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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. Good morning everyone. The weather here is odd as it is 53 now. Yesterday we had to wear our heaviest coats. However, I will not complain as it is not like the frozen tundra where @ger_77, Geri lives. I enjoyed the video, thanks for making it available. @JazzyV, Vanessa, I will be thinking of you and your friend on this difficult day. I like the quote and the meal looks like fun to make and eat. Today we have baked ziti for the crew that I put together yesterday. I spent my working life trying to assist those with disabilities. There are some gains but I can certainly see the architectural barriers in our old city. We have found out here how hard it is to manage within an old house when doorways can’t be widened and the wheelchair does not fit.Yonkers is a city of steep hills. The homes were built into them…..lots of stairs! I wish you all an enjoyable day.
  2. Good morning to all.It is cold this morning but will get up to the forties later. I will celebrate pollution prevention and appreciate bartenders on BHB's in spite of not drinking alcohol for many years. We gave not been to the port and the recipe sounds good. Roy @rafinmd, I hope the medication helps. Thank you for including our Tana on the Care list. This morning she looks a little better but did not sleep well. My hip problem is painful but I will have to wait and see when surgery is feasible. I appreciate the prayers . Yesterday there was a terrible accident in our city and a Police Officer died.Anither car lost control and hit both a bus and the Police Officers ' car. His name was not released pending family notification. Be safe and careful out there.
  3. Good morning everyone. My DH ‘s family was from Romania and we will celebrate independence here. World AIDS Day is so important. I still vividly recall how awful it was in the beginning of the crisis when there were so many sick and dying AIDS patients. Tana has been diagnosed with pneumonia and the nurse started her on I V antibiotics yesterday, I stayed with her last night as her breathing was more difficult than usual. The Hospice workers and nurses are truly wonderful people. My hip situation is causing a lot of pain and difficulty walking. The MRI explained why and I am just glad there were no fractures or masses. I cannot get the dogs outside easily so that task has fallen to my DD and DSIL. I am just hoping that the surgeon will be able to replace the hip fairly soon. Thanks to all who offered their support. It really helps!
  4. I am so sorry to hear this.Thank goodness for trip insurance.I hope DH feels better soon.
  5. Good morning to all.Rain is starting here with a temperature drop and winds arriving later .I will salute all of the days and have not been to the port. The recipes look delicious,thanks so much Debbie @dfish. @kazu, Jacqui. I am very happy to hear that your foot is improving.I hope the predicted ice does not come to your area. @Lady Hudson, Katherine, Bon Voyage to you and your DH . @aliaschiefBruce, Sorry you had to change your plans but I am sure it is for the best.Feel better soon. We are coping with a few issues here that are worrying.Tana has a fever and will see the Hospice nurse today. She rarely complains but did tell me this morning that she feels unwell. I had an MRI of my hip Monday and it disclosed several things that prompted the Doc to get me an ortho appointment fairly soon. I will see that Doctor December 13 or sooner if there is a cancelation. Usually one can wait 2 or 3 months for an appointment. Anyway, I hope everyone has an enjoyable day.
  6. Good morning fellow Dailyites. There was frost on the ground but the weather will see saw up to the sixties tomorrow before plummeting again the next morning. The squirrels are confused. I never had a lemon cream pie but would probably like it. I have had pizza with a cauliflower crust and enjoyed it . Roy, @rafinmd, I now have the ear worm of “ Me and Bobbie McGee” running through my brain and might just have to start belting it out soon! We visited La Rochelle at the same time Sandi did in 2018 on the Prinsendam. It was lovely walking around the beautiful town and I found one picture I took.
  7. I also hope you remain negative Carol. My aunt was a Guidance Counselor at New Rochelle High School from 1943 to 1967 and also taught math there. She loved her job and the school.
  8. @JazzyV,Vanessa, please extend my condolences to your BFF .It is so hard when we lose our parents.I am sure he will welcome your presence with him to make the arrangements. Hugs across the way to you both.
  9. Good morning everyone. @StLouisCruisers and @summer slope, Sandi and Dixie, I loved the photo of the two of you and hope you both continue to enjoy your cruise. @JazzyV, Vanessa, I hope your BFF’s DF has found peace and that the two of you are managing . It is a very difficult time but good you are all together. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I was so happy to read of Steve’s progress. I am sure you are both anxious for Thursday to come. It certainly has been a long journey for you both. @MISTER 67, good luck at the Doc’s tomorrow! I am sure the golf course calls to you…. We love French Toast here but it sure is nice on a BHB.We have not been 5o the port.I won’t be buying anything on Cyber Monday. We have scaled back the whole gift giving thing dramatically and we will all find it less stressful. Sending my best wishes to all of you
  10. Good morning. We are recovering from a very full house but a marvelous few days.My family makes fun of me but I always cry when they arrive and when they leave.I remember my mom being the same way.The time together has always been special but the last almost three years have made it even more so. Thanks Debbie for the recipes @dfish.I may make that tonight as we are all tired of leftovers. @mamaofami, Carol, I hope you can avoid getting covid.I am thinking of you. On Friday we went to the City and the Natural History Museum. My grandchildren are reaching that age where we embarass them and reluctantly posed in front of the elephant.
  11. Good morning.I will salute the days and like the quote.We have not been to the port. I tried to nake French Onion soup and it was a spectacular kitchen fail.I told DH he needed to be on a BHB to have it again. My New Hampshire family is heading home today.It has been a joy to have everyone together.Tana seemed to brighten up with extra people to talk to.My DGC spent a lot of time with her and I heard a lot of laughter. @seagarsmoker,I am happy to hear that you feel better. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, that is very exciting news about the soccer players.I am sure everyone is very proud of them. @JazzyV, Vanessa, I hope your friends ' dad is doing as well as possible.
  12. @Sharon in AZ, yes I have used frozen but it really has to be squeezed!
  13. Good morning everyone. I realized while doing the dishes yesterday that I should have taken pictures.We had a very nice dinner for 10 and had a lot of laughs and a few sentimental tears(mine). I don't enjoy shopping with crowds so will forego shopping.I like the quote and salute the other days. Spinach Lasagna preheat oven to 400 12 to 14 dried or fresh lasagna noodles 4 cups good tomato sauce 3 cups cooked spinach squeezed dry and chopped,about 1.5 lbs fresh 1 and a half cups ricotta 1 and a half cup mozzarella 2 cups grated parmesan salt and pepper Parboil noodles.Layer a rectangular baking dish with sauce,noodles,a little more sauce and one third of the spinach followed by one fourth of the ricotta and the other cheeses.Repeat layers twice...Cheese should be on the top. Bake 35 minutes,let it rest 5 to 10 minutes before serving. Enjoy the day and be careful out there.
  14. @kazu,Wishing Jose a happy heavenly birthday today.Days like this can be bittersweet. @JazzyV,I am so sorry that you had to cancel but I am sure the worry about the family member has been difficult for you both We are not Italian but our neighborhood was and my mom started a tradition of spinach lasagna that I make every year. Will provide the recipe tomorrow.
  15. I would like to wish a very Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate today.Yesterday we did a fair amount of preparation for today so I think it will be less busy today in terms of cooking. I was remembering cooking this meal after working all day on the Wednesday and having to return to work on Friday. I was happy to see some states have the Friday after Thanksgiving as a holiday now but that doesn’t matter in healthcare jobs. My DS and family picked up our teenager last night and he stayed with our grandchildren in their hotel. They will go to the parade together and even got to see some of the floats being blown up last night on the Westside of the city.The weather is nice with a high of fifty expected. We have been to San Juan twice but not on cruises. It is a great place to visit.I liked the Ann Frank quote. All of the best to all of the Dailyites. I am thankful for all of you!
  16. I forgot to mention that I have a lot of freckles but have now been surpassed by my grandson.We had a competition when at the Cape this summer.DGS got the red hair and freckles in the family. And has WAY more than me!!
  17. Good morning to all.I made cranberry orange relish yesterday in the midst of Thanksgiving prep My DS and family arrive late Wednesday from New Hampshire.They enjoy the Parade in person on Thanksgiving morning.DD and I will man the ovens while they do that. This is the first whole family Thanksgiving since 2019 and I am very excited. My best to all of you. Terry
  18. Hello to all. It is a cold day here but at least there is no snow involved. I was saddened to hear about the news in Colorado.My heart aches for the families involved. @Sharon in AZ, I am so sorry you have been so sick. I hope you are on the mend now. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, it sounds as if the rehab staff is doing a good job monitoring Steve . He must be very happy with his progress.I hope you are getting enough rest yourself. @JazzyV, Vanessa, I hope your GI system heaves itself on your trip and cruise. I am glad. The eye is better as well. @kazu, Jacqui, welcome home and I hope the foot can heal now. Sorry about the lost luggage. @grapau27, those meals just look so very delicious, enjoy!
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