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Everything posted by Jan_In_Maine

  1. I stayed the same again this week. I've written this post a few hundred times, but haven't posted ..... Izena & Jo ... I think we must be related. My mom was one of 6 kids that lived to be adults .... one brother died in his 40's of heart disease ... my mom and her siblings all had heart bi-pass by the time they were in their early 60's. ( my mom had 6 done and they had to close her up and couldn't do anything more). My mom and her siblings all had Alzheimer's ... one aunt by the time she was in her early 50's ... didn't live long with it. It was noticeable with my mom by the time she was 60 and she lived for 20 years with it. I can remember her thinking that there was someone living in the tv that was having an affair with my dad ... The last coherent thing my mom said was that she loved me. No one should live with it for 20 years ... even the heart doctor apologized for doing such a good job on her bi-pass. Every day when I forget a word I worry about it happening. I was so surprised to have cancer as I really thought I would have Alzheimer's first. I do have an agreement with my doctor about testing for it .... I have a lot of living I want to do. We all need to continue continuing on. Jan PS - Jo - I forgot to mention on a previous thread that our last cruise was on NCL. PSS - Izena - Happy Birthday - Hope you had a wonderful day
  2. I weighed myself this morning (my rings were very tight, so know there is extra water weight) I stayed the same from before our cruise, so I am happy. We did a lot of walking and after a few days or so, I wasn't really interested in food. The serving sizes are way to big. Hope everyone is doing well. Izena - That is wonderful on the walking, I really need to walk more at home!!! Jan
  3. Good Morning - We got back from our cruise at midnight ... I'm tired, but we had a good time. Will post later. Weighed myself this morning and seem to be down, but we will see where it is on Thursday. Jan
  4. Izena -I find the journey to maintain a loss very difficult. That is where I have problems - Probably the biggest reason I have posted for so many years. We leave for our newest cruise tomorrow ..... I think our flight is out around 5:00 am ..... Hate getting up early. Today was a sad day - My Molly is now in a better place - we went to the vet this afternoon - It was time, but it is so difficult. I think being away from home will help, but it will be so difficult when we get back home. I will try to check in while I'm gone, but can't guarantee it! Jan
  5. Yes, you get 1099 even when you are in international waters! ($1,200 from slots or bingo). This is not total for the cruise only each time the win is for $1,200 or more. Molly has pancreatitis --- it is better, but not completely gone. She now only has one pill per day. She is sleeping most of the time and when up is drinking lots of water. She also has arthritis in her spine. She just turned 11 .... I am worried about going away, but know that my DD and her DH will be great with her. Our cruise is a 9 night Eastern Caribbean and then we will stay on the ship for a 3 night Bahamas cruise. It will be nice to get away. Jan
  6. Good Morning All. Belle nice that you won! (Not nice that you have to pay taxes on it). I've only had one time that I got a 1099 .... but many times I have managed to come back with everything that I went with .... that works!!!! Hope you have a great time in Hawaii ... Love it there Kauai is my favorite place ... the scenery is amazing. Someday I will get back! Izena - Great that you have maintained in range. I stayed the same this week (I'll take it). We leave on Tuesday and our dog is sick. My DD & DSIL will be taking care of her.
  7. Belle - We leave Maine on the 6th and will be on the ship on the 7th. We come back to town on the 18th in the evening and then really need to finish up Christmas. I hope you have a wonderful time ... enjoy every minute. I keep getting free cruises, but unfortunately would have to fly to different places and that is crazy pricing!!! Talk to you when you get back. Jan
  8. Finally weighed myself this morning and I am down 2.0# (we will see if it stays around!). Today I am going "small business Saturday" shopping with my kids ... looking forward to it. Jan
  9. Belle - Nice to hear from you - thanks for starting the thread. As usual I did not weigh myself today .... but I cooked Thanksgiving, which meant that I don't really eat. I loved listening to all the "kids" interact .... that is what Thanksgiving is about (to me anyway). Belle, you have lots of things in the works ... Nice that you have things that will be done in your house by the time you get back ... that is the best way to complete tasks!!!! We have had our dog (yellow lab - Molly) at the vet for the past week. She is 11 tomorrow - she has been having problems and they determined that she has pancreatitis ... the vet was very kind, but also let us know that about 40% do not make it. She is now home ($4,000 later) and she is starting to perk up a little .... tons of pills and a bland diet .... she is such an amazing baby .... so looking forward to when her tail starts wagging again. Hope everyone had a good day. Jan
  10. Belle - It is two cruises - first with DH, and youngest son and his husband - 9 night Caribbean - love cruising with them - they are so much fun. B2B - second leg just DH & I - 3 night Bahamas cruise. Looking forward to it. My burns are getting better and I think they will be fine by the time we leave. Our dog (Molly) hasn't been feeling well and she has been staying at the vets (came home today) .... she has pancreatitis .... they have done a lot (cost $4,000) .... but she is now home and is on a bland diet and has numerous pills .... I hope everything stays well. She will be 11 the day after Thanksgiving. Omsbud - Happy Thanksgiving to you too .... and to everyone else. I am cooking tonight as much as possible, so that tomorrow is a little easier. I make the Pioneer Woman's mashed potatoes and they are always a hit with all the kids. Jan
  11. Belle - Thanks so much for checking in - I'm so glad that you are having a good time. I am feeling fine, just tired and still sore from the burns. Looking forward to our cruise in 18 day! Jan
  12. Good morning - Thanks KatieDub for starting the thread! I forgot to weigh myself before I had breakfast - Tomorrow I will try to remember. Jan
  13. We once found a dog on top of a 8 foot snow bank in the middle of a country road with no houses anywhere near. Good thing my DH has good eyesight. We named him Lucky and he lived to be an old dog. Jan
  14. Good Morning - We should have snow here now, but we are going to have 60 degree weather today. Makes me happy - hate that it gets dark so early though. I am the same that I was the end of October - I really need to get going on losing some of this weight - I would love to lose 58#, but would be happy with 29# --- I have a cruise on 12/7 and somehow don't think that I will be at any lower range by then. I do need to go through cruise clothes and see what still fits. This was the year for kids to go to their spouses family for Thanksgiving - one son will (perhaps), but it seems as if I am still having around 9 people here for dinner - now to find a Turkey - there have been no turkeys around here at the grocery stores or at Sam's Club. This year Christmas is my year to have all the kids - DH wants to do presents ... I would prefer to do games with the winner of each game to get a token gift and then have it about food and family with lots of laughter --- I find it difficult to come up with good gifts for the kids ... and it really has gotten to the point that they are all self sufficient. I have come up with 3-4 games and we will do the "pickle" present. Hope everyone is having a good week. Jan
  15. Jo - congrats on the small weight gain - sounds like it was a nice cruise. Ombud - sounds like you are doing ok!!! Belle - Today I rang the bell. It was a good day - I will probably go through testing in January to see how things are .... In the mean time I'm getting on with my life and am hoping that everything is now gone. I do need to get back to eating correctly and I know my a1c's are totally out of whack ... so really need to get back into eating correctly and losing weight. I'm so grateful for this group of people!!! Izena - thanks for starting the thread, sorry about the Halloween candy ... I know the feeling. (I do owe you an email - everything is ok!) Jan
  16. Izena - you are doing so well ... congratulations! Your cruise sounds great and interesting!! Its actually in the lower 60's here ... I finally weighed myself this morning lost the 0.6# I gained the last time, so I am now where I was the end of September. Would love to get down, but right now the energy is being used elsewhere. I have 7 more radiation treatments before I get to ring the bell. (I'm very excited) .... I'm tired and am looking forward to a whole day during the week where I can sleep in and relax. I am getting radiation burn and it itches and is very tender. Can't complain though, it could be worse The staff who are doing the radiation treatments are so very nice - I told them that they are all welcome at my house for Thanksgiving. (don't really think any will take me up on it). Hope everyone has a wonderful week. Jan
  17. Weighed myself today (after breakfast) and am up 0.6# from where I was two weeks ago. I'm really not eating much. Last Tuesday at the doctors (clothes on including shoes I was down about 4#) ... I'll try weighing myself correctly this weekend. Good luck to all. Jan (PS - Welcome KatieDub)
  18. We should all talk about our dishes!!!! Izena - how are things going for you?
  19. I have completed 19 treatments and I have 4 treatments this week, 5 next week and then 5 the week after. I'm ready for this to be over! I'm not having any pain in my arm or my chest. I do have a rash that is a little itchy .... no burning .... the Doctor keeps telling me that it will get worse, but I am just going to assume that it will be fine all the way through it. The most amazing part is that I think I could take my top off now in front of anyone ... that to me has been the hardest part. Someday, Belle, we will meet - that would be great! PS - I did all the dishes before dinner and now I have a new set, I usually try to do them all in the morning, but I seem to run out of time in the AM - Jan
  20. Haven't talked today as this has been a crazy day - had radiation this morning (it went well), then lunch out with DH ... I had soup and not much of it ... nothing seems to be very interesting. Met with my trainer this afternoon .... now home and almost time to make dinner, but first I need to do dishes. Jan
  21. Good Morning Belle - you are very cheerful today ... but, be looking forward to your newest cruise - I love Hawaii and so would like to go back, I have 7 cruises booked and really need to wait to book others, but I think Hawaii and Scandinavian should be on the list at a later date. Things are going well here the leaves are just about after peak season, but still beautiful - today it is going to be a lovely day ... lots of sun and no rain! Jan
  22. Good Morning Belle - Are you still on a cruise or back home? Either way hope everything is going well. I did not weigh myself this morning - maybe later. I Think my grandkids are coming over to go trick or treating and to give out candy --- they can take it home with them!!! Jan
  23. I did weigh myself over the weekend - first time in a month and I am up 0.6#. Could have been worse, right now it doesn't seem to be working to try to do much dieting right now. I just had radiation number 14 yesterday - only 19 more to go. It is going fine .... am looking forward to it being done. Jan
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