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Posts posted by Ken711

  1. We know from the weekly progress reports that platform 1 is three main pillars wide, the last progress report said that drilling for platform 2 still has to be done (not 'is under way').


    I think the recent pictures show two platforms, not two parts of one platform. Did they bring two platforms to site and then took one back? Doesn't sound very plausible.


    One other thought has crossed my mind: If they install the platforms first, before the caissons, how will they lift the caissons over the entire width of the platform onto the Concordia? Can Micoperi-30 go/float over the installed platforms? Its max draft is 5.15 m, is there that much clearance over the installed platforms?

    Its revolving (mainly yellow) crane can lift 204 t @ 18 m outreach. That doesn't seem to be enough to reach over the width of the installed platforms?



    Good questions on the sequence of installing the platforms then the sponsons. I would imagine they've calculated the depth needed to position a lifting barge over the underwater platforms. Perhaps it could be even a different barge than the Micoperi 30.

  2. Hi Ken

    There was actually two platforms arrive today.The smaller of the two is being lowered as we speak and a second, much larger, platform sailed off to the right of the screen about 2pm BST.


    Story on platform one, largest of the 6 platforms. It appears that platform one was built as two separate components that were combined and installed as platform one when installed.







  3. Looks like a busy day in Giglio.

    One of the larger platforms seems to have arrived on site with another couple of vessels.

    Micoperi has moved back presumably to allow the platform to be positioned.


    That would be platform #1, one of the largest of the six platforms.

  4. Underwater platform #4 installed. This is the platform closest to the stern.






  5. A small oil leak from one of the hot tap valves that were used to remove the fuel on board was contained.


    Small oil spill this morning from the carcass of the Costa Concordia island of Giglio. But the leak was quickly blocked and prevented its spread, through a cordon of 350 meters with a flat spread over the sea and the operation of the pump float, which in a few hours he recovered half a cubic meter of fuel. Immediately to secure Maria Sargentini, president of Concordia on emergency monitoring, today the island of Giglio, where he played in the early afternoon a city council open to take stock of the progress of the work awarded to the consortium da Costa Titan-Micoperi. Certain creams were also stretched in front of the entrance to the port, given the presence of strong currents from the north and the iridescence were moving in that direction. The spillage of today has been caused by the detachment of a flange, or a metal disk with connectors, of a valve of the system "Hot tapping" installed in the course of the operations of removing fuel. The valve is closed by divers of the consortium, who dived several times from ten to twelve this morning. The loss was reported at 8.40. A couple of minutes later the first teams were already there by boat. technicians and workers are carrying out further investigations. The Centre has, however, asked to immediately check the status of all valves installed for the recovery of fuel, so as to prevent any other problems.
  6. The first 5 of the 30 sponsons have arrived at the Titan-Micoperi forward operating base port in Livorno.


    Livorno, February 22, 2013 - Do not even get the official decision of Costa Cruises on where it will go the wreck of the Concordia. But at least begin to appear the famous maxi-chests that the consortium Titan-Micoperi use to straighten and raise the 300 meters of the hull still semiaffondato Giglio. The first five "sponsons" arrived yesterday on the big barge Mak Fagioli and presumably will be discharged today or tomorrow in the terminal Unicoop the industrial canal, owned by former footballer Cristiano Lucarelli.


    They made ​​a long journey: the sponsons are parties to Ancona, where the Fincantieri built them, and they have circumnavigated the peninsula, with a technical stop in Palermo . Mak the barge and its tugboat Ril start again mid-week for the second trip to Castellammare di Stabia . Third will follow, probably from Genoa.


    Of the thirty sponsons required for the operation, only twenty-six will arrive in Livorno for further processing on the accessories: four for the bow of the wreck , which have curves and special volumes, arrive at Giglio by the end of May.


    The five arrived yesterday in Livorno are of two different sizes: the three largest weighing 500 tons each, are 30 meters long, 11 high and 11 deep. The two children weighing 395 tonnes and are smaller in both length and height. Also the different methods of landing : the big ones are on special 'centipede' turned the beans, while others are of similar slides. The landing will be improved through an inclined plane steel between the barge and the terminal.


    Once on the ground, another delicate operation, always cured by Beans, allow to overturn of 180 degrees for machining requirements. Two containers of the Titan are a few days in the terminal with the special 'big rings' that will be welded to the sponsons . As the work will be completed, the sponsons are then sent to the Giglio - always with the barge in tow - to be attached to the first side of the wreck was found, then - once righted the boat - the starboard side.


    Clink the link below for photos.


  7. Hi Ken' date='


    Usually the breakers pay the owners of the vessels to get the rights to vessel, (IE scrap steel and metals). I dont think the hulk will have all that much more draft to be a big issue. However in this case, they may not be able to take her to far and the actual cutting up maybe done at a yard that usally doesn't do this and may indeed charge to do it.



    Time will tell......AKK[/quote']



  8. Hi Sid!


    Your point is well taken' date=' however with Marine there is differences. I have been involved in a number of major ship grounding. sinkings etc. None of the underwriters would want to take actual ownership of the vessel due to the recovery costs...they will pay their share and then deduct any scrap value and let the hulk stay in the owners name. If their share of the recovery costs exceeds the insurred amount, they pay the full amount, then walk away. They don't want ownership due to unforseen liabilities.......IE........what if the hulk sinks while being towed to the wreckers?.or it has a oil leak.??etc......


    I do want to correct part of my earlier post............I don't think Costa ever directly owned the Concordia, there was most likely a holding company. Of course somewhere down the corporate line the holding company was owned by Costa Line/Carnival Inc.




    Hey Tonka,


    I posted this to Clive and Anne do you think the fact that the ship will be sitting so low in the water even with the sponsons will have a bearing on what shipyard is awarded the breakers contract due to having sufficient port water depth.

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