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Everything posted by pengu1n

  1. Not very interesting but this is what I've been doing lately. Practicing for the eclipse! This has definitely made me learn my camera better! I've set up my frequently used menu items and Custom settings 1 & 2 for the partial and total eclipse. I have a new camera since the one in 2017 (went from Olympus EM10 mark ii to OM System OM5) but will use the same lens that worked well then. I got some great shots in 2017 and now that I know much more about eclipses and how to get the best shots wonder if it was a fluke that cannot be reproduced! Hoping for clear skies Monday, April 8th!
  2. I brought binoculars when we went to Alaska. I didn't intend to use, as I would be taking pictures, but I thought my family would. They did not.
  3. I'm looking forward to this too! In 2017 I drove about 2 hours west from St. Louis, this time about 2 hours south. I have a hotel room, but am going down 2 days early to decide on my shooting location. This video on youtube lists some very helpful apps. I don't think I agree with him about not worrying about capturing the diamond ring and bailey beads. We'll have 4 minutes to capture the corona, it's not going to hurt to try to get those special shots too. I love your diamond ring shot!
  4. Have you considered renting a lens?
  5. Hi. We had a photo shoot at the St Louis Art Museum, focusing on architecture using the principals taught in a class by Angie McMonigal https://angiemcmonigal.com/fine-art/ . Not something I normally shoot, but I like how she talked about looking for triangles, reflections, and shadows. We also had some snowflakes falling, but not sticking. This is me! It must be very serious business! (Or I need my readers!)
  6. I've seen posts from him on DPReview, but he's not been very active there either.
  7. Another outing this week, to a nearby family farm. We were supposed to shoot the Milky Way, but the skies did not cooperate.
  8. Did you think you backed up your photos, and then re-used the memory card? I'm not sure from your original post. Memory cards are very cheap now, and are good for primary storage during a trip. I take one for every 1-2 days of my trip, remove from the camera, back up the photos in a variety of ways (depending on whether I take my laptop), and then pop a fresh card in the camera. Then if by chance a memory card has a problem, I've only lost a day's worth of photos. When we travel back home, my husband carries one copy, I carry the other.
  9. A camera club outing to the Wild Bird Sanctuary and nearby Lone Elk Park:
  10. Taken on the Worldwide Photo Walk yesterday in St. Charles, MO:
  11. I used Paint Shop Pro and Corel Photo Paint prior to using (now) Lightroom for 95% of what I do, and Photoshop for the remainder. I think the key to using any of them is to take a class - they are capable of so much more than you can imagine without someone showing you how to use them! I belong to a large camera club and someone from our club teaches online classes, or you can find classes at a local community college. I like the online version. You could probably youtube also, but that requires you knowing what you want to learn.
  12. If the recliner doesn't work out, I travel with a blow up wedge pillow from Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Inflatable-Wedge-Pillow-Travel-Lightweight/dp/B09JJ1S8G3/ref=sr_1_3?crid=38YLQ34F7VL7D&keywords=blow+up+wedge+pillow+for+travel&qid=1688521812&sprefix=blow+up+wedge%2Caps%2C152&sr=8-3 And a portable air pump! https://www.amazon.com/FLEXTAILGEAR-Portable-Ultra-Mini-Rechargeable-Mattress/dp/B088ZLWXBC/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=20K5QV0JKF7ZO&keywords=travel+air+pump&qid=1688522010&sprefix=travel+air+pump%2Caps%2C150&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
  13. I don't take much video, but the times I decide to is usually because I want to capture something that a still photo wouldn't do justice to. For example, the bartenders doing tricks/flair, the cruise ships having a horn blowing battle (not much to see in a video either, but imagine the photo!), a clip of dancers, the ice carver, a pan of the glacier, etc. Most clips are short, under a minute, because I'll never watch hours of home videos and neither will anyone else.
  14. Oh, sorry to hear this! Will send good thoughts your way for Monday. At least you will have good incentive to do your exercises to build your strength back up and some time for healing before you go!
  15. I don't like the float strap, because it messes with my arm movement. I use a wrist strap with a slider, so it's snuggly attached to my wrist.
  16. I've had 3 different cameras in the TG line and they've all worked well. I purchased the TG5 for it's newer features, then lost it, so I now have the TG6. I wouldn't worry about having to return it, just watch on amazon that it is an authorized seller. Or get it at Best Buy! I have a "better" camera, but often choose the TG6 if the weather is bad or in particular for cruises, I think it is the best for food pics! I am an experienced photographer and a comfortable snorkeler. It is not easy to get the awesome underwater pictures you sometimes see here. It is difficult to see the LCD screen through your goggles and to manage the camera if the water is even a little rough. You mentioned being a senior, and changing any of the settings is also difficult without reading glasses. If this is an interest that you want to invest time in learning a new hobby, I think the TG6 is a great, trustworthy, sturdy camera. But you're not going to be able to hop in the ocean with it without doing some prep to get familiar with it. If you're thinking about getting the camera for 1 cruise, that's a pretty big investment if you're not going to use for other things. Wow, though, the people that suggest using your cell phone! Way more expensive to lose that to a leak! And you mentioned ruining your card with memories already on it - memory cards are cheap - change those out every day! I use the cheaper non-OEM batteries, you'll get a charger with that.
  17. Yellow Rose of Missouri - my birthday present!
  18. So what shiny new toy did you get for your birthday? That first test - mine is either one of my dogs or a salt/pepper shaker on the kitchen table to test DOF.
  19. I didn't know they could do anything but swallow it whole! Clever birdies!
  20. Love the heron and fish picture! What a great capture! Have you ever caught them thinking, "man, this is too big to swallow, throw it back!" And I get the Mr. Bill reference - I actually have a Mr. Bill toy in my speech pathology kit, to teach beginning talkers "OH NO!" (along with a ghost (BOO!), a firetruck (ee-o-ee-o) and animals (moo, baa, woof!))
  21. Glory has at least 2 single rooms (at least they did in August!) Very small room with a porthole, but listed as inside. Twin bed, no bunk. It popped up when my husband was trying to book a single room.
  22. It's beautiful! You are truly multi-talented!
  23. An outing to a nearby park on a warm (48 degree) winter day, to try out my new camera (OM System OM5) and get some pictures for my LR class. Anyone else see the Monkey Face? These blossoms will have a rude surprise tomorrow as the temperature drops!
  24. Maybe try a different browser?
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