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Everything posted by DirtyDawg

  1. With all these cutbacks Royal cruisers will start to feel like French Soccer fans! ⚽ Yikes, 45 minutes into the World Cup final game and France is down 2 goals. And for my American cousins; With all these cutbacks Royal cruisers will start to feel like LA Rams fans! 🏈 😁
  2. I've never bothered to sort the trash, I figured that service was part of the cruise fare. I have also not bothered to get in the kitchen and help out by cooking my meals on board 🥩. But I have to admit I have asked the bartenders to allow me to pour my own drinks. It would make their lives sooooo much easier. 😉
  3. Maybe these notices are coming from the bondholders. "Please give Carnival some of your cash, we want to get our next coupon payment". I just saw their 3rd quarter 10K. That is one ugly balance sheet! One could say - it's the Blobfish of balance sheets! 😱
  4. But Marsha, Marsha, Marsha was always a lot prettier than any Recession, Recession, Recession I ever met. 😉 The consumer is still flush with cash from the pandemic and is still in a spending mode. I wonder how much higher the FED will need to raise rates to finally push the economy into a soft landing or tip it into a recession. I can understand completely why Carnival wants to increase cruise fares. They might as well strike while the iron's hot as they say. As an aside, we've been looking at buying a country home for the last few months. Mortgage rates have about doubled up there in the north and prices should be declining as a result. They have, but only about 10% from their peak earlier this year where we are looking. Hopefully for us prices will continue to decline as the higher mortgage rates take hold. 🙏 One of my favorite lines from any movie ever was from Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore in Apocalypse Now when he said; "I like the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like... victory." The FED and the Bank of Canada haven't really deployed the napalm ... yet.
  5. Thanks, So does sorting the trash in our cabins help the process very much?
  6. So using doggie bags for mildly "icky" stuff is OK? Do recyclables get sorted out and recycled or does everything eventually go into the incinerator?
  7. Please let us know when you get the CEO job at Royal and make this change. If you have been reading other threads lately around here, CC'ers need time to adjust to any changes. 🙂
  8. Yes, "treating just those young men as children." Tsk-tsk-tsk https://uklandpower.com/2018/10/27/perspectives-on-the-british-army-opening-all-combat-roles-to-women/ The Times They Are A-Changin'
  9. Before we ever knew about Norwegian's policy we gave our kids the choice of what cruise line to sail on for a cruise we did in this age time frame. Two or the boys were 19 and 20 at that time and we gave them a choice between Celebrity, the old folks cruise line (their words) or Norwegian. At home our drinking age is 19 so both were legal in Ontario so not surprisingly all three chose Norwegian (the older two bribed their younger brother and we heard later he negotiated a really good price). It was not until after we had booked and paid for the cruise, did they present us with the waiver. 🖋️ Did I mention they were all straight A students. 😁
  10. Of course the reverse can be said about the grandparents wanting to only sail on their favorite cruise line and not switching for couple of years for the sake of their grandchildren. Do they love Celebrity more than their own flesh and blood? 😁
  11. But this is Cruise Critic. Moot is what we do. 😉
  12. That's a cool little calculator. Thanks for posting it. So I used it and it said I'd only save about $20 bucks with pre-purchase price. 😢 🤔 I wonder if I'd save more if I added the drinks after breakfast each day. 😁
  13. The Rosewood it's right near all the Jewelry stores on Howe Street. That can be a good thing (for Mrs. Dawg) or bad thing (for our grandkids kids' inheritance). 😉
  14. Another vote for Sutton Place on Burrard. Easy walk down to the pier and just that much farther ways from the hustle and bustle around Canada Place. Before retiring I travelled to Vancouver fairly regularly and always stayed at the Sutton Place. Excellent hotel and, at that time, there were more interesting restaurants to choose from vs. the area where the Pan Pacific is located.
  15. You posted on the wrong thread. I think you meant to post on this thread.
  16. Au contraire mon frère! The best (greediest) ones do remember your name in the morning! They need to so they can call you up and do it to you all over again the next time, and the next time, and the next time ... 😉
  17. I almost spat out my coffee all over my keyboard when I read this one. You win today's Groucho award! 🏆 🤣
  18. A 😉 and me talking about my first coffee in the morning and my Marketing 101 Professor saying; "If someone gives you sub-prime real estate, find some suckers to sell it to who think they are buying midtown Manhattan!" = joke. Usually ... 😉 Fun fact, the entire Carnival marketing department failed Marketing 101 just like the entire IT department at Royal failed ... High School. 😉 I'm up to two cups now! ☕ ☕
  19. But I'm sure the marketing folks are had at work dreaming of ways to sell this subprime real estate. Perhaps marketing to the environmentally conscious crowd with the fuel saving of a below waterline cabin vs those topside cabins with all those non streamlined, fuel sucking port hole and balcony cabins. "Save the Planet by sailing below!" Or perhaps market them to the history crowd; "Sail just like your forefathers did, in the belly of the ship!" I'm sure there are more target markets but I'm still on my first coffee of the day. ☕ Like my Marketing 101 professor used to say; "If someone gives you sub-prime real estate, find some suckers to sell it to who think they are buying midtown Manhattan!" 😉
  20. Hey, where did you get that painting of my cousins and me? 😉
  21. When we did road trips to the states before Covid, the first thing Mrs. Dawg made me do right after we crossed back into Canada was to find the nearest Timmies and get a large tea with one milk, one tea bag in and one tea back out. I have always ordered the Dark Roast coffee. I think MacD's coffee is the old Timmies original blend which is much better than the current Timmies original blend.
  22. mon Dieu! I was born in Montreal but grew up in Toronto. It took a long while to switch my allegiance to the Leafs from Les Habitants and to the Blue Jays from Les Expos! The old Forum and Jerry Park were cathedrals for me.
  23. My granddaughters make me bring Sparkle Timbits and Blueberry muffins each time we visit. And they don't screw up dry everything bagels too, too much.
  24. Absolutely, but why do the sardines like Cats? 🐟♥️😺 🤔
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