in Fayetteville and Seattle. We are praying that they are all safe they are all safe, The Seattle family are obviously too far north to be affected by the current hurricane.
  5. Good morning. Another morning with heavy rain, hopefully it will clear up for the weekend. I don't think.that I will take the dog for a walk after I have dropped my niece off at school this morning. It could be worse, I have just heard on the news about Hurricane Helene hitting Florida and officials warning the inhabitants who haven't already moved to higher ground to stay indoors. Stay safe whatever you have planned today.
  6. Certainly do have happy memories from two cruises on her when she was the Sun Princess.
  7. Another damp morning here but fortunately we don't have any plans other than the school run.
  8. This has appeared on our "Nextdoor" chat. I have been driving past this twice a day for about a week now. It is obviously annoying someone but with the weather we have had recently the owner may be thinking that they can offer a ferry service in the near future 🤣 Just had a thought the white building on the otherside of the road is a church perhaps the boat is owned by someone named Noah.
  9. A lovely photo, Quebec is a great place to visit, even in the depths of winter if you are well wrapped up.
  10. I have been up since just after 4am when the gates rattled and security lights and on probably caused by a cat some other animal squeezing through. It is another grey morning but dry at the moment. It is my brother-in-law's birthday today so I have to call at their house this morning after the school run. have a good day eveyone.
  11. I went to pick up my niece from school, she said that she was given detention for being late this morning but after a few minutes she was excused. The teacher who was supervising told her to leave because she is not supposed to have detention because of her family situation ( mum passed away). She said she would have preferred to do the detention than be embarrassed because people who didn't know her would be curious about her family.
  12. I did the school run this morning but because there was a problem on the A50 everybody was using the back roads that we usually use so although we left home in plenty of time to get to school we ended up late so madam got out of the car and ran the last 100 or so yards but was still more than 10 minutes late. She has just texted to let me know that she has been given a detention for being late. There were a lot of cars behind us so I imagine that there are a lot of parents and carers getting a similar text. I hope that the school haven't texted parents because her dad won't know about about the traffic problems will be assuming that it is her fault.
  13. We always had tinned salmon for tea on Sundays too which is probably why I don't buy it now. I buy fresh salmon now and grill it to have with either salad or potatoes and vegetables. We have Christmas Dinner at lunchtime on Christmas Day. Boxing Day is a lazy day for me since I stopped having family around and I refuse all invitations to go to visit either DH's or my siblings. There are only 2 of us to cook for so it is leftovers from Christmas Day and then lazing in front of the TV and eating chocolates etc.
  14. More rain this morning but no school run today, dad has meetings today pricing up new jobs so he is doing it today before his first meeting and he should be home in time (🤞) to do it this afternoon.
  15. We are just back from a lovely lunch with DH's family. The restaurant was a lot less busy than the other times that we have eaten there. DH's sister asked if one of us would do the organising next time so I have agreed to do it in January.
  16. I hope that the lightening strike didn't do too much damage to your house. My sister texted last night to say that a house on Saxonfields which is not far from her had been hit by lightening and that her power had gone off.
  17. We only have one cruise booked on P&O at the moment and that is on Aurora so Sindhu being closed isn't a problem for us but I would be annoyed if we were going on Ventura because the option of alternative restaurants to the MDR is important because we want to eat in smaller quieter locations sometimes. It is changes like this that have lead to us going with other lines. P&O must have good reasons for making this sort of decision but I hope that it is a permanent closure.
  18. I hope that you are all ok this morning after the storms last night. When we went to bed we still had problems with the wi-fi and electricity dropping in and out but everything seems to be back to normal this morning. It is still raining heavily. We are going for lunch at Aston Marina with DH's brother and sister and their spouses so I hope that the weather improves before we have to go out and that the road is clear, the road that we usually use is prone to flooding. Have a good day.
  19. We have just come back online, the WiFi went down just before 7. The thunder is still rolling around.
  20. I just got home from bowling. The rain managed to stay away until we were on the car but it started thundering about 10 minutes before the last players finished. The drive home was awful with the heavy rain and lightning but at least I dropped friend off and got home without any problems.
  21. Good morning, It is a strange morning here, it can't make up it's mind whether to be sunny or to rain. I had planned to go to take a look at the Next Sale but there was nothing that interested me online so I haven't bothered. I will be bowling this afternoon so I am hoping for a dry afternoon. This season seems to be never ending but there are only 2 more weeks to go. The league was changed this season from 4 to 3 leagues because a number of clubs have folded so each league now has more teams. Have a good day.
  22. My favourite plumber had just left after replacing all of the bathroom taps. I do wish that he would let us pay him for his time but he never wants anything more than the cost of the parts. I will have to find a nice bottle of whisky for him and leave it in his house when I go to take his daughter to school next week.
  23. We couldn't decide what to have for lunch today so we decided to go out. I had chilli con carne with rice which was deliciou, DH had chicken and ham pie with chips which he said was really good, we both had lemon meringue pie which we agreed was the worst we had ever tasted. I still haven't managed to think what they had put in it but it was definitely nothing lemony. It is sisters' monthly lunch tomorrow at a restaurant that I haven't been to for a long time but it used to be very good so hopefully that will be better.
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