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Posts posted by booboojoy

  1. Hi


    Question on bringing wine into dining room without getting charged a corking fee..


    Does anyone know if you are allowed to bring wine in a soda tumbler in the dining room. I would pour the wine into the soda tumbler and bring it with me to the dining room.. I am assuming that there might be a problem if I pour that into a glass during the dinner..


    Would they allow that Soda tumbler into the dining room if I have wine it.


    I know I have brought many times my own can of soda in the dining room and poured that in a glass without any problems..





    IMO thats kinda tacky. i would put it in a wine glass and walk in with that.

  2. Thanks for the lesson..........only recognized Yeti name although like the other ones, too. Wonderful adoptions! Last cat brought in (Manx) is from a hoarder. Totally new experience. Best end this discusion since it's not on fashion, though. Apologies to others for getting so far off topic!


    I thought it was fun and interesting to read ..thanks;)

  3. Touching on the tolls, there are two methods of calculating the tolls, one is bassed on the ship's Panama Canal tonnage which is different than the gross tonnage. The other method the Canal uses which is easier to get you a ballpark figure.... that is a charge of $134/berth. That charge is levied against all passenger berths occuppied or not. So figuring 2200 berths times 134= 294,800$$$, and yes it must be deposited and available as cash before the transit. I don't know if they still actualy physically haul the In God We Trust to the bank anymore or just use whatever the modern day cash equivilent is.


    That figure does not include a whole list of other charges some of which are.... $35,000 fee for a guaranteed transit on a certain day, charges for tug boats at all the locks and through Gaillard Cut, a charge for each wire used by the "mules." So it real easy the extend the end price another 35000 to 55000 beyond what the actual toll is. The Canal also offers 1 booking per day to the highest bidder, so if you have the $$ you can just pick your day and time;)!


    Of course thanks to Trainman for letting us tag along and providing the pictures!


    thanks. very interesting things I am learning that I never knew.;)

  4. Caribbean Princess is by far my favorite ship.


    (we have been on 16 cruises and this ship totally wow'ed us from the moment we entered check in


    ;) after all my research and reading.... i think i have found just the person I need to talk to....Serene. I was wondering if you couldd tell me what number stateroom you would book on the Independence OS. we like jr suite. thank you


  5. The Fed Ex driver came by again today. The truck stopped across the end of my driveway and I thought "Maybe today there will be something awesome in that box." He sat in the truck for maybe 5 minutes while I waited patiently. The excitement mounted. Finally the driver got out, slammed the door......and walked across the street to the neighbour's house.



    lol so funny... i think the driver is teasing you...too funny

  6. The Fed Ex truck pulled up in front of our house today and I got all excited. What could it be? Our anniversary is next week. Could it be a dress? So, with a huge smile on my face I opened the door, signed for the package, and found.......an empty box. I have a problem with my Playbook, so Blackberry sent me an empty box to ship it back in. :(


    oh i am so sorry..but it is a funny story. :(:D

  7. :D


    LOL...I will post more as soon as I shipped all the items I posted last week and yesterday.


    A few days ago, I told my husband, I have to have all my shopping ship to my daughter; I do not want the UPS and FedEx men hate me. I am buying new dresses for my next cruise.



    lol...they should give you your own private fed ex driver lol ,, amazing what you do...good girl

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