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Everything posted by MJSailors

  1. We have always had a balcony on cruise vacations. It is so relaxing to sit and watch the sea go by. Sighting dolphins or whales would be an added bonus ! It is also pleasant to sit outside at night,listening to the sea,looking up at the stars or looking across the expanse to see the lights of another ship or distant land. MJ🙋🏻
  2. Wildra ! I was so pleased to see that you are posting about your Vista cruise. l have been checking the Carnival board for your words about your latest sea adventure as you mentioned in your last review that you would be writing about the Vista cruise. Looking forward to reading more of your review. Tonight, I will send up a prayer for you and W because you bring a.lot of light to a lot of people . MJ🙋🏻 .
  3. @BonTexasNY Good to read that your second eye surgery went well. Now,you will have super-vision! Look out for any cobweb sightings !😉 MJ🙋🏻
  4. @Sunshine3601 My condolences to your husband,you and your family.. Hoping you both will find peace in the days ahead. 💐 MJ
  5. My experience is that hotel rooms now have Keurig type machines. The coffee is weak for my taste.
  6. George C- Thank you for the hotel info. Disappointing there isn’t a restaurant for guests’ conviennce.. Wishing you a Bon Voyage! MJ
  7. George C, I am thinking that you are staying at the Hilton Marina in Ft Lauderdale , if so, could you post your impressions of this hotel? My DH and I were planning a stay there after a repositing cruise in Nov. 2020, but of course neither the cruise or the hotel was to be. We would consider the hotel again if we ever cruise into or out if Ft Lauderdale. Thanks ! MJ🙋🏻.
  8. Greg- Your effort during the past three weeks has certainly shown through. Your home is a totally impressive Christmas display. I do have a question- Where do you store all the decorations ,trees and outdoor lighting equipment? MJ🙋🏻
  9. @Ozark_KidI hope that Finnely had a most enjoyable first Thanksgiving ! Recently, I saw a quote on an illustration by Mary Englebreit. ” It is not so much about the food that is sitting on the table,but those who are sitting on the chairs around the table. “. MJ🙋🏻
  10. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy.💐 MJ
  11. @kruisecatI am not certain if you have a Men’s Wearhouse in your area.They offer good deals on men’s tuxedos. Enjoy your cruise ! MJ🙋🏻
  12. I get it,Greg. But still- be careful of those ladders. Channeling Seinfeld here- No more falls for you ! MJ🙋🏻
  13. What is this thing that you refer to as formal night ?😳 MJ🙋🏻
  14. In our house, I do the cooking and my hubby does clean up and dinner dishes. He does this every night and whenever we have company and holiday meals. Yes, he is truly a good guy! MJ🙋🏻
  15. @DaniDanielle Thos of us who have good memories of our loved ones who have passed are very fortunate to have that comfort. When I think about it, I have had my hubby in my life (43 years) longer than my father. My Dad and I did a lot of the Christmas preparations,particularly choosing the Christmas tree and decorating it. Always think of him when we decorate our house. Wishing you and all the posters here a good evening. MJ🙋🏻
  16. As usual, there have been pages and pages of posts since I have last read Dani’s thread. To all those who have lost pets recently, I was sorry to read of their passings. Pets do take over our hearts and become cherished members of our families. Hoping that memories of your pets comfort all of you who are missing them. 💐MJ
  17. @DaniDanielle Good that your daughter and grandchildren are participating in the event tonight. Holidays can be an especially difficult time after the passing of a loved one. I lost my father to Alzheimer’s four days after Christmas when I was twenty- seven. Holidays after that we’re difficult for my mother and me for quite awhile. Fortunately,we had friends and family who embraced us with love and understanding. In the coming days, I hope that you and your daughter and grandchildren are touched by love and understanding from those that know you and care about all of you. MJ🙋🏻
  18. @Lucky Nana Very glad to read that your Ryan is doing well with the pump. Our Charlie has had the pump for quite awhile and is doing well also. He is 16,a HS Sophomore who went to the Homecoming dance with a girl from his honors Chemistry class. He is competing in fencing tournaments and is on the HS fencing team. A college coach reached out to him , but then realized he is a Sophmore ,and apparently can’t be recruited until Junior year. The coach reassured him he will be contact next school year. Very thankful that medical research and innovation has given kids with Juvenile Diabetes a way to handle the disease and live comfortable lives. MJ🙋🏻
  19. @Sea Dog A thought about entertaining your guests this coming Saturday.It is a nod to your hospitality and friendship that they are fine to join you for dinner. But, I am wondering if your wife and you have the stamina to host such a party after recovering from Covid a short time ago. There is a lot of preparation in having guests for dinner- grocery shopping, cleaning the house, setting the table and ,of course,cooking. A friend had Covid in October. She remained fatigued for weeks after the initial symptoms subsided. She texted me yesterday that she now has a bad cold with congestion and coughing. She is totally knocked out. She is thinking that’s she has Covid agai, but hasn’t tested yet- no get up and go for her.. Hoping that you have a successful party and that you and your wife can enjoy the time with your guests. MJ🙋🏻
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