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  1. When workers have a strong union they usually get more than 3%.
  2. Those were my thoughts. The WH didn’t seem too concerned when the strike began.
  3. The raise is over six years and the shippers have been making super profits. The raises were easy. The other issues won’t be as easy to settle.
  4. I accidentally had plenty of toilet paper in 2020 as I buy it in bulk and my timing was lucky. I happen to have a six month supply of TP right now. I doubt the strike will last that long. I use fresh coffee beans for my espresso so coffee is going to be a problem. Another problem for me to survive is a banana shortage.
  5. The same time as a new first time HAL cruiser. They will want you out of your cabin by 8:30. All passengers off the ship by 9:30.
  6. People are buying up toilet paper artificially creating a shortage. What we really have worry being short of is coffee. I don’t know if I could survive that.
  7. The older ships have already been built and furnished so the cost is lower if they can maintain them..
  8. The coffee at AL Bacio are made fine. The difference in coffee taste is dependent on the quality of the beans and how old the beans are. Al Bacio is not bad at all. Of course a craft coffee cafe in Australia or the US will have better beans.
  9. Not likely they would spend to include a surge protector and not advertise it unless they are marketing to cruise passengers….like if it says cruise approved which is a marketing scam. A 3 pronged plug like in the is a necessity for effective surge protection but does not necessarily indicate surge protection.
  10. It is Android tablets that are not supported. My iPads updated to theb latest iPadOs version 18 released a few weeks ago run th Royal App. The way iOS works I don't think they can break it running if it runs on non obsolete hardware. I don't see much advantage to use it on my iPad as it runs as an iPhone app in an iPhone sized window. It does not give the app more real estate. The only advantage would be for people who don't want to use their phone.
  11. Supposedly the parents didn’t leave the babies alone but used the monitor as an additional monitor. I think they were influencers who posted what they did on social media. Maybe they didn’t entirely trust the baby sitter? I know people who do that on land. Monitor the baby sitters. Probably Royal wants to head off the possibility that some parents will go to dinner and not have a baby sitter and use the method posted on social media.
  12. Probably every Captain’s Corner has a different spin. As for Michael Bayley, CEOs spin things too.
  13. Yes the need multiplies with each additional passenger.
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