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Zou Bisou Bisou

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Posts posted by Zou Bisou Bisou

  1. If I have only one complaint (and I have more) about RCCL (and Celebrity), it's their flippant attitude towards their greatest asset...their customers.




    Nail on the Head.

    So true.

    DH and I often comment on how they must train their employees who work the Guest Relations desk to just look straight through you if you have even a hint of a complaint of something not being right on the cruise.


    That said, we sail Royal Caribbean at least 3-4 weeks a year and often pay for many cabins for the kids, grandkids, etc. We have gotten many friends hooked on Royal.


    So now when things aren't right in some aspect we say nothing. But in the same vein when they make a mistake in our favor (usually monetary) we say nothing. We used to call it to their attention because we are honest people. Not anymore. We are still honest, but we follow the Golden Rule with Royal. We treat them as they treat us. I am sure they treat their customers the way they want to be treated because after all, they are in the customer service industry.


    Two years ago there was a monetary mistake on their part in our favor. It was HUGE (essentially resulted in a free cruise). We just looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders and said, "They must really like us". Hahaha! It all comes out in the wash and we keep sailing with them and they keep ignoring their customers.

  2. About to book Jewel. We are attending a wedding on Viequez and Jewel sails the day after so very convenient. We have been on Oasis and Allure and first ever cruise was Carnival Pride, about same age and size as Jewel. After being on ship intensive (Oasis and Allure) we are ready for port intensive. We mainly enjoy beaches and dining so the shows etc on Oasis class did not hold a lot of attraction for us. Jewel seems like a good fit and I have seen some very good reviews. BUT I have also read some poor reviews and some people just recently right here recommending avoiding Jewel . Any info that would help me feel better about Jewel?


    The Jewel is a great ship. Sailed her for the second time last year and have her booked for later this year. I have sailed Oasis, Allure, Freedom, Liberty and most of the Voyager and Vision Class. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the Jewel of the Seas.

  3. NCL allows smoking on balconies and last week they announced that they have no intention at this time of changing their policy.


    "at this time" But next week, next month or next year is a completely different time. It is only a matter of time until they ban smoking on cabin balconies on NCL.


    And E-cigs? The science is still out on how harmful these devices delivering nicotine might be to the user or bystander. Why would they take a chance on allowing something they know so little about? If it turns out people exposed to this stuff get sick, they could get sued. Smoke free Hotels, planes, etc, are not allowing the use of E-cigs.

  4. Just off of Jewel and would have a hard time recommending. 16th cruise with RCCL and this was the first one where my faith in RCCL was shaken. Not going to create a list, but one glaring problem that I think all will agree on is the fact the sheets were not changed daily in the room. The stain on the sheet remained all week. It was a rust stain, not another type. Or at least that was what I kept telling myself. :)


    So many little things were wrong during the week, I would say to consider avoiding Jewel for the time being. I have faith that a string of negative reviews on the survey will cause a correction soon.


    Did you ask your Cabin Attendant to change your sheets? If you REALLY need your sheets changed, take them off the bed in the morning and leave them on the floor, they will be changed. But if you just ask, they will be changed as well.


    A rust stain is a stain, doesn't mean they aren't clean. Do you change your sheets every day at home? I sure don't. Most hotels don't either. Why would a cruise line? Haven't you heard of Save the Waves?


    Oh and of the twenty-something cruises I have been on Royal Caribbean, Jewel is one of my favorites. Sailed her twice. Sailed her just last year out of San Juan. Have her booked one more time before her eventual refit. And the San Juan itineraries are great. I would recommend the Jewel.

  5. I give between $20 - $50 for extra special service. Whether it be cabin steward, waiter, asst. waiter or favorite bar waiter. The most I ever gave extra was $100 to a particularly great Waiter but we were "extra" tipping for a family of 6.


    If I just get adequate service then no extra. You know when you are getting the "extra" service that warrants an "extra" tip.

  6. I guess I am ignorant but I can't distinguish suite guests from D+ people. I've been in a GS the last three cruises and have met some very congenial people. I think on Liberty a couple weeks ago I met a few people not in a GS. The way one guy talked he had to have been close to pinnacle and I mentioned this to him. He just brushed it off. We all had great conversation.


    The coffee machine went out in the CL the last 3 days so I started going up to the D+ to get my lattes (several times a day) and leave. There was rarely anyone in the lounge and I will add that it was much nicer than the CL. Lots of room and a door led out to the outside. It didn't look like a makeshift bar, either.


    The last couple of nights it was crowded and I can understand why some suite people would think they were being infringed upon. But it did not really bother me. The appetizers were nothing to write home about either.


    I think it is very strange that suite guests are not allowed in the Diamond lounge since Diamonds are allowed in the CL. No one ever asked why I went in the Diamond Lounge.


    Just wondering are you Diamond or higher? If not how did you gain access into the lounge? The door is locked and access is through your sea pass card.

  7. I'd like to see OCEANVIEW discounts for C&A members. The balcony discount would remain, but a nominal discount could be applied for members on Oceanview cabins.


    Think about it from RCI perspective; if a higher ranked C&A member finds an OV room acceptable and can be enticed in to one with a modest discount that leaves a balcony or higher room open to potentially be filled by someone not meeting the requirements to get the big balcony discount. At least, in my opinion, that's ONE way to look at it to make it make sense for the business.


    There are a lot of little changes C&A could make to save money and enhance member benefits. The welcome amenity...are you kidding me? Prepacked cookies in an expensive shrinkwrapped box with even more filling, padding, and junk? Just do away with it. The beverage is a nice touch though. But save a few $$ here and there where people really won't miss it and use that to keep the things members love and subsidize new enticements and discounts.


    D+ heads will burst if they are kicked out of CL and the ship doesn't have a DL. You'll hear them moaning all over the ship in every bar there is. Not good for RCI. I see the point though that the CL is a suite perk and suite guests are buying THAT particular perk, D+ is simply being afford complimentary perks based on loyalty. They are really two different things, I understand.


    I think they should move the drink vouchers OFF of the 5-8pm from your card

    and make it anytime of the day. Give 1 drink to emeralds, 3 to diamond, 4 to D+; and then kick D+ out of the CL. With the freedom to use the drinks at any point in the day everyone will have the opportunity to disperse more and not clog the lounges...hopefully. Emeralds get a taste of the good life (you give people a drink a day and they'll be hooked for life).


    It's not the worst idea ever.


    Here's a new Pinnacle perk to consider; cabin entry ready at boarding (if that doesn't exist already). Carnival will sell that perk to a first time group in a 1A cabin for $50. It is called Faster to the Fun and. It sounded like a dubious money grab at first, but it does get people into their rooms to drop luggage two hours early (amongst other "perks" that have proven to be of varying value). Room stewards know who is in what cabin and are assigned to fully turn over certain cabins first. Carnival only sells a handful of these to keep it manageable. I'm sure if RCI did the same they'd make a nice little $$ grab. A bunch of higher up CCL cruisers are ticked that for $50 someone can buy "status" but the fact of the matter is all those $50 a pop cabins with FTTF are subsidizing part of what is given to loyalty guests.


    This is just a way for RCI to provide a free perk to high C&A members at low or no cost, and offer a similar benefit to anyone willing to pay up for it. If RCI charged $50 and could sell 100 cabins on this feature per sailing that's an extra $5K in revenue that will cost them very little to administer.


    The business can't sustain giving out the perks unless it makes judicious cuts and increases revenue.


    Some good ideas here. As a D+ I am expecting changes. But to me, prices are still a good value. I expect to retain most of what is important to me. If they can save money getting rid of some of the smaller things…what can I say? They are, after all in it to make money.

  8. someone once told me (the 2nd highest cruiser with RCL), that if we stop going to the events that RCL is good enough to give us in our honor, they will soon take them away. that definitely makes sense.

    we complain about cutbacks. yet when they give a party in our honor, you don't show up. WOW.

    the "been there done that" is a lame excuse. you do a few cruises any now you "been there done that".

    when it is gone you will ask WHY? :confused::confused::confused:


    give me a break.............


    Whoa…hold on there phish tales… Since I am the poster to which the poster you quoted replied let me explain. I haven't just been on a "few" cruises with Royal Caribbean. I spend at least 4 weeks a year on Royal ships. I NEVER enjoyed those top tier event parties. There is no way you or anyone else is going to

    make me go to one. If they take it away I will NOT ask "Why"?


    Just because I am D+ and often in the top tier numbers of the loyalty program on a particular sailing doesn't mean I make a big deal of it. We cruise with friends who often are not a high level in the Loyalty program. Why would we ditch them to go to a party we don't even enjoy?


    There are people who enjoy these parties. Great. Go to them. But if they take them away because of lack of attendance then so be it.


    You have a nerve to tell me or any other D, D+ or Pinnacle Member what they should or shouldn't attend while they are on board (other than the Muster Drill, of course.)

  9. I have to say, reading through this, I agree with this. I'm not sure why people think there will be a huge need to remove D's from the DL. Will the D+ get removed from the CL? Possibly, certainly that is the most obvious way to take care of overcrowding in the CL. But if it happened I would think the DL would just become the D/D+/P lounge (P probably being able to use either lounge). Any overcrowding with that will just be handled by overflow lounges and/or vouchers for both D & D+. I just don't see why, if the D+ are removed from the CL, that it means anything for the D's, except for a more crowded DL.


    Plus, where is the demand going to be to have a dedicated lounge just for D+/P ? On an average sailing, are there really that many? The complaints I've heard were for TA and special sailings, along with a number of December sailings. I suspect many of those last were because of the now removed DinD, and there won't be quite the same crush for those sailings next year. For example, we sailed Oasis this year. But it was March, during spring break

    time, and there was a whopping 1(!) D+ member at the C&A and Top Tier event. What a waste of a D+/P lounge that would be.


    What makes you think that just because they aren't at the Top Tier Event they aren't on board? I rarely go to those events, its been several years, and I have been D+ for awhile now.

  10. Let me add - my cousin and his daughter were with us for a few days. When we picked them up at the airport and got onto the highway I wanted to know what that sickly disgusting smell was in my car. It was her with her e-cig in the back seat. I told her to put it out -turn it off - whatever and not to do it again. She tried again in my house and I told her the smell was awful and 0 sickly sweet - I don't think e-cigs are of any benefit at all. It just makes smokers think they're doing something


    Absolutely. It is a crutch for the addicted and we don't know how dangerous it is to inhale that "vapor". These folks have no idea what they are inhaling and I certainly don't want to be exposed to it. Certainly not in my home!!

  11. Facts?? Show me some facts and we can discuss them.

    Right....you have none, and still continue to further your uneducated fight against the unknown.

    I know quite a few people who use the e-cigs. they are always getting positive feedback from non smokers about how totally un-noticeable they are. In fact, most are praised about how pleasant they are compared to actually smoking. They are an aid to help quit smoking. I have never heard one person say that they bothered them, except you, and you have no facts. What could it possibly be that bothers you about them? Where are these "lots of people" you say are bothered?

    You have no idea why Royal does not allow them, and no idea how prude you sound. Facts is facts. I am done here.

    Live and let live.

    Whoah!!! You are way over the top and totally freaked out. Man, you have got to chill.


    My "uneducated fight against the unknown?" Where did you get that? From the Rand Paul school of Wikipedia??? LOL.

  12. YOU chose to be in there......awful, just awful, LMAO:)


    Yes I did choose it, once. Only once. And it was awful. But that is to someone who has clear lungs. It is irritating to people with clear lungs. People whose lungs are constantly being filled with smoke evidently aren't bothered by being in such a small enclosed space where virtually everyone is smoking either a cigar or cigarette. Their lungs are used to it.


    I look forward to the day when those nice little Cigar lounges become just another lounge on a smoke free ship.


    There is a reason the Quantum is being built without a Cigar Lounge onboard.

  13. Unreal how you twisted it all up to meet your criteria of prudeness. Some folks here need to find a hobby or something and get a life!

    They were explaining how it did not bother anybody, geeez


    But it does bother people. Lots of people. I don't just take someones word that the "vapor" is harmless. Very few studies at all. The Jury is still out on E-cigs.


    Royal Caribbean must think it bothers people or hasn't been studied enough either. If it was harmless they would let people smoke E-cigs on their balcony.


    I did not twist anything. I am not a prude. I have many hobbies and a great life. I can't help it if you don't like facts.

  14. Mr. Cigar King is the cigar smoker. I just picked the name Mrs. CK because it amused me. I smoke cigarettes and will hang out in the cigar lounge with Mr. CK or if the weather is too bad to smoke outside. The air scrubbers in the lounge seems powerful enough to clear the different kinds of smoke enough to not annoy anyone.

    Now I have a good excuse to spend more time and money in the casino, anyone got a light.


    Totally false. Once, I spent about an hour in the Cigar Bar (Connoisseur's Club) on a Royal Caribbean Voyager Class ship because we were with friends who wanted to smoke a cigar. The next day I awoke with a hacking cough as did another friend who was with us. Awful, just awful.

  15. On our last cruise we were in a piano bar (non smoking of course) and half the passengers at the bar had e-cigs! It was kind of surreal. The player told us on the 2nd night he was nervous when we all pulled out our devices and he saw the vapor- because he hates smoke. He was shocked to find none of it actually reached him or had odor. I'm finding people walk around smoking them everywhere here, even in stores where a cigarette would clearly be illegal.


    This is why many communities are looking into banning e-cigs in many public places. That "vapor" isn't something I want to be breathing in. Pretty naive to pretend that vapor is nothing.

  16. I think it is evident that you don't like smokers and that you'd like to ban smoking all together, even if smokers are in dedicated areas that does not bother non-smokers.




    It is not at all evident that I don't like smokers. I have family members and friends who smoke. I have never advocated banning smoking altogether. Smokers can smoke in their own homes all they want. It is when they choose to enter a public domain or someone else's private domain that limitations on smoking (as well as many other behaviors) come into play.


    Do I dislike walking into a smoke filled Casino on a ship or do I dislike going out onto my balcony and have the stench of smoke coming from next door? Certainly I do. Most people do. Most people in the U.S. don't smoke.


    I am simply stating the obvious, smoking limitations will increase, the number of smokers in the U.S. will continue to decrease and most Cruise Lines, like Airlines will eventually ban smoking.

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