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Everything posted by sanger727

  1. If you acquire pringles in the US and then take them back off in the US; even if you declare this I doubt very much that customs will have a problem with that.
  2. Nope. The OP clearly asked about bringing food onto the ship. Not off the ship. They asked about bringing food off the airplane.
  3. I know many people who travel quite a bit internationally; and only once have heard of a passport being stolen. It was left in a Louis Vuitton "murse" and was hung over a vacant chair. I agree, that is not that hard to keep track of your belongings and avoid pick pockets. Not to mention, I seriously doubt that the pick pocket wants your passport. They want your wallet.
  4. I've heard this rumored before, but never confirmed. I have trouble imagining that they are doing last call, calling you around the ship to see if you snuck on; then going to your rumor, rummaging through your stuff and your safe to leave you stuff at the port. What if it turned out you actually were on the ship? What is the port agent to do you if you don't return?
  5. I don't remember having trouble finding a trash can. But it reminded me a bit of disney. The area we stayed in in Tokyo was an area where people were up all night. And there did end up being alot of trash on the street. We had trouble adjusting to the time change and were often up by 4-5am. And early morning, when the fewest people were out, the sanitation workers came through and picked it all up. But yes, in general, Tokyo and people in Japan in general are very clean.
  6. I'm someone who always brings snacks on trips. Primarily protein bars. I've been stuck on too many day trips where there was no real food options. I would prefer fresh fruit, but obviously you can't bring that into port. I think there's a difference here between snacks that were once sealed and are now unsealed vs fresh/homemade items. A can of pringles is likely fine. Brining on a sandwich from home, who knows.
  7. Just an option to consider if you don't want to shift to 2024/2025. We took a land trip to japan through an organized tour company and really enjoyed it. This also gives you the ability to try many of the local traveling options like bullet trains, bento boxes, and luggae forwarding services. Japan is an extremely safe, clean, and developed country. we wouldn't hesitate to travel there on our own in the future.
  8. The only trouble I had with customs in New zealand was with a wooden boomerang that I purchased in Australia. Apparently wooden items are only allowed in if you have them treated with a pesticide at customs. That cost was more than I spent on the boomerang so we threw it away. No issues with packaged food or meds.
  9. I usually bring a paperback for beach excursions. All the reasons you mentioned: sand, water, and theft. While a used kindle may have little value, that doesn't take the bite of out of the fact that i would have to buy a new one.
  10. Yes, without a question; This condo won't appreciate or have the security a normal home would. I'm not sure why the ship won't be maintained or insured like a normal condo would be. Are you suggesting that cruise ships don't have insurance?
  11. The 4 million is for a home at sea; not an extended vacation. In many home markets $4 million is not crazy over the top. And clearly you would not make this purchase if it was a financial strain, this would be more like if you had $10 million and decided to sell your $3 million home and move to your new condo at sea.
  12. not true. We dealt with this on American Airlines a couple years ago. They cancelled our flight and had no alternatives until the next day. We managed to get on the last seat of a delta flight leaving that day. Had no issues taking our American Airlines return flight. obviously if they cancelled you, it’s not the same as a ‘no show’; you can choose to not rebook with them.
  13. Choosing to overspend on this because ‘you can afford it’; sounds generous in the moment - but it can have unintended consequences. For example, when we were on safari in the Serengeti, we saw many teenagers dressed up in tribal costumes standing on the side of the roads. Our guide told us they wanted tourists to pay them for photos. He advised us against it - the younger generations were choosing to stand on the side of the road looking for a handout instead of farming or going to school. I fully support shopping local in developing countries- but at the point that you are giving away money, it’s better to make a donation to a charitable organization.
  14. Generally speaking, there's no way to know ahead of time if a food contains bacteria or has been contaminated by a virus. So, not sure where to really go with this question. I've had lettuce at my local kroger that was recalled for bacterial contamination. What I avoid in general is any uncooked meat. I suspect there is more risk of contamination, plus since I don't eat I'm not sure it would sit well. I've never tried carpaccio because a family member has tried it a couple times at perfectly safe establishments and found it really disagreed with her system. We also were out for a day once after a family member ate and exceptionally spicy dish. We were in Asia and it was much spicier than we are used to. She likes spicy foods so decided to try it. She had an upset stomach for a couple days after that.
  15. 1 hour would be plenty for an email or to check in for a flight. Hopefully it’s quite a bit less than 24 hours. by the minute is a great deal when it’s available. You can actually do quite a bit in 10-15 minutes
  16. cruises are never the best way to hit a specific port. And things are unpredictable. We went to Peru and Machu Picchu in 2021, in 2022 it was inaccessible due to riots. No one, including celebrity can predict what may happen. But if this is your can’t miss spot; better to be on a land tour there that gets cancelled. Celebrity won’t cancel the cruise over it.
  17. I haven’t done it on celebrity, but usually wifi is available per minute also. If you just want to check an email or text, per minute would be a much better deal than a 24 hour rate.
  18. I agree w @jsglow that you won’t be offered an upgrade either way; many people celebrate special events on a cruise. I usually won’t book w a TA unless there is a pretty decent cost benefit. I’ve had good TAs, neutral, and a really bad one. A few dollars in OBC isn’t work the risk of a really bad one. If you book direct you can’t work out any price drops or issues directly with the cruise line.
  19. All that matters to the PVSA is where YOU ultimately board and where YOU ultimately disembark. When you do b2b on one ship it’s considered one cruise. As long as you board or disembark outside the US, no issues.
  20. I wouldn’t think twice about getting off in Cozumel. It’s an island, not a big cartel area. Progresso is in the Yucatán which the state department doesn’t have any alerts for. I wouldn’t worry about either of those ports
  21. We have robot "servers" at one of our local restaurants. For now it's a gimmick rather than a serious means to replace servers. They are essentially a roomba with a shelf on top that goes to the correct table and says "please take your food". They can't take orders, can't ask if you need anything else, rely on a person to load them up with food. There is a very long way to go before robots could replace the hospitality side. But, for now they are a fun novelty.
  22. there are certainly cruise lines that don’t have the casinos, shops, and beauty parlors. But they tend to be small ships since it is a smaller customer base. So they also don’t have the libraries, bridge tables, shuffleboards, and religious areas.
  23. This sounds a bit like goat yoga. Pictures look great and sounds like they are fun and adorable. And they are, but it was really just yoga in a room where the goats were constantly peeing and pooping.
  24. Perhaps the cruise line just realized that people who enjoy reading in 2023 are most likely using a kindle/tablet so the need to have a space for ratty used books is no longer needed. It's no secret that mainstream cruise lines maximize revenue space to keep prices down. It's a fair trade off. I've been on two small ship cruises. Once was a river cruise with 20 rooms. The other was a large yacht with 10 rooms. Sorry to say that they both still had a bar with free flowing drinks. I don't believe either had a "library", there may have been a bookshelf with loaners. And the cruises came at a heft price tag. they were also the most casual cruises I've ever been on. There was no requirement to dress up for dinner. The only request was to not show up to the dining room barefoot.
  25. I can't think of any explanation for what you experienced. I've never been charged more by a TA than a cruise line for the same product. TA's could afford to be stingy back when you went into an office and looked at the "brochure" rates. But in today's price transparency, I would think that any TA consistently charging more than the cruise line would go out of business.
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